Winning in Iraq

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I am a Democratic candidate for United States Congress in Nebraska’s Second Congressional District.

The United States’ position in Iraq is absolutely untenable. We cannot afford the cost of the war in dollars or lives. We cannot continue to risk our national defense and our future military readiness in the pursuit of George Bush’s delusions. We must bring our troops home and allow the Iraqi people to assume their own sovereignty.

This war costs $8 billion a month, roughly $187,000 every minute of every day. This war has cost us the lives of 3,943 American Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines, and over 28,000 more wounded. This war has immeasurably cost our government its credibility both on the world stage, and in the hearts and minds of the American people.

Our huge commitment in Iraq has ruined our ability to effectively manage other situations. Our military is no longer prepared to deal with potential threats, such as Iran and North Korea. More dangerously, our national defense is in a state of total disrepair. Much of our military equipment has been overused; additionally, a vast majporty of our National Guard units are unprepared for combat. Because of this, we are not even able to defend our borders or to adequately respond to natural disasters.

I am not in favor of timetables for withdrawal, which prolong the situation–we should simply leave as quickly and safely as possible. George Bush and his Republican allies in Congress have tried to convince the American people that this is tantamount to defeat. This is incredibly disrespectful to the men and women who put their lives on the line in Iraq every day.

Our brave men and women have accomplished every mission they were given. Saddam has been deposed. There are no weapons of mass destruction. The Iraqi people have a constitution and a democratically elected government. At this point, there are no more military solutions in Iraq, only political solutions. Once we send a strong message that our presence in Iraq is neither permanent nor unconditional, it becomes much more likely that Iraqi political leaders will take the steps necessary to resolve their country’s political and security crisis. Only when we stop subsidizing the religious and ethnic strife in Iraq will the Iraqis have an incentive to work together for their own security and prosperity. We should bring our troops home now.

Help our campaign build momentum. Donate today.

NE-02: Building momentum in Nebraska

Crossposted at

As I talked about yesterday, over 40,000 voters across Nebraska came out to our first Democratic Presidential Caucus. Thousands of new voters were attracted to the process, and it has breathed new life into the Nebraska Democratic Party. But it is time for us to do more. We can not let this incredible moment pass us by.

It is time to keep the momentum in Nebraska!

I ask you now to join us in that effort. Our goal is to bring in 50 new donors into this campaign. 50 people who want to stand for change not just in blue states or swing states, but red states as well. 50 people who want to build that new American majority and change the direction this country is headed.

It is time to bring our brave men and women home from Iraq. It is time to treat our veterans with the respect they deserve, and strengthen our military to deal with the threats of the 21st Century. It is time to invest in industry and infrastructure, and promote innovation to create high-paying jobs here – where they belong. It is time to make sure parents are able to provide affordable healthcare and a quality education for themselves and their children. But we can’t do that without momentum, and we certainly can not do that with you.

There are plenty of cynics who say we can not win. A Democrat in Nebraska, no way! But we want to prove them wrong. The people of Nebraska’s Second Congressional District are ready to stand for change. All we need? A little momentum.

Thank you for your support.


NE-02: Netroots, help Nebraska Democrats keep the momentum!

First of all, I want to say that this is my first post here, and I am excited to join this conversation as our campaign moves forward.

A few months ago, a well respected columnist from the Omaha World Herald declared the death of the Nebraska Democratic Party.

“The death knell is tolling for the Nebraska Democratic Party…The two-party system in Nebraska, in effect, has died.  If you aspire to high office, or even low office, you had better register with the GOP like almost everyone else.

Those were some pretty powerful words which could have brought even the most ardent Democrats into submission. Yet instead of giving up, Nebraska Democrats fought back.

On Saturday, over 40,000 voters came out to the first Nebraska Democratic Presidential Caucus. Nearly 20,000 voters came out in Douglas County and thousands more came out in Sarpy County, including myself. The most amazing part was the number of new voters attracted to the process. It was extraordinary to see people of every race, gender, age, and party affiliation come under the banner of the Democratic Party to help elect the next President of the United States. But we most work to build off the momentum the caucus has given us.

Saturday, in front of the voters who attended the Sarpy County Caucus I announced my candidacy for United States Congress in Nebraska’s Second Congressional District.

“With all of the problems that we face, it would have been easy for us to throw our hands up in disgust, to become cynical, to withdraw from the political process. But all of us here today have refused to do that. We know there is too much at stake for us to sit on the sidelines. It is time for a new generation of leadership to step forward-and actually lead. Therefore, I, Richard Carter, declare my candidacy for the United States Congress.”

Saturday was one of the most exciting days in the history of the Nebraska Democratic Party. Kudos to those who helped organized the caucuses, and a big thanks to those who participated. Now is a time to celebrate our success, but it is not the time to forget about what we must do. This cycle, Nebraska Democrats have an incredible chance to make some impressive strides. The challenges we face are far too great for us to not to be on our “A” game. Countless elections are ours to win if we work to prove that the Democratic Party is the party of Nebraska’s future. That work must start today, it must start now.

But first, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am a 30 year old U.S. Air Force Reserve Captain with active duty combat experience in both Iraq and Afghanistan. I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Texas A&M prior to being commissioned as an officer in the U.S. Air Force. I was assigned to Offutt Air Force Base some time after the September 11th attacks until my separation from active duty in September of 2007. In 2005 I was promoted to executive officer where my duties expanded to assisting in the supervision of 121 officers and airmen, as well as the operational responsibility for 12 combat aircrews. I continue to serve as an Electronic Warfare Officer in the Air Force Reserve. I have also earned a Masters in Economics from the University of Oklahoma and I am an instructor of Economics at Metro Community College.

This is the beginning of our campaign. A campaign that will challenge conventional Washington politics and push for the new generation of leadership Nebraskans crave. I believe my experience in the United States Air Force and my graduate work in economics have prepared me to serve the people of Nebraska’s Second District.

It is time to bring our brave men and women home from Iraq. It is time to treat our veterans with the respect they deserve, and strengthen our military to deal with the threats of the 21st Century. It is time to invest in industry and infrastructure, and promote innovation to create high-paying jobs here-where they belong. It is time to make sure parents are able to provide affordable healthcare and a quality education for themselves and their children. These problems will not be solved if we send the same Washington players back to Congress to play the same Washington games. It is time for change, not small change, not change as a slogan, but real substantial change that will help Americans deal with real problems.

I ask you now to join us in that effort. Find out how to get involved in our campaign. If you can spare it, please donate and help push our campaign to victory. Americans all across the country are clamoring for change. Saturday, thousands of voters stood up for change. Nebraska, our time is now. But only if we get involved.

Thank you for your early support, and I look forward to working with you with you all in the future.

P.S. Young Democrats in the area can join me for a Pizza and Policy Discussion on Feb. 24th, 2008. Click here for specifics.