Joe Garcia: Stop the demagoguery about Cuba

In a new ad called “Decades”, Joe Garcia, chair of the Miami-Dade Democratic Party, and the New Democrat Network calls on Republicans to stop the demagoguery on Cuba and act responsibly.

Watch the Ad

If you're not able to listen, the ad shows a man washing his car and listening to hardline Cuban-American talk radio. At the beginning of the ad, we are in 1962. Then it changes to 1979 and finally ends in 2004, with new times and the same man washing his car, but still the same demagoguery from Republicans on the radio.

Enter Joe Garcia: “Enough is enough. There comes a time when we have to act responsibly. I've taken a stand. Will you?”

I think the ad is great. It gets the message across very strongly and it doesn’t just hit only at the Cuba issue, but also at the whole philosophy of today’s Republican Party.

We’ve heard hardline rhetoric and demagoguery for decades coming from Republicans. Like on so many other issues, the Republican message is designed to divide and scare voters. It’s crafted to fear-monger us and bring about hate. These are the tactics of old and we hear them year after year and yet Republicans bring about no change. This is the same message they bring to the table on Iraq and terrorism. It’s the same message they have used on immigration reform to arise hate against Hispanics. Republicans will use any tactic necessary to divide the nation, truthful or not, just to win elections. This is the politics of old and it needs to stop.

We need real action taken to deal with the situation about Cuba and many other issues.. We need to stand up together and “act responsibly,” as Joe Garcia says in ad. There is one South Florida, not the two South Floridas and two Americas the Republicans would like us to have.

The ad is great at playing at that dynamic. The Republican Party has no loyalty to Hispanics. While they try to scare some voters on the issue of Cuba, at the same time they use hate rhetoric against Hispanic immigrants to win elections in the rest of the country. Who wants to be a part of that party?

So now we’re starting to see stories like this one, which came from yesterday’s Miami Herald.

Hispanics are returning to the Democratic Party after several years of drifting toward the Republicans, with many saying Bush administration policies have been harmful to their community, a poll showed Thursday.

By 57 percent to 23 percent, more Hispanic registered voters say they favor Democrats than Republicans, according to a survey by the nonpartisan Pew Hispanic Center.

That 34-percentage-point Democratic edge — which includes people who said they lean toward either party — has grown since July 2006, when a Pew poll measured a 21-point difference. Then, 49 percent of registered Hispanic voters said they favored Democrats and 28 percent chose Republicans.

And many Cuban-Americans were already leaving the Republican Party in masses.

Hispanic voters in Miami-Dade County, regarded for years as a solidly Republican catch for statewide and national candidates stumping in Florida, are increasingly becoming free agents.

Less than half of the county’s Hispanic voters are registered Republicans, down from 59 percent less than a decade ago, The Miami Herald found. Like newer voters elsewhere in the state and the nation, more Hispanic voters are rebuffing political parties: One out of four in Miami-Dade are registered as nonpartisan. In Broward County, one in three Hispanic registered voters are unaffiliated with either party.

“It’s a trend that I’ve seen happening, and obviously it concerns me,” said Jose “Pepe” Riesco, vice chairman of the Miami-Dade Republican Party. “It’s a problem we can’t run away from.”

Cuban-Americans, like many Hispanics, are running away from the party of hate. Being the party of demagoguery has its disadvantages.

Now we need to use this situation to offer a new direction to voters. Joe Garcia and the New Democrat Network is doing that with this ad.

However, we also need strong candidates in South Florida, which is why the Draft Joe Garcia movement for the 25th district in South Florida has been launched. If you are not familiar with the area, the current representative is Bush rubberstamp Mario Diaz-Balart. We need someone who is going to stand up to the Republican hate machine and end the politics of Diaz-Balart. This is why we need to get Joe in the race. Views of Cuban-Americans are changing and so now is the time we can win. At the same time, we also want a better kind of Democrat in the race who will stand up for progressive values. Joe is that guy.

The main goals right now are to spread the word of this movement, build the Florida netroots, and of course build grassroots support for a run against Mario Diaz-Balart. Please Sign the Petition to get Joe in the race and also please contribute $5.00 and help us achieve our goal of 100 contributions. If enough of us ask, I know we can get him in!

