Show Shadegg the Door in 2008

Democrat Bob Lord has drawn national attention by challenging Republican incumbent John Shadegg in Arizona CD-3 and beating the second-term Congressman at fundraising in the first quarter by an amazing amount. Now that the Lord campaign has captured the attention and support of Democrats nationally, it’s critical that this momentum continue if Lord is to defeat an incumbent Republican.

A group of large donors have agreed to match, dollar-for-dollar, every dollar that the Lord campaign raises in the next week up to $10,000. If they can raise $10,000 from the public at large, the effect will be to raise $20,000 for the campaign.

Please visit Bob Lord’s website and contribute what you can.

A 2nd strong quarter of fundraising will demonstrate that this campaign is for real and that Democrats have a realistic chance at picking up another seat in the Arizona Congressional delegation.  Last election Democrats picked up two seats from Republicans with Harry Mitchell defeating Republican incumbent J.D. Hayworth and Gabby Giffords winning the seat vacated by Republican John Kolbe.  Let’s turn Arizona blue! 

Let’s get the word out on the internet, on talk radio, and by word of mouth, and we’ll be on our way to winning this race.  At very least, we’ll force the Republicans to spend money defending what, up until now, they had regarded as a safe seat.  Shadegg is low on money now because he gave away the money he raised last election to other Republicans because he did not face a strong well-funded challenger.  This time will be different!

The breakdown of CD-3 by voter registration is 45 percent Republican; 30 percent, Democratic; and 25 percent, independent, but it is winnable by a Democrat with strong crossover appeal like Bob Lord.

This congressional district is actually quite politically moderate; not only are one quarter of voters registered independents, but Democratic candidates like Governor Janet Napolitano and Attorney General Terry Goddard have carried this district in recent years.  With your help, Bob Lord can win in CD-3 too!