Hello SSP!

Well, hello there SSP! I just wanted to get a first diary up…I don’t have a ton to say, so I’ll just getout some quick bullet points (or just a list w/o bullet points, if i cant figure out the autoformatting).

1. Yay we won the house!!!!

2. AND THE SENATE!!!!!!!!!

3. I worked on the Jim Esch for Congress Campaign. We lost by 10 points, which was the closest margin for any DEM in NE in 12 years. We ran against a 4-term incumbent, and since we took NO PAC money ,we ran at a 3:1 money disadvantage. He will win in 2008, I am certain.

4. Rumor has it Russ is considering running for pres….I have wanted to work for him for a long time, starting when he lost 99-1 on that vote in October of ’01. Maybe I’ll send a resume and a cover letter…

Anyway, that is pretty much everything on my mind right now. I am getting on a plane in 15 hours, to take 11 days of well-earned vacation, and celebrate my birthday.

I love DKos, and hopefully this site (which seems to me to be like DKos, but for mostly elections only, not just politics in general) should be lots of fun. Plus, I have a sweet, extra low ID number, so maybe I will be famous here one day.  🙂