Draft Joe Garcia

NE-Sen: Draft Scott Kleeb for U.S. Senate Welcomes Tony Raimondo to the Democratic Party

The following press release was sent to local media Friday morning:


OMAHA – Draft Kleeb would like to welcome the newest member of the Democratic Party in Nebraska, Columbus Industrialist Tony Raimondo, with congratulations and open arms.

“The Democratic Party is the party of the people and must welcome all those disenfranchised by the GOP,” said editor Mike Nellis.  “I congratulate Tony for seeing the light so quickly after ending his bid for the Republican Senate nomination.  We can only hope that the Nebraska Democratic Party will spend as much time recruiting other disenfranchised Republicans as they did Mr. Raimondo.”

Draft Kleeb has also seen its fair share of good news this week.  Scott Kleeb released a video on his website (can be seen here) challenging voters to make the Senate race their own, and PLEDGE for KLEEB numbers have reached outstanding levels.  (78 people have pledged 1,782 hours or 222 working days, and over $18,000)

Those pledged include: Nebraska Young Democrats President, Kyle Michaelis; Phelps County Democratic Party Chair, Brian Osborn; lead blogger, Ryan Anderson; Executive Director of Panhandle Community Services, Janice Fitts; and Adjunct Instructor at Metro Community College, Joe Cunningham.

“It’s time to take a stand against conventional insider politics.  The Nebraska Republican Party, lead by Senate candidate Mike Johanns, has forgotten that democracy is a test of leadership, not a show of power.  We urge disenfranchised Republicans like Tony Raimondo to take a stand against this kind of politics by stepping forward to PLEDGE for KLEEB.”

Draft Kleeb is an independent organization hoping to convince Scott Kleeb to run for Senate in Nebraska.   It is not authorized by Scott Kleeb, his campaign, any campaign committee, or any political party.

It’s time we take control of our party.  It’s time we make this campaign ours.  We have a chance to do that in 2008 — let’s not pass that up!  You never know when it will happen again.

So what are you waiting for?  PLEDGE for KLEEB and make this campaign yours!

KY-Sen: Luallen Out, Horne Likely In

State Auditor Crit Luallen has made her final decision — she won’t challenge Mitch McConnell next year:

Luallen, who won a fresh four-year term as state auditor last month, had emerged as the favorite of several prominent Kentucky and national Democrats to challenge McConnell following the party’s strong showing last month when Democrat Steve Beshear routed Republican Gov. Ernie Fletcher.

But Luallen said in a statement Friday that “I have no plans to enter the race.”

“I have just been re-elected as state auditor and look forward to continuing to serve the citizens of Kentucky in that capacity,” she said.

It looks like Louisville attorney and Iraq vet Andrew Horne is gearing up to take her place:

Horne said Friday he planned to make a final decision soon but added, “I am a likely candidate.”

He said he put “some things on hold” while Luallen considered the race. “But obviously I’m going to turn things up again and start moving toward” his own run, he told The Associated Press in a phone interview.

Horne has some connections from his advocacy work with, but it will be a tough climb for him to build the fundraising network he needs to counter Mitch McConnell’s $10 million (and counting) war chest.  On the other hand, should Horne make some noise here, I wouldn’t be surprised if money from all kinds of national sources would flow into his coffers.

Still, the loss of Luallen as a candidate is a setback here.

UPDATE: The Bluegrass Report reports that national Democrats are turning their attention to ’04 Senate candidate and current Lt. Governor-elect Dan Mongiardo.  If he bites, this would be a surprise.

KY-Sen: Luallen and Stumbo Unlikely to Challenge McConnell

Tough news for those of us hoping that Democrats would field a top-tier challenge to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell:

Two high-profile Democratic officials who had considered taking on U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell next year are signalling that they’re less likely to take the plunge after all.

State Auditor Crit Luallen, in addition to losing key advisers to incoming Gov. Steve Beshear’s administration, has told party leaders in Washington that she’s decided against running, and that word has filtered back to Kentucky.

And outgoing Attorney General Greg Stumbo, who started an exploratory committee to consider the race, is saying that he’s now looking at getting his old job back as state representative from Floyd County.

