Heather Ryan Comes Out Swinging

We may be engaged in an uphill fight here in Kentucky’s First Congressional District, but hey, we ARE fighting!! It appears that our opponent, Ed Whitfield realizes he has a battle in front of him. He knows Democrats here have no stomach for conceding this district yet again. His actions are showing, he may very well be feeling the heat!!

Shortly after this speech:

Exxon Eddie started releasing statements about all the good he is doing for the Citizens of this district. He even got a website:


Go there if you need a good laugh.

Yes, Exxon Eddie has been trying to clean up his record of rubber-stamping every failed policy thought of in the distorted world of George W. Bush. Here at Ryan for Kentucky, we live with the consequences of Ed Whitfield as our Representative for far to long to buy it. Our leader, Heather Ryan sure doesn’t. She recently released this statement, ripping Whitfield for his failed leadership for the people of this district:

As of late, Republican Congressman Ed Whitfield’s staff has felt the need to press release every action that the “Absentee Representative” makes.

Within the past 48 hours, they expressed his desire to cowtow to the Bush Administration by cutting funding for farm subsidy programs, which include Food Stamp benefits for the poor, and just a few hours later, released Mr. Whitfield’s support of legislation that would allow a credit for the cost of gasoline when we file taxes in 2009.

Being a mother, I tend to be a “giver”, so certainly, I am happy to assist Mr. Whitfield with his apparent need to connect to middle class. Putting food on the table, the ability to get to and from work and buying the prescriptions for which our families rely are all top priorities for average folk, like us.

These are all pressing issues that must be addressed NOW, not next year when Mr. Whitfield proposes we should receive a “rebate” on the price of gas, assuming we all save our $4.00 a gallon receipts from Exxon. Of course, he does not know from where the money for said rebate will materialize and I have yet to read about what he plans to do about the rising cost of everything else, including food, clothing, airline tickets and the like as a result of the soaring price of gas.

Perhaps Mr. Whitfield might entertain a “Windfall Profits” tax on oil companies such as Exxon and Mobile during this time of their blatant war profiteering?

But then again, Exxon and Mobile are but a few major donors to his re-election campaign and he owns in the arena of $250,000 in Exxon stock alone. It does not financially benefit him or his “friends” to impose a tax on the companies who have waged an all out assault on the poor and middle class, so don’t expect a windfall tax on the horizon as long as Whitfield is at the helm.

When an elitist Republican proposes that we should strip funding for crumbling infrastructure as a solution to Middle Class pain, we should be incensed and insulted. I hope the voters remember this pandering to the oil companies on November 4th,

I couldn’t agree with her more, and I am proud to have this young lady running for Congress in my district. She is just the sort of Democrat we need in the House, she is proud of our ideals and not afraid to run on and fight for them. If we get the resources to get her message out there, we win and expand our Congressional majorities. Better yet, we do it with a grassroots “fighting Democrat” who is beholden to us, and noone else.

Here she is talking about the promise of Renewable Energy:

Now, we have already been able to raise some funds. However, we are facing an opponent with a cool mil in Special Interest money in the bank to run on. If we can come up with just a fraction of that we win, it just takes getting the sorry record of Whitfield out to the citizens of our district and introducing them to Heather.

With that in mind I started AmericansforRyan to raise $1500 for Heather by May 20, Kentucky’s primary. Now, she is unopposed in that primary, but I want her to have funds to hit the ground running early in the General, as that could be key to victory. I am over halfway to my goal, and have decided to up the ante. I will take the names of everyone that donates between now and May 20 on my page, and put them in a drawing. To the winning name I will send these two pinback buttons from the 1960 campaign of JFK:


Help us make history, and have a chance to own a piece of Democratic history!!

Go here to make a donation and enter:


Heather Ryan Speaks on the Campaign Trail

Here at Ryan for Kentucky we have a great candidate who understands we need fundamental change in this district, state and indeed our country. Unlike her opponent, Exxon Ed Whitfield, she is not beholden to the corporate interests that impede progress in this country. She is beholden to her neighbors, who are falling further and further behind due to stagnant wages and the inflation of necessary goods and services due to the record profits of Big Oil. Profits Exxon Eddie is invested in.

We can never depend on people that actually profit from the status-quo to bring about change in this country. We not only need to expand our Congressional majorities, we need to do it with new and better Democrats who won’t forget where they came from, and will fight for us in Washington D.C.

Heather Ryan is just such a Democrat. She knows the problems the disasterous policies of the last seven years have caused everyday working Americans because she lives and works among us. Lets catch up with her on the campaign trail:

I think Heather should keep nailing it home about high gas prices. While Americans fall further behind, gas prices continue to skyrocket along with the corporate profits of Exxon and Chevron, which Exxon Ed Whitfield is invested in. Worse than being merely invested in them, Exxon Eddie has fought for tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer funded corporate welfare for them. We definately need change.

Which brings us to the next subject. Renewable Energy holds much promise for our country, and especially our state. We need to invest in this promising new field, instead of pumping more money into corporations that break our backs with their corporate welfare, while recording record profits.

Heather has different ideas. She wants Kentucky to lead the way in ending our dependence on foriegn oil. She wants to invest in an exciting new industry, an industry where the benefits will be felt by all, not just the Big Oil corporate CEOs. Here is what Heather has to say about renewable energy:

Heather Ryan is young, smart, and energetic. She shares our values and goals, and has been all over this huge district trying to get our message of hope for this district, state, and indeed our nation out. She is the kind of Democrat we can be proud of when elected, as she will fight for us and not sell out her beliefs.

This campaign is picking up serious steam. Everywhere in this district that the 63% of registered Democrats see her, she is picking up new support every day. If you want to see how Democrats react to her when they see and here her for the first time, just watch this speech in front of 3000+ Democrats, most of whom were seeing Heather for the first time:

From what I heard from the people who attended this speech, only Heather and Sen. Clinton recieved standing ovations at this event.

