Two Great Ladies in Two First Districts

The First districts of Louisiana and Kentucky both have great Democratic women running to win their seats. Heather Ryan in Kentucky’s first, and Gilda Reed in Louisiana’s first are definately what our party need in Washington. They deserve the support of grassroots Democrats in the blogosphere. I just want to look at some of the reasons why.

First, from Gilda Reed, down in Louisiana:

“I am running for the U.S. House of Representatives in Louisiana’s 1st Congressional District to make a powerful difference in the quality of life for the working middle class and the poor, to put an end to the War in Iraq, bringing our troops home safely, and to work on environmental issues vital to the health and well being of all of our citizens.”

“I am a strong Louisiana Democrat and I embody hard-headed determination. Early on, I learned how to say what needs to be said, even when unpopular. We all need to get involved and put our District and our Nation back on the right track, for the benefit of our families and fellow citizens.”…

Sounds like to me this is one Democrat we need in the Congress. Sounds like to me she would bring strong ethics with her:

Ethics rather than corruption should be expected and demanded.  The great state of Louisiana has been looked down upon too long.  It is no longer acceptable for the nation to view us as corrupt.  I want better documented funding at all levels-local, state and federal.  Business as usual is over.

Fiscal responsibility demands that the U.S. pays as it goes.  We are deeply mired in debt and we need to pull out by not charging any more.  This does not mean cutting programs for the defenseless among us.  It means managing our funds in a more equitable way and denying the tax breaks to those most able to afford more.  I disagree with a federal flat tax.  People who earn more should be required to pay more according to a progressive rate system.

I find it an ethical violation for Congress members to vote for their own pay raise and  against a minimum wage increase for working Americans.  Congress members should also be required to pay for their own retirement plans like everyone else does.….

Hear Gilda in her own words here:…

Better yet, show her some love here:…

Then we have my home of the First District of Kentucky, and another outstanding lady, Heather Ryan. Catch the first installment of her video diary:

There will be more to come from Heather, as soon she will be online answering questions from the blogosphere. As a veteran, she has a strong opinion on Iraq, and the treatment of our troops:

As a veteran of the United States Navy, and an active member of the American Legion, my

dedication to the men and women in uniform is unyielding.  The current service member is

highly skilled, highly trained and highly ignored by this administration.  The American people

were duped into an ill-conceived war under false pretenses and the administration continues

to over utilize a national guard system which was never intended to be used for sustained

combat missions.  Congress must insist that an exit strategy be planned and implemented

immediately.  By the Bush Administration’s own account, the nation will be forced to

reinstate the draft system again should we continue to over-tax our National Guard with

sustained combat.  I am not a supporter of reinstating the draft for as history clearly shows

us, the draft is merely for those of us who are not wealthy enough to buy our way out of

active duty.  We must not allow this ill planned and ill executed war to continue to destroy the

brave men and women in our armed forces while simultaneously placing our nation at a

heightened risk with a limited national guard.…

She is facing Ed Whitfield of the powerful McConnell machine in Kentucky. She is the only Democrat that filed to challenge him. She will need our help to win.

With that in mind I started a fundraising page for her and am trying to raise $1500 for her online before the Kentucky primary she is unopposed in on May 20. Please consider helping me in that goal here:…

Lets support two great ladies in two races to expand our majorities!!!!!