“I represented that district for over 20 years and still live there. They have a representative up there now who is doing a good job,” he told the Herald-Leader this week. “But I love the state House. It’s an option.”

He would have to win the seat back first through a primary against freshman state Rep. Brandon Spencer, D-Prestonsburg, who has said he plans to run for a second term.

Stumbo hasn’t officially ruled out the U.S. Senate. He said he plans to “talk to some folks in Washington” before announcing his decision after Beshear’s Dec. 11 inauguration.

Who else do we have on tap?  Andrew Horne, who lost the 2006 KY-03 Democratic primary, is still thinking about it:

Should Luallen and Stumbo both officially bow out in the coming weeks, that will shift the party’s attention to Andrew Horne, a Louisville lawyer and Iraq war veteran who ran second in the 2006 Democratic primary for Congress in Louisville.

Horne said yesterday that he told Luallen that he wouldn’t run for U.S. Senate if she did, but is now “starting to gear up again” for a bid of his own. “It appears that Crit is not going to do it, but I haven’t heard it first-hand from her,” he said. “There was kind of this informal deadline earlier this week.”

Democrats may turn their hopes to a wealthy self-funder — there have been a few names tossed around of this sort in recent months, but if Luallen backs out, it’s clearly a blow to Democratic hopes.

OH-05: DCCC Drops More Cash

The DCCC just filed the following independent expenditure reports with the FEC:


  1. Supports Candidate: Robin Weirauch (H4OH05035)

       Office Sought: House of Representatives, Ohio District 05

       Payee: Great American Media

       Date Expended = 12/06/2007      Amount Expended = $16584.63

       Purpose: Media Buy

  2. Opposes Candidate: Robert Latta (H8OH05036)

       Office Sought: House of Representatives, Ohio District 05

       Payee: Great American Media

       Date Expended = 12/06/2007      Amount Expended = $16584.62

       Purpose: Media Buy

  3. Supports Candidate: Robin Weirauch (H4OH05035)

       Office Sought: House of Representatives, Ohio District 05

       Payee: Mack Crounse Group LLC

       Date Expended = 12/05/2007      Amount Expended = $9695.62

       Purpose: Mail Services

  4. Opposes Candidate: Robert Latta (H8OH05036)

       Office Sought: House of Representatives, Ohio District 05

       Payee: Mack Crounse Group LLC

       Date Expended = 12/05/2007      Amount Expended = $9695.62

       Purpose: Mail Services

  5. Opposes Candidate: Robert Latta (H8OH05036)

       Office Sought: House of Representatives, Ohio District 05

       Payee: Mack Crounse Group LLC

       Date Expended = 12/06/2007      Amount Expended = $9969.05

       Purpose: Mail Services

  6. Supports Candidate: Robin Weirauch (H4OH05035)

       Office Sought: House of Representatives, Ohio District 05

       Payee: McMahon Squier Lapp and Associates Inc.

       Date Expended = 12/06/2007      Amount Expended = $4250.00

       Purpose: Media Production

  7. Opposes Candidate: Robert Latta (H8OH05036)

       Office Sought: House of Representatives, Ohio District 05

       Payee: McMahon Squier Lapp and Associates Inc.

       Date Expended = 12/06/2007      Amount Expended = $4250.00

       Purpose: Media Production

Let’s tally this up: that’s $33,000 for two commercials, another $30,000 on mailers, and $8500 to produce the new ads.  A pretty modest list of expenditures, to be sure.  Is that it?  There’s always a chance that more filings will come in later in the evening.  We’ll keep an eye out.

The grand total that the DCCC has spent on this race?  $243,748.14

UPDATE (10PM): Nothing new to report, but since these expenditures can be reported up to 24 hours after the fact, it’s possible that we could see more numbers tomorrow.  Or this could be it.

TX-Sen: John Cornyn Fares Poorly in Statewide Poll

I’d like to announce some really great (and even surprising) poll results regarding the Texas Senate race here in Texas. The following poll was conducted a couple weeks ago by Lake Research, a highly regarded polling firm. Analysis of each major point will be below the section.

The survey was conducted among 500 registered voters in Texas who are likely to vote in the 2008 General Election.  The survey was conducted November 13-18, 2007. The margin of error for the full sample is +/- 4.4 percentage points.

