Voters being purged.

“In swing-state Colorado, the Republican Secretary of State conducted the biggest purge of voters in history, dumping a fifth of all registrations.”

“In swing-state Florida, the state is refusing to accept about 85,000 new registrations from voter drives-”

“In swing state New Mexico, HALF of the Democrats of Mora, a dirt poor and overwhelmingly Hispanic county, found their registrations disappeared this year”

“So, for only the second time this year, I am asking each one of you to make a tax deductible donation to the non-profit, non-partisan Palast Investigative Fund.”…

Zogby polling?

I’ve notice that on many polling composites such as “Real Clear politics” they don’t use Zogby polls; I’ve also notice that in blogs like this one Zogby polls are never brought up or mentioned.

I visited Zogby yesterday and they have a bunch of recent polls. So I am curious, is there a problem with Zogby polling? Is Zogby for some reason totally unreliable?  

By what margin will Bob Shamansky win?

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Obama in Midwest

Recent rasmussen polls have shown Obama doing very well in three Midwest states, Montana, South and North Dakota. Obama leads in Montana by 5% is tied in North Dakota and is behind by 4% in South Dakota.

These are all states that went to Bush by more then 20% margins in 2004. I’m wondering how Obama is doing so well in those states, those states are not Democrat states, don’t have large Black or young populations. I’m a bit shocked that those three states are all competitive and might in fact go Democrat this year at the president level.…

By what margin will Bob Shamansky win?

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McCain/Bush/GOP Oil talking points owned.

The GOP and McCain are saying lying to us about how not leasing Federal land for oil drilling is keeping oil prices high. The facts however refute their utter bullshit.

The 68 million acres of leased but inactive federal land have the potential to produce an additional 4.8 million barrels of oil and 44.7 billion cubic feet of natural gas each day. This would nearly double total U.S. oil production, and increase natural gas production by 75 percent. It would also cut U.S. oil imports by more than one-third, reducing America’s dependency on foreign oil.

Removing the moratorium on off shore drilling or drilling in Alaska will do exactly nothing to lower gas prices.


McCain and the GOP don’t care if they give Federal land away and do nothing about gas prices, because they’ve been bought by Oil corporations. McCain has already received more than 500,000 from Big Oil. And the GOP gets 85% of all Big Oil money.…

The gas tax is yet another bullshit move. It is aimed to give the oil companies billions at the expense of the average American. The total profit of oil companies in 2007 was more than $150 billion, and McCain/the GOP thinks cutting 5 billion in taxes that fund our roads is going to help us; no they in fact know that it will harm us be destroying our infrastructure, but again they don’t care because Big Oil has bought them.

In Illinois they tried a tax holiday, and this was the exact result, gas prices didn’t decrease, but roads fell apart, and oil companies got richer.

Also if you hear brainwashed tools saying that China and Cuba are drilling for Oil on American soil or shores, remember those people are Oil tools and liars. Cuba and China are not drilling for Oil on our soil or shores.…