Breaking NY-1 Count over Bishop leads by 235

Bishop spox, Jon Schneider says counting over, Bishop leads by 235 in #ny01 “We are very confident that Tim Bishop has won this election,” says Schneider.

There is still the matter of nearly 2000 challenged ballots, but the last count had Altschuler challenging close to 350 more than Bishop, so Bishop figures to expand his lead as those are disposed.

It will be interesting to see if Altschuler demands a full hand recount. On election night when it appeared that Bishop was well ahead, Altschuler wanted one, but his position changed quickly after a recanvass put him ahead, so now, I guess it’s likely to change again.

And on the matter of a hand recount a just completed hand recount audit of 3% of election districts found no errors at all; making it more difficult for a full hand recount being granted.