1. Opinion of John Cornyn

40% favorable

22% unfavorable

24% no opinion

14% never heard of him

Cornyn has been a statewide elected official since 1990- he’s been a Supreme Court Justice, Attorney General, and Senator. Given all that, only 62% of Texans know enough of Cornyn to have an opinion of him. That’s pretty shocking but verifies the rumors I heard earlier this year from other polls that said about a 1/3 of the state has no idea who he is. So even though Rick Noriega, like most Texas Democrats, is not well known by the general electorate yet, Sen. Cornyn does not enjoy as large of an name ID advantage as we might think.  

2. Job Approval of John Cornyn

36% favorable

41% unfavorable

23% no opinion

Cornyn continues to maintain a net negative job approval rating in stark contrast to Texas’ other Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison who fares over 20% points better. While 1/4th of voters don’t know enough to have an opinion, those who do clearly aren’t happy with what they see. Cornyn’s base of support is weak and there is a large pool of voters who seek change.

3. Re-Elect of John Cornyn

31% vote to re-elect

16% vote to replace

53% consider someone else

Texas voters are very open to replacing Cornyn as 69% want to replace or will consider replacing him. Having a 31% re-elect number is awful for Cornyn and is probably one of the most concerning results for him in this poll.

4. Approval of Bush in Texas

20% very favorable

22% favorable

16% unfavorable

37% very unfavorable

The President has lost the support of his home state with a 53% unfavorable rating to 42% favorable among Texans. Talk about a turnaround. Bush is the personification of the Texas Republican Party. If voters are rejecting him, including 37% who deeply disapprove, the Democratic nominee can count on a larger and more passionate partisan base vote in 2008. Cornyn’s continued attempts to tie himself to the President will only serve to drag him down.

5. Country Right/Wrong Track

62% Country on off on the wrong track

28% Country heading in right direction

Wow. Those numbers indicate that Texans think that the country has not only gone off in a wrong direction, but that’s it’s jumped clearly off the tracks.  Cornyn’s claims that we need to stay the course in Iraq, stay the course on tax cuts causing a ballooning deficit, and stay the course on a health care system that is broken are so out of touch the only course he’ll be staying on is a golf course after we retire him from office in 2008.  

OH-05: GOP Infighting Continues?

Ohio Daily Blog has the scoop: apparently, supporters of state Sen. Steve Buehrer (the man who narrowly lost a noisy and contentious primary against Bob Latta last month) are passing out handbills asking Republicans to stay home instead of voting for Latta.

To see a copy of the pamphlet, which hits Latta for his tax-hiking record, click here.

UPDATE: Looks like this one was probably a fake.  ODB has removed the post.

VA-02: Sheriff Eyes Run Against Drake

Will a challenger emerge to take on Rep. Thelma Drake (R-VA) next year?  According to the Virginian-Pilot, Norfolk sheriff Bob McCabe, a former Republican, is considering a run after being approached by some local Democrats:

Sheriff Bob McCabe said he may challenge U.S. Rep. Thelma Drake in November.

“There are some Democratic leaders who are encouraging me to run,” McCabe said Wednesday. “It wasn’t on my radar screen six or seven weeks ago, but I’ve been overwhelmed by the support I’ve received from grass-roots people and friends in Richmond and Washington.”

McCabe, 49, is a Navy veteran and former Norfolk police officer who was elected sheriff 15 years ago. He was elected as a Republican, with Drake’s support, and still has photographs of GOP stalwarts Oliver North and George Allen in his office at the City Jail.

However, he left the GOP several years ago, saying elements of the party had become too extreme. He later joined the Democratic Party.

VA-02 is an R+5.9 district that Bush carried by 12 and 16 point margins in 2000 and 2004, respectively, but the DCCC still wants to target this seat, despite top-tier candidate Phil Kellam’s narrow loss in 2006.  At the statewide level, Dems have been competitive here: Webb lost by three points in 2006, but Tim Kaine won it by the same margin in 2005.

Another potential candidate is Jody Wagner, the state secretary of finance and a strong fundraiser, who lost a previous attempt at the seat by 4% when it was open in 2000.  We’ll see how this shakes out.  If I were McCabe, I might think about taking down those pictures, though…

(H/T: Raising Kaine)