Here at Ryan for Kentucky, our campaign is gathering steam. We believe in the fight for Democratic vision and want to fight for our ideals in the Congress. With this in mind, Heather Ryan has addressed some new issues that are important to Kentucky, and our nation. She is ready to fight for working Americans against the special interests.
First, as stated before at Ryan for Kentucky we believe Alternative Energy is the future of Kentucky, and her surrounding states. We can use our rural areas to end our dependence on foreign oil. With research and innovation we can easily end up growing and refining the fuels of the future right here in Kentucky. Imagine the high-paying jobs that could be created here and the shut down factories that could be re-opened in this exciting new field!!
To make true progress in this field, we simply must defeat Exxon Ed Whitfield this fall. Whitfield sits on the Energy commission and has done nothing to stop soaring gas prices that pinch our families and take more and more of their savings. Of course, the fact that Ed Whitfield owns a lot of Exxon and Chevron stock means he will never lead the way towards making America Energy independent. He is actually profiting from keeping America beholden to foreign oil:
Chevron Corp $100,001 to $250,000
Exxon Mobil $100,001 to $250,000
Worse yet, Exxon Eddie votes his stock options against renewable energy despite the promise it holds for the citizens of Kentucky’s First District and indeed the nation:…
Yes, Exxon Ed Whitfield votes against economic incentives to increase renewable energy because he cannot bear the thought of his precious Exxon and Chevron stock being de-valued, despite the promise renewable energy holds for his constituents, and this nation.
Well, here at Ryan for Kentucky, we don’t own any stock in Big Oil. We own stock in the people of Kentucky’s First District and they are who we are beholden to. With that in mind, Heather Ryan believes that we simply must invest in researching the fuels of the future and the promise that they hold for our state and indeed the whole nation. Here is Heather’s newly released take on Renewable Energy:
We need to double the budget for the Dept. of Energy to research in renewable energy and increase efficiency. We should help businesses that are bringing new energy solutions to the marketplace at an accelerated pace. We should mandate the use of safe renewable energy sources that hold promise for Kentucky such as solar, wind and biomass and require them to produce 25% of our energy needs by the year 2025. We should require that Oil Companies make biofuels available at their pumps and that all new cars after 2010 be flex-fuel and be compatible with gasoline or biofuel. We must develop new ways to produce and use ethanol and cellulistic ethanol and offer incentives to new refineries for the fuels of the future. Last, we should make permanent the expiring tax credits for the production of renewable energy and repeal tax credits for dirty energy producers who have made record profits at the expense of the American citizen.
We simply cannot afford to ignore the promise of the fuels of the future any longer. While Exxon Ed Whitfield and his ilk are profiting handsomely from our dependence on foreign oil, the citizens of Kentucky and our nation are feeling the pinch of their profits. Heather Ryan will fight tooth and nail in the Congress to insure that the promise the fuels of the future hold for all of us is not cast aside any longer. With American ingenuity and investment we can become energy independent. It just calls for us to be patriotic about something besides war.
Our tax code is another area where Heather Ryan wants to fight for working Americans over the rich and powerful. The last eight years working Americans have watched in horror as they foot more and more of the tax bill, and the very wealthy have seen their taxes cut. It is past time we restored fairness to our tax code and gave middle and lower class families the tax relief they so desperately need. Here are Heather’s newly released ideas on doing just that:
We need to rewrite our tax code. Our tax code should be more simple and fair. We need to ensure that the tax code rewards American workers and not just the wealthy. To do this we should triple the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for single adults and cut the marriage penalty. We should also at least double the Child and Dependent Care Credit making it up to $2500 per child. Also, we need to restore a fair investment income tax rate so that the wealthy don’t pay less taxes on investments than workers pay on income. Additionally, we need to repeal the Bush tax credits for the rich which gives tax breaks to those who make over $200,000 a year. Finally, we need to close loopholes that allow the wealthy to pay just 15% of taxes on their huge incomes while American working families often pay twice as much.
As you can see, Heather shares our values of fairness and progress and would fight for us in the Congress. She would give Kentucky’s First District a Congresswoman they could be proud of. Since she is invested in the well-being of her constituents they would be her special interest group, not Big Oil.
We are determined to fight for the progress of all Americans, not just the wealthy few. Exxon Ed Whitfield has a million dollars of special interest money the status-quo has invested in him to make sure that he will continue to impede progress for all Americans and protect his stock options and the record profits of Big Oil reaped on the backs of hard working Americans. If we are to defeat Exxon Eddie and the powerful special interests he represents we simply must have your help. Lets show Exxon Eddie and his mentor, Mitch McConnell that they can no longer impede progress on the backs of working Americans. Please go here and make an investment in expanding our Congressional majorities and help out a grassroots Democrat that will fight tooth and nail to represent our interests in the Congress:…
We can and will defeat Exxon Eddie in the fall with your help. We have no primary and any support we recieve will be put to work immediately to defeat a sitting Republican Congressman.
Until next time, best wishes fellow Democrats!!