NC-05: Roy Carter Overtakes Virginia Foxx, Launches Heartbreaking New Ad

Here’s the new ad released today by Roy Carter’s campaign.  It takes on Virginia Foxx in a way that no challenger has ever dared, by hitting her where her support should be strongest: on her treatment of military families and veterans.

A new poll paid for by Jim Harrell (Representative Foxx’s challenger in the 2004 election) shows Roy Carter up by a single point in the mountain counties of Surry and Allegheny.  An August poll showed Foxx leading by 2 points after a midsummer PPP poll had her bowling her challenger over by ten.

Carter, for forty years a public high school teacher, is not currently being backed by the DCCC in the same way that fellow educator Larry Kissel is in NC-08.  

It appears that the Carter campaign has hit a nerve regardless.  Stay tuned…