It is plain to me that if we get our message out to our district, we can’t lose. Heather fires up Democrats wherever she appears because they believe in the message she brings. We need your help to keep this campaign going, and gaining momentum as it is now. Please go to this page and support fellow grassroots Democrats who are trying to enact change from the ground up, and expand our Congressional majorities with a Democrat we can be proud of, who will fight for what we believe in:


No matter who you support in the Presidential, we should all be trying to fight for our country from the ground up.

We need Heather Ryan in the Congress!!!

Best wishes fellow Democrats!!

Ryan for Kentucky: Your Support at Work

I have been blogging for Heather Ryan, and been a proud member of Ryan for Kentucky for a little over a month now. I have started my own ActBlue page in support of Heather, and asked my fellow Democrats around the country to contribute to Americans for Ryan. Well, many of you have responded, and I am very grateful. I have said that your contribution will be put to work immediately to defeat a sitting incumbent Republican and expand our Congressional majorities.

Well, the good news is the fruits of our labor are paying off!! Because of our netroots support, and support from all over the district we have been able to get a head start during primary season, a primary Heather is unopposed in, and have been able to get Heather’s name out there right now!! A quick drive around my hometown of Paducah lets me see just how valuable your support is, and it also shows me how Ryan for Kentucky is catching on with my neighbors here in Paducah. So, without delay I want to share with you the fruits of our labor!!! Driving around Paducah today, I saw a Ryan for Kentucky prescense!!:



MOre sign


Sign IV




Sign II

This is just the start!! Democrats in Kentucky’s First District have a candidate they can be proud of!! Heather Ryan is young, smart, and ready to fight for our ideals!! They know that she will fight for the working American even harder than Exxon Eddie fights for billions of dollars in taxpayer funded corporate welfare:

The Budget Reconciliation Bill, signed by President Bush and passed by Congress, cut future spending for Medicare, Medicaid, Student Loans and even free and reduced lunches for poor children; all while giving a $2.3 Billion tax break to Oil Companies and affording a $5.7 billion slush fund to Pharmaceutical Companies (both of which Representative Ed Whitfield has personal financial investments and large campaign contributions).  Corporate welfare for profitable companies who donate heavily to Congressmen is corrupt and scandalous.  I will

work diligently against the culture of corruption which permeates the political system.


Yes, the citizens of Kentucky’s First District are waking up to the fact that Exxon Ed Whitfield will never lead in trying to bring about the changes we need. This is because not only has he taken tens of thousands in special interest money, but because he is actually invested in and profiting from the policies that impeed progress. Yes, Exxon Eddie will keep doling out welfare to Corporate America, because he is invested in them, not the workers of Kentucky.

We need a REAL Representative in Kentucky’s First District. We need a Representative that understands our citizens because she lives and works among them. We need a Representative that is invested in the working men and women of this district and indeed the whole country, not Exxon, Chevron and the Big Drug companies. We need Heather Ryan for Kentucky!!

Thanks so much for making this all happen. We are so proud of our grassroots support both within and without the district. Heather is very good at making every penney count as you can see.

Our race is just getting started. If we get the resources we need, we WILL defeat Exxon Ed Whitfield this fall and return this seat to where it was for generations, Democratic hands. To do this we need your continued support!! Please consider supporting me in my attempt to raise $1500 for Heather by May 20. As you can see, your money IS going to work IMMEDIATELY to expand our Congressional majorities. Please support the continuation of our work here:


To those of you who have already supported Americans for Ryan, you have my humble thanks. Together, we WILL make a difference in this race and our Congress!!!

Best wishes fellow Democrats!!

Heather Ryan Takes Exxon Eddie to Task Over Iraq

Here in Kentucky’s First District, during the failed do-nothing 109th Congress and well before, Exxon Ed Whitfield served as a loving rubber-stamp to every failed policy of Mitch McConnell and George W. Bush. In Iraq, these three managed to send our troops into the wrong country on the wrong mission. Worse than that, they showed the ultimate in disrespect to our troops by sending them there without proper training, planning, and most important for the welfare of our troops, equipment.  

Now it seems that Exxon Eddie is praising the failed efforts of himself, and his mentors Mitch McConnell and George W. Bush. From Ryan for Kentucky:

Paducah, KY – April 11, 2008 – Representative Ed Whitfield chose April 10th, 2008, just after General Petraeus was grilled by the Senate Armed Services Committee, as a convenient opportunity to remember Kentucky’s men and women in the military.  He expressed his disapproval of any withdrawal plan to bring our troops home from the ill-conceived war in Iraq by repeating the administration’s talking point that “gains brought on as a result of the surge can just as easily be lost should Congress fail to give our commanders and troops the authority and tools they need to complete their mission”.  Indeed, this Bush administration tag line is a strange “concern”, as our troops were never given the “tools necessary to complete their mission”.


Luckily for our troops, not everyone running for this office is too good to meet them personally and hear their concerns. I would like to share a story from our troops told to Heather on the campaign trail:

While on the campaign trail, I spoke with an Army Veteran who shared a story which exemplifies that our troops have been ill equipped from day one.  Last summer this Army Veteran and his friends stopped at a gas station in Cadiz, KY on his way home from the Fancy Farm Political Picnic.  There they met a woman and her husband, a 101st Airborne soldier from Ft. Campbell, KY. This soldier’s unit was preparing for their third deployment to Iraq while the soldier was leaving for his first tour.  The veteran wished him luck and out of genuine concern, asked him if he and his fellow soldiers had all the equipment they needed to fight.  The soldier laughed and said that that very morning his company had visited a civilian junkyard in order to scavenge donated scrap metal to weld to their Humvees.  The 101st Airborne, an aggressive front-line unit on their third deployment, did not have enough uparmored vehicles to help their troops survive IED attacks.  Remember, this was at a time when Congress was essentially giving the administration blank checks to prosecute the war.  This is just one instance of the lack of respect that Mr. Whitfield and the Bush administration have for the safety of our troops in combat.  These two entities are lock step in acknowledging armed service members when it is convenient to their agendas, but tend to forget their needs while in combat and after their service.

It is disgraceful that Whitfield, Bush, and McConnell are more than willing to stand in front of our troops for a photo-op while they deliver their empty talking points on Iraq, and respecting our troops. Unfortunately the truth they won’t admit is from day 1 this Administration, rubber-stamped by Whitfield and McConnell have disrespected our troops in every way possible. Whether or not you believe in the mission in Iraq, the fact of the matter is these men sent our troops into this country without the training, equipment and planning to do their jobs. While our troops have performed wonderfully, their leaders in Washington, including Whitfield and McConnell FAILED!!

Whitfield and McConnell were too busy being partisan hacks, and upholding every failed vision of the Bush Administration that they failed our troops in their most important solemn duty to them. They FAILED to provide any kind of oversight into the blank check they issued President Bush, and they FAILED in holding him accountable for his actions. They FAILED our troops and allowed our injured to come home and heal with cock-roaches in Walter Reed at the whim of the failed policies of this administration.

They were so busy with their partisan hackery, nothing, not even the welfare of our returning injured troops was more important than desperately attempting to validate the failed policies of President Bush, policies they had provided no oversight on, and ideed, policies they had rubber-stamped.

However, Whitfield’s blatant disregard and disrespect for our troops did not end there. It appears while praising the troops in Iraq, Exxon Eddie forgot some others:

In yet another gross act of disrespect, while praising the Ft. Campbell soldiers serving in Iraq, Whitfield completely ignored the 7,200 101stAirborne soldiers currently serving in Afghanistan.  Today, on the 101st day of 2008, the headquarters of the 101st Airborne Division took command of NATO’s Regional Command East sector of Afghanistan from the 82nd Airborne Division.  It is not surprising these brave soldiers slipped Whitfield’s mind.  They are fighting a forgotten enemy, Osama bin Laden, in a forgotten war.  They deserve our praise and support as well, and they deserve the leadership that will allow them to complete their mission and return home to Kentucky.

Now, this sort of spells out Whitfield’s view on this “War on Terror”. He stubbornly rubber-stamps partisan hackery, disrespecting our troops all along the way to desperately justify a failed policy. Then, he forgets the troops in Afganistan, who are actually trying to find and fight the entities that actually attacked us on 9-11. I have a message for Whitfield, McConnell and Bush. You may have forgotten Osama bin Laden and let him walk away scot-free, to make video tapes mocking our troops and their sacrifices, but Americans and Kentuckians surely haven’t.

The best way Americans can honor the sacrifice of our troops and veterans is to elect leaders that will respect them. Heather Ryan wants a sane policy in Iraq:

The War in Iraq:

As a veteran of the United States Navy, and an active member of the American Legion, my dedication to the men and women in uniform is unyielding.  The current service member is highly skilled, highly trained and highly ignored by this administration.  The American people

were duped into an ill-conceived war under false pretenses and the administration continues to over utilize a national guard system which was never intended to be used for sustained combat missions.  Congress must insist that an exit strategy be planned and implemented immediately.  By the Bush Administration’s own account, the nation will be forced to reinstate the draft system again should we continue to over-tax our National Guard with sustained combat.  I am not a supporter of reinstating the draft for as history clearly shows us, the draft is merely for those of us who are not wealthy enough to buy our way out of

active duty.  We must not allow this ill planned and ill executed war to continue to destroy the brave men and women in our armed forces while simultaneously placing our nation at a heightened risk with a limited national guard.


Better yet, Heather Ryan as a veteran believes we should respect ALL our district’s service men and women serving, and our veterans that have served:

So, to the Screaming Eagles of the 101st Division Airborne (Air Assault); to the 4th Brigade Combat Team, the 101st Combat Aviation Brigade, Division HQ, and the 101st Sustainment Brigade, currently serving in Afghanistan as part of Combined Joint Task Force 101. And to the Division’s 1st, 2nd and 3rd Brigade Combat Teams, currently serving in Iraq: We keep you in our hearts and thoughts, always.

Being a veteran after proudly serving her nation in the United States Navy, this issue is not a talking point or a photo-op to Heather, it is personal.

We need Heather Ryan in the Congress to fight not only for a sane policy in Iraq, but to fight for the benefits and respect our troops and veterans have earned. We need sane voices that will provide oversight into any future wars and the funding for them, instead of blindly following in a partisan trance. We need REAL leaders in Washington, not the failed policies of rubber-stamping partisan hackery.

We can win this race in Kentucky’s First!!! All we need are the resources to introduce the 63% of registered Democrats to the horrible record Exxon Ed Whitfield has amassed in their names. A record of FAILURE for our troops, veterans, and citizens. Please help us get the resources we need to get the word out on our great candidate, Heather Ryan, and our FAILED Congressman Exxon Ed Whitfield.

I have set a goal of raising $1500 for Heather online by May 20, and am very close to halfway there. Won’t you please chip in and help us get our message out? Your generous contribution will go to work immediately to expand our Congressional majority with an awesome grassroots Democrat who isn’t afraid to fight for us!! Please go here and help, no amount it too small:


With your help Heather Ryan will be fighting alongside our next President for a sane policy in Iraq, and will provide much needed leadership in our Congress!!!

Heather Ryan and Greg Fischer Meet Kentucky Voters

Recently the small Western Kentucky town of Benton had their annual Tater Day. What is Tater Day you may ask? Well, it is a festival that started in the late 1800s as a celebration of the first day of spring. Residents of Western Kentucky would gather together and trade sweet potatoes. It features a parade, that circles the town and a Ms. Tater Day pageant.

It also has political overtones and many candidates down through the years have come to meet their constituents in Western Kentucky and participate in the Tater Day parade.

This year, Heather Ryan and Greg Fischer were there to meet the fine people of Benton, and participate in the parade. Their opponents, Exxon Ed Whitfield, Mitch McConnell and Bruce Lunsford decided not to participate. Personally, I believe that a Representative or Senator should take every opportunity to meet the people they want to represent.

Well, two of the hardest working candidates to expand our Congressional majorities are Heather Ryan and Greg Fischer. Ryan is running against Exxon Ed Whitfield in Kentucky’s First Congressional District. Here she is meeting with a veteran constituent:


Unlike Exxon Ed Whitfield, Heather Ryan believes in meeting the veterans of our district and hearing their concerns. Of course Exxon Eddie doesn’t want to meet them because he voted against them. Heather would never vote against the welfare of our veterans as Exxon Eddie has here:

Whitfield voted for budget that cut veteran’s programs.  Voted for final passage of the $2.6 trillion budget conference report for 2006.  The report cut Medicaid spending by $10 Billion, every penny of the Social Security surplus, increased the national deficit by $167.5 Billion over 5 years and paved the way for drilling in ANWR.  Furthermore, the conference report cut fudning for veterans’ healthcare by $13.5 Billion over 5 years.  Yet the budget still found room for $106 BILLION in tax breaks for those who need it least.  [HRC 95, Vote #149, 4/28/2005; Passed Republicans; 214-15: Democrats; 0-195; Independent; 0-1]

And here:

Whitfield voted against a $53 Million boost for Veteran’s Health Care and Benefits on MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND 2005 (FAILED BY 1 VOTE – WHITFIELD’S VOTE).  The bill would have aded $8 million for combat-related trauma care, $6 million for poly-trauma centersto support wounded trops once they return to their homes, $9 million for VA medical and prosthetic research and $7 million for 100 additional staff to process claims for compenstation and pension benefits.  Finally, the amendment would provide $23 million to help approximately 4100 spouses of service members with children whose spouse died during the War on Terrorism between September 11, 2001 and November 30, 2004 by making them eligible for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation.  The amendment failed, 213-214 [HR 2528, Vote #224, 5/26/2005; Failed; Republicans; 19-210; Democrats; 193-4; Independent; 1-0]

You see, here at Ryan for Kentucky we believe in respecting our veterans with much more than talking points. We believe they have earned our respect, and all the benefits they and their families are entitled to. We consider it a disgrace that our Congressman rubber-stamped the Bush plan to send our soldiers to war without the proper training, equipment, and planning to accomplish their mission, and then allowed such disgraces as Walter Reed. Here is Heather’s take on respecting our veterans:

As a veteran of the United States Navy, and an active member of the American Legion, my dedication to the men and women in uniform is unyielding.  The current service member is highly skilled, highly trained and highly ignored by this administration.  The American people

were duped into an ill-conceived war under false pretenses and the administration continues to over utilize a national guard system which was never intended to be used for sustained combat missions.  Congress must insist that an exit strategy be planned and implemented immediately. By the Bush Administration’s own account, the nation will be forced to reinstate the draft system again should we continue to over-tax our National Guard with sustained combat.  I am not a supporter of reinstating the draft for as history clearly shows us, the draft is merely for those of us who are not wealthy enough to buy our way out of

active duty.  We must not allow this ill planned and ill executed war to continue to destroy the brave men and women in our armed forces while simultaneously placing our nation at a heightened risk with a limited national guard.

Every day we see reports about how our veterans services have fallen into severe disrepair.  The men and women who served this country deserve better.  Our VA system needs a complete overhaul; from the GI Bill to health care to disability benefits, without a modernized system, we do those who served our country a grave disservice.  Veterans deserve better.


Of course, Heather is a fellow veteran, so her views stem from experience.

Here is Heather decorating the Ryan for Kentucky van with a personal thank you note for Whitfield, McConnell, Bush, Cheney, and the Republicans for our $3.29 gas!!


I think she speaks for all of us with that thank you note!! Just to think, many in this country consider $3.29 gas cheap!!!

Heather is an awesome grassroots candidate who isn’t afraid to rub elbows with the average people she wishes to represent. Exxon Ed Whitfield was a no-show on Tater Day. Wanna see who Exxon Eddie sees fit to rub elbows with instead of veterans and his constituents?:

Exxon Eddie and W

Well, that makes sense since Exxon Eddie has been an adoring rubber-stamp of W’s policies that hurt our veterans, while doling out hundreds of billions in corporate welfare to men like President Bush, and well himself!!!

Here is Heather and her daughter Ireland, our youngest member of Ryan for Kentucky, and future Democratic leader!!!:


Please help our grassroots campaign here:


Heather wasn’t the only awesome grassroots Democrat at Tater Day. The Progressive candidate for Senate, Greg Fischer also saw fit to meet the good folks of Benton and Western Kentucky. It seems his grassroots supporters were waiting:


Maybe they are so excited because Greg Fischer will fight for the Transformational change that will ensure all Kentuckians have access to healthcare:

Since career politician Mitch McConnell took office, the number of Kentuckians without health insurance has skyrocketed to 520,000. And currently there are 47 million Americans uninsured; the health care system in the United States is broken.  An inefficient delivery system combined with non-patient focused bureaucratic barriers has caused health care costs to spiral out of control.

A single, serious injury or illness can be financially devastating for an insured, tax paying citizen.  By the year 2010, healthcare cost as a percentage of gross domestic product is estimated to be 20 percent in the U.S. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimate that by 2017, healthcare spending per person will approximately double to $13,000 per person, and total U.S. health care spending will double to more than $4 trillion. This level of spending is simply unsustainable.

Attempts by politicians to address the issues have largely been ineffective as a result of the failure to consider hard facts and predictions, some based on concrete data from our own government organizations and agencies. The common notion that health care in the United States, although expensive, is ranked at the top globally, is a myth. As an example, America’s infant and maternal mortality rates currently rank below France, Canada, Germany, Australia, and Sweden, all with lower health care costs.  

Transformational change is needed to address this crisis. A system is needed that not only serves as a catalyst for health care quality improvements, but also reduces the health care cost on businesses and individuals. A new system-understood by all American citizens and focused on prevention and public health-is needed.

The good news is health care solutions exist to spark this change. Additionally, our current national spending of $2.2 trillion provides adequate funding for the solutions.

Greg Fischer’s first legislative priority will be passing a bill that prevents members of Congress from accepting their gold-plated tax-payer funded health care coverage until universal health care is a reality for every American. Maybe then we can get started on real change for health care in America.

Solutions must be value-based and built around these principles:  

Universal health care access for all citizens- All Americans deserve the dignity of quality health care that guarantees eligibility, is affordable and portable, preserves the private practice of medicine, and allows freedom to choose among doctors and other health care providers.

System modernization – We must improve the utilization of health care system dollars to lower health care delivery costs and improve patient safety. Involving all health care providers in the development of standards for electronic health information management is one example of common sense system modernization.

Wellness and prevention Because a significant part of health care costs in America is driven by behavior, a focus on improving personal health and prevention of serious diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, and coronary disease is imperative. The creation of reimbursement incentives around wellness and prevention not only improves quality of life but will also help to lessen serious laterstage illnesses.

Innovation – Americans are the world’s most innovative citizens. We can encourage innovation and reduce costs by removing bureaucratic barriers for the development of less invasive treatments, better medications and devices for testing and treatment.


Here is Greg looking remarkably at ease among the voters of Western Kentucky despite chasing millionaire establishment candidate Bruce Lunsford in the primary, and millionaire Mitch McConnell when he wins the primary. Neither opponent saw fit to grace the good people of Western Kentucky with their prescense:


Wanna see where Bruce Lunsford’s sympathies lie?

Thats Ernie Fletcher, former corrupt Governor of Kentucky who Lunsford endorsed after losing the Democratic Primary to Ben Chandler in 2003.

Support Greg Fischer here:


In Kentucky, we have two awesome candidates to expand our Congressional majorities with fighting Democrats who won’t be afraid to fight for us. Please help these campaigns as they both face millionaire oppositon, and the golden-plated smear machine of Mitch McConnell.

Best wishes fellow Democrats!!  

KY-01: Exxon Eddie Earns His Name

Here in Kentucky’s First Congressional District, we call our Congressman Exxon Eddie. It is a fitting moniker. Not only because Eddie owns a lot of Exxon and Chevron stock that are making him richer on the backs of the American consumer, but because Exxon Eddie uses his votes to be a shill for the Big Oil Industry. Lets look at some of these votes.

In 2001, we had his vote # 2001-311 on HR 4. Here is a summary:

Amendment to maintain the current prohibition on oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by striking language opening the reserve up to development.


Yes, Exxon Eddie voted for the raping of the pristine Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge. Despite the fact that many people believe that the oil in ANWR will provide little relief at the pump, and have little long-term affect of the problem of Energy Dependence. It is all about profit, not finding solutions for everyday Americans and Kentuckians.

Moving on, in Aug., 2001 Exxon Eddie voted against CAFE standards in HR 4, vote 2001-317:

Require a combined corporate average fuel efficiency [CAFE] standard for passenger automobiles and light trucks, including sport utility vehicles, of 26 mpg in 2005 and of 27.5 mpg in 2007. It also would offer incentives for alternative fuel vehicles.


Then in Nov. 2003, you had his vote on HR 6, number 2003-630 which was a rubber-stamp of the Bush-Cheney Energy Bill of Corporate Welfare to the Oil and Energy Companies:

Energy Omnibus bill: Vote to adopt the conference report on the bill that would put into practice a comprehensive national policy for energy conservation, research and development. The bill would authorize a $25.7 billion tax break over a 10-year period. The tax breaks would include $11.9 billion to promote oil and gas production, $2.5 billion for “clean coal” programs, $2.2 billion in incentives for alternative motor vehicles, and $1.8 billion for the electric power industry and other businesses. A natural gas pipeline from Alaska would be authorized an $18 billion loan guarantee. The bill would call for producers of Ethanol to double their output. Makers of the gasoline additive MTBE would be protected from liability. They would be required though to cease production of the additive by 2015. Reliability standards would be imposed for electricity transmissions networks, through this bill. The bill would also ease the restrictions on utility ownership and mergers.


In June of 2004, with another loving rubber-stamp to the Bush Administration he voted for yet another Bush-Cheney Energy Bill of big Corporate Welfare to Big Oil and Energy with HR 4503 vote number 2004-241:

Vote to pass a bill that would put into practice a comprehensive national policy for energy conservation, research and development. The bill would authorize o $25.7 billion tax break over a 10-year period. The tax breaks would include $11.9 billion to promote oil and gas production, $2.5 billion for “clean coal” programs, $2.2 billion in incentives for alternative motor vehicles, and $1.8 billion for the electric power industry and other businesses. A natural gas pipeline from Alaska would be authorized an $18 billion loan guarantee. It would add to the requirement that gasoline sold in the United States contain a specified volume of ethanol. Makers of the gasoline additive MTBE would be protected from liability. They would be required though to cease production of the additive by 2015. Reliability standards would be imposed for electricity transmissions networks, through this bill. The bill would also ease the restrictions on utility ownership and mergers.


And what did Bush, Cheney, McConnell, and Exxon Eddie’s “vision” on Energy policy bring us? Record high gas prices and a recession. All the while men like Bush, Cheney, McConnell, and Exxon Eddie have become quite wealthy with their investments.

Next, in Jan. of 2007, we have Exxon Eddie once again voting his stock options and protecting the huge record profits of Big Oil on HR 6 vote number 2007-040:

Creating Long-term Energy Alternatives for the Nation (CLEAN) Act

Title I: Ending Subsidies for Big Oil Act–denying a deduction for income attributable to domestic production of oil, natural gas, or their related primary products.

Title II: Royalty Relief for American Consumers Act–to incorporate specified price thresholds for royalties on oil & gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico.

Title III: Strategic Energy Efficiency And Renewables Reserve–makes the Reserve available to accelerate the use of clean domestic renewable energy resources and alternative fuels.

This legislation seeks to end the unwarranted tax breaks & subsidies which have been lavished on Big Oil over the last several years, at a time of record prices at the gas pump and record oil industry profits. Big Oil is hitting the American taxpayer not once, not twice, but three times. They are hitting them at the pump, they are hitting them through the Tax Code, and they are hitting them with royalty holidays put into oil in 1995 and again in 2005.

It is time to vote for the integrity of America’s resources, to vote for the end of corporate welfare, to vote for a new era in the management of our public energy resources.


Finally, although we find this on his campaign website:

High energy costs weigh on every Kentucky family and that is why Congressman Whitfield has been focused on alternative energy solutions like clean coal technology, ethanol, bio diesel and coal gasification to reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil.


We have this vote on HR 3321 vote number 2007-0832 for investment in renewables:

H.R.3221: New Direction for Energy Independence, National Security, and Consumer Protection Act: Moving toward greater energy independence and security, developing innovative new technologies, reducing carbon emissions, creating green jobs, protecting consumers, increasing clean renewable energy production, modernizing our energy infrastructure, and providing tax incentives for the production of renewable energy and energy conservation.

Rep. PELOSI: This bill makes the largest investment in homegrown biofuels in history. We know that America’s farmers will fuel America’s independence. We will send our energy dollars to middle America, not to the Middle East.

Rep. TIERNEY: This bill incorporates the Green Jobs Act, which will make $120 million a year available to begin training workers in the clean energy sector. 35,000 people per year can benefit from vocational education for “green-collar jobs” that can provide living wages & upward mobility.


I think it is clear to see where Exxon Ed Whitfield’s priorities lie. They lie with the profits of the Big Oil Corporations he is invested in and not with the interests of the American people. We should be finding new solutions to old problems, not investing in the old ways that have failed.

It is time for Exxon Eddie to move on. He has held this seat for too long after promising to only serve two terms. He has been a constant vote against progress in Kentucky or anywhere else in America.

We have an awesome grassroots candidate who needs our support to unseat Exxon Eddie and expand our Congressional majorities. Her name is Heather Ryan. We desperately need the resources to get our message out to the 63% of registered Democrats in this district about the horrible record Exxon Ed Whitfield has done in their name.

Visit Heather’s site here:


Join our campaign of fighting for grassroots Democrat values here:


Finally, please consider helping me in my bid to raise $1500 online for Heather by May 20. I am less than $100 from halfway to my goal.


Whatever you do, and however you can do it, please support your fellow “Fighting Democrats” in Kentucky’s First District.

Best wishes Fellow Democrats!!

Kentucky Democrats: Ryan and Fischer Fight for Us!!!

Kentucky is a state that could make a huge difference in our Congress this year. Despite the circus that has become the Presidential Primary, Democrats simply must remember that no matter who wins, a Progressive direction is highly unlikely without expanded Congressional majorities. That is why this long, grueling primary may prove to be a disaster for our country. Not only are the last two candidates standing and their supporters hurting each other, they are stealing valuable oxygen and funding from our candidates who can truly change this country from the ground up, our Congressional and Senate candidates.

One case in point is the Democratic race in Kentucky to find a candidate who will run to Ditch Mitch McConnell. We have already lost one fine candidate in this race, Andrew Horne because the netroots ignored him and didn’t give him the funding he needed. Now, Chuck Schumer and our party leadership have recruited a millionaire businessman, Bruce Lunsford to run so they don’t have to invest in Kentucky Democrats yet again.

Forget the fact that Lunsford has donated to many Republicans, including donating AGAINST John Yarmuth, our only pickup in 06. Add to that the fact that when he lost the Democratic Primary in 03 against Ben Chandler, he ENDORSED Ernie Fletcher, the corrupt Governor we just ousted, and actually managed his transition team.

Luckily, after the loss of Greg Stumbo and Andrew Horne to this race, we still have a good Progressive Democrat. His name is Greg Fischer and his campaign is gaining steam. Here is an email sent to me from his campaign today:

It is with great pride and gratitude that I announce today we have exceeded our first quarter fundraising goal and will report an impressive amount to the FEC next week.

Dollar by dollar, support is coming in from across the state. Our backing has been strong and encouraging. We’re confident that our campaign will have the resources necessary to defeat Bruce Lunsford on May 20 and we have set our sights on ditching Mitch in November.

Thirty percent of the contributions were received from folks like you who received an e-mail from a friend or the campaign and then went online to www.gregfischer.com to contribute. And, 44 percent of all contributions were for amounts of $200 or less. Every dollar counts.

Our support is multiplying each day. When people from Paducah to Covington learn about my candidacy, they realize I’m the contrast candidate with a clean record that has the best chance of defeating Mitch McConnell in the fall.

I am grateful for your encouragement and continued support.

Thank you,


If you don’t know Greg, here is some video of him:

Now, believe me, Bruce Lunsford in the Senate is not going to forward a Progressive agenda. With him replacing McConnell, we may have a Senator that votes with us half the time. Why should we settle for that? We need a Senator from Kentucky that will fight for our values, not back into them!!!

Please help the Greg Fischer campaign to defeat Lunsford and McConnell, two millionaires that will fight against us here:


Now, on to the fight for my home. We have an awesome grassroots lady running here in Kentucky’s First Congressional District to unseat another millionaire and Mitch McConnell protege’ Ed Whitfield. We call Whitfield Exxon Eddie, because while Kentuckians and Americans are feeling much pain at the pump, Ed Whitfield is profiting handsomely with his Exxon and Chevron stock.

At Ryan for Kentucky, we believe we can do better. We believe we can find homegrown solutions for our dependence on foreign oil, and that we can have a Representative that votes for the betterment of our district, not the betterment of their own stock options.

Heather is a newcomer but is educated, passionate, and smart. We desperately need the resources to get our message out to the 63% of registered Democrats in this district who want to be invested in again. Many of them don’t know Heather, but look at the response she got recently when 3000+ of the people she is seeking to represent got their first look at her:

This was an event she was scheduled to speak at for a long time, and then Hillary decided to come too. From what I heard Heather and Hillary were the only two out of many that recieved standing ovations at this event.

Here her hear answering a Kossack about what it means to be a Democrat:

Yes, I know the feeling. George Bush makes me spit up too!!!

Now, we need your help in this race. Our district has long been ignored by the state and national party, despite being 63% registered Democrat. The Republicans have invested here, and all the Democrats here want is to be important to our party once more. If we get the resources we win, bottom line.

Please consider an investment in the expansion of our Congressional majorities here:


With the help of grassroots Democrats, Kentucky can be what it always was for generations, BLUE!!!

Please consider helping out these two great Kentucky Democrats who want to make a difference for US in the next Congress. Our eventual nominee will thank you for it when they win the White House and have two awesome Democrats to work with!!

Best wishes fellow Democrats!!

More Distortions From Exxon Ed Whitfield

Yesterday, I told you about the little work of fantasy and fiction that Exxon Ed Whitfield calls a website. We looked at how Exxon Eddie threw away $106 billion dollars in corporate welfare, while casting the deciding vote in denying crucial funding for the programs our veterans were promised, and depended upon.  

Well, that was not the only hypocrisy and untruth on this website. It is a work of fantasy which compares with J.R. Tolkien, and R.A. Salvatore. Today we will continue our fantasy reading on another essential issue that could really help our farmers and workers here in Western Kentucky, the issue of investment in renewable energy. Lets look at Exxon Eddie’s quote on Energy Independence:

High energy costs weigh on every Kentucky family and that is why Congressman Whitfield has been focused on alternative energy solutions like clean coal technology, ethanol, bio diesel and coal gasification to reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil.


Now, this fantasy unfortunately doesn’t match with the reality of Exxon Eddie’s voting record. He says he is focused on Renewable Energy, but the opposite is true. Yes, Exxon Eddie wants you to believe that he is working so hard to try and make renewables viable, but he voted against this bill in 2007:

HR 6: To reduce our Nation’s dependency on foreign oil by investing in clean, renewable, and alternative energy resources, promoting new emerging energy technologies, developing greater efficiency, and creating a Strategic Energy Efficiency and Renewables Reserve to invest in alternative energy, and for other purposes.

Here is what it sought to accomplish:

– Denies a deduction for income attributable to domestic production of oil, natural gas, or their related primary products.

– Defines conditions of new leases authorizing oil or natural gas production in the Gulf of Mexico, requiring lessees to have: (1) renegotiated covered leases to change payment responsibilities to include price thresholds equal to or less than specified price thresholds; or (2) paid all conservation of resources fees or agreed to pay them.

– Establishes fees for producing and nonproducing federal oil and gas leases in Gulf of Mexico

– Repeals incentives for natural gas production from wells in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico

– Creates reserve of funds received as result of this Act, that will be used to offset costs of accelerating the use of renewable energy resources and alternative fuels


Wait, he has been focused on renewable energy, but he failed to break ranks with Mitch McConnell, Dick Cheney and the Oil industry to vote his conscience on this vital bill? Well, he has other motivations too:

Chevron Corp  $100,001 to $250,000  

Exxon Mobil  $100,001 to $250,000


How can Ed Whitfield solve the problem of high energy prices when he is actually INVESTED in the problem? When he is INVESTED in, and followed blindly the failed ideology of the most irresponsible and wasteful Administration in our history, that of George W. Bush, following of course close behind his mentor Mitch McConnell.

We need Heather Ryan in the Congress fighting for Renewable Energy and the promise it holds states like Kentucky. Here is some of her take on creating and manufacturing the Fuels of the Future:

We need to double the budget for the Dept. of Energy to research in renewable energy and increase efficiency. We should help businesses that are bringing new energy solutions to the marketplace at an accelerated pace. We should mandate the use of safe renewable energy sources that hold promise for Kentucky such as solar, wind and biomass and require them to produce 25% of our energy needs by the year 2025. We should require that Oil Companies make biofuels available at their pumps and that all new cars after 2010 be flex-fuel and be compatible with gasoline or biofuel. We must develop new ways to produce and use ethanol and cellulistic ethanol and offer incentives to new refineries for the fuels of the future. Last, we should make permanent the expiring tax credits for the production of renewable energy and repeal tax credits for dirty energy producers who have made record profits at the expense of the American citizen.

Of course, she is invested in the everyday people of our district whom she lives, works and raises her family among, not Exxon and Chevron. She wants to see her neighbors working high-paying union jobs growing and refining the fuels of the future in our district instead of creating 19,000 jobs flipping burgers and washing dishes in thirteen years. Wow, 19,000 jobs in thirteen years? Thats not much over a thousand a year. Is he bragging about that, its on his website too!!??

This is an absolutely crucial issue that our leaders are long overdue in adressing. Events of the last few years have shown all Americans that we simply must get serious about this issue. Heather understands what investment in the fuels of the future means not only for this district and state, but for the country. While Whitfield is mired in the failures of the past by his own investments, Heather is ready to blaze new ways, with new ideas in a new century.  

Ed Whitfield has had a long run as Congressman of the First District of Kentucky. He has become wealthier in that thirteen years as the people of this district fall further behind. He is invested in the old ways that have failed the American people. He is invested in the failed Energy policies of the Bush Administration and will continue to vote for them as long as he holds office. Our energy prices will continue to soar, and he will make more profit.

On the other hand, Heather is young, smart, energetic, and understands that we can’t remain in the failed policies of the past. She is educated and has dreamed of a life in public service since she was ten. She tries to find the most sensible solution to every problem. She must depend on the people of the first district because she hasn’t amassed a million dollars in special interest money to run on. She is a Washington outsider, and understands the challenges we face because she lives among us and faces them with us.

We are truly a grassroots campaign and we need the support of Democrats everywhere who think that any qualified person in this country should be able to serve. Support us here:


Lets take this country back district by district together!!!    


KY-01: Ed Whitfield Puts Partisanship Over Our Veterans

Our campaign is picking up steam and plowing right along at Ryan for Kentucky. It has been a great couple of weeks. The best part is that Exxon Ed Whitfield has noticed he has a little competition too. Although he didn’t have a website during the whole 2006 election, this time he feels the need for one!! Well, welcome to the race Eddie, Now lets look at some of your site:


While we welcome Exxon Eddie to the information age, we would like to remind him that in the information age you just can’t say things that aren’t true and not get called on it. Exxon Eddie’s website seems to be one part spin, and two parts fantasy.

Take his statement in his “On the Issues” section on “Taking Care of Veterans”. Lets look at Exxon Eddie’s take on that essential issue:

Veterans fulfilled a commitment to our country and now we must honor our commitment to them. Congressman Whitfield has worked to ensure that our veterans have access to complete healthcare including three Veterans’ Administration Out Patient Clinics in the First District of Kentucky and a full service veterans nursing home in Hanson, KY. Congressman Whitfield has helped hundreds of veterans received the military medals they earned but were never awarded. He has also made sure that our veterans have a final resting place of honor with the creation of the veterans cemetery in Hopkinsville, KY.

Now, the last I heard Veterans here in Paducah have to drive 60 miles to Marion, IL to go to a VA hospital. I guess all those trips look good for Eddie’s Exxon and Chevron stock. While it is commendable that he helped veterans recieve the medals for their service, and that he helped in a getting a cemetary for their final resting place, Exxon Eddie hasn’t been quite as kind to our living veterans who are trying to get the benefits they earned from our country. From an email from Ryan for Kentucky:

Whitfield voted for budget that cut veteran’s programs.  Voted for final passage of the $2.6 trillion budget conference report for 2006.  The report cut Medicaid spending by $10 Billion, every penny of the Social Security surplus, increased the national deficit by $167.5 Billion over 5 years and paved the way for drilling in ANWR.  Furthermore, the conference report cut fudning for veterans’ healthcare by $13.5 Billion over 5 years.  Yet the budget still found room for $106 BILLION in tax breaks for those who need it least.  [HRC 95, Vote #149, 4/28/2005; Passed Republicans; 214-15: Democrats; 0-195; Independent; 0-1]

As you can see, Eddie cast a partisan vote, a rubber-stamp to President Bush and voted AGAINST respecting our veterans. I wonder how many of $106 billion in tax breaks went to Exxon and Chevron, in which he owns stock? Only in the delusional world of Mitch McConnell and Ed Whitfield does “Taking Care of Veterans” entail cutting their healthcare by 13.5 billion dollars while doling out 106 billion in Corporate Welfare. Not to mention voting his stock options to allow the Oil Companies to rape ANWR.

However, the hypocrisy of Exxon Eddie does not end there. Just look at this bill which failed by one single vote. Again from an email from Ryan for Kentucky:

Whitfield voted against a $53 Million boost for Veteran’s Health Care and Benefits on MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND 2005 (FAILED BY 1 VOTE – WHITFIELD’S VOTE).  The bill would have aded $8 million for combat-related trauma care, $6 million for poly-trauma centersto support wounded trops once they return to their homes, $9 million for VA medical and prosthetic research and $7 million for 100 additional staff to process claims for compenstation and pension benefits.  Finally, the amendment would provide $23 million to help approximately 4100 spouses of service members with children whose spouse died during the War on Terrorism between September 11, 2001 and November 30, 2004 by making them eligible for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation.  The amendment failed, 213-214 [HR 2528, Vote #224, 5/26/2005; Failed; Republicans; 19-210; Democrats; 193-4; Independent; 1-0]

Now, how can Exxon Eddie claim to “Take Care of Veterans” if he casts the deciding vote that defeats respecting them with the benefits they have earned? To add insult to injury, Whitfield cast this deciding vote on MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND, while the rest of America was celebrating the sacrifice of these brave men and women!! What total hypocrisy, especially when you consider that Whitfield rubber-stamped the failed policy of President Bush which sent them to war in the wrong country without the proper training, equipment, and without adequate plans for the occupation or exit in Iraq!!!!

Ed Whitfield is so out of touch with the values of Western Kentucky it is embarrassing!!!! Here, we believe that our veterans should be respected and honored for their service with all the benefits they were promised, and earned. Here at Ryan for Kentucky, we fight for that!!! Perhaps Eddie should buy a house in the district and live among us and he would know that!!!

We have a great Democrat in Kentucky’s First named Heather Ryan who is running to truly represent the people and veterans of this district. She is a veteran herself, so “Taking Care of Veterans” is personal to her. Here is her take on the current service man and woman enlisted and fighting, and our veterans:

As a veteran of the United States Navy, and an active member of the American Legion, my dedication to the men and women in uniform is unyielding.  The current service member is highly skilled, highly trained and highly ignored by this administration.  The American people

were duped into an ill-conceived war under false pretenses and the administration continues to over utilize a national guard system which was never intended to be used for sustained combat missions.  Congress must insist that an exit strategy be planned and implemented immediately. By the Bush Administration’s own account, the nation will be forced to reinstate the draft system again should we continue to over-tax our National Guard with sustained combat.  I am not a supporter of reinstating the draft for as history clearly shows us, the draft is merely for those of us who are not wealthy enough to buy our way out of

active duty.  We must not allow this ill planned and ill executed war to continue to destroy the brave men and women in our armed forces while simultaