Nebraska Rep. Lee Terry continues to use Illegal Immigration to deny children health care

Here we go again!

My only question is when will Congressman Terry run out of excuses to vote against this bill.  It’s one excuse after another:

From the Omaha World Herald Monday:

“Once again, illegal immigration is helping tie Congress in knots.

The subject has been injected into some seemingly unlikely discussions this year, including debate over a new farm bill.Now it has become a major hang-up delaying renewal of the popular State Children’s Health Insurance Program, which Republicans and Democrats alike largely support

Many Republicans who support Bush’s threatened veto…say the renewal legislation would give health benefits to illegal immigrants…the bill’s defenders disagree…

Against that backdrop, federal officials say they have no idea whether illegal immigrants have used the 10-year-old program because it hasn’t required proof of citizenship.At the same time, they say they have no anecdotal reports that participation by illegal immigrants is a problem.

That has prompted some Democrats and children’s advocates to accuse the bill’s Republican foes of using the immigration issue as political cover.

They contend that without playing the immigration card, it’s hard for GOP congressmen to side with Bush and oppose a kids’ health care bill…

“I feel they are sounding an alarm when I have yet to see any evidence there are a significant number of undocumented immigrants obtaining benefits,” said Tiffany Siebert of Voices for Children in Nebraska.”

So with no reports of wide spread use by illegal immigrants our own Congressman is making much ago about nothing.  (again!)

As quoted in the story:

…Terry said the bill would have led to “taxpayer-funded health care to illegal immigrants.”

He is running out of reasons to be against what is an effective, affordable, and popular piece of legislation that will help millions of children in this country.

First it was that this bill would give Healthcare to people as old as 25 years old.  Which was debunked because the provision is for full time college students not everybody.

That was lie #1!

Then it was that those who make $80,000 a year will get coverage under this bill which was a flat out distortion of the truth.  The real issue was that the state of New York requested to have funds to cover that level do to cost of living with in the state.  It was denied and the state government is planning on covering the fees itself.

That was lie #2!

This next one wasn’t a lie, but an over reaction on Congressman Terry’s part.  His claim was that the bill would take kids who would already have insurance and put them on SCHIP.  True, but it is inevitable part of any program such as SCHIP.  But as countless experts will tell you, the amount of kids that wouldn’t have coverage regardless is worth the few what would.

That was over reaction #1!

Now we find ourselves listening to the boy Congressman who can not figure out a reason to be against his bill.  I guess that’s what happens when you are an out of touch, and pampered by my tax dollars.  (which pay for the healthcare you deny to so many children)

As the article notes, there is no reason to believe that illegal immigration is a major issue with the SCHIP legislation.  They are making something out of nothing.

Republican Senator Chuck Grassley put it best:

“There’s absolutely nothing in this bill that would make coverage more easily available for illegal immigrants,” Grassley said. “Those who say otherwise believe what they want to believe, not the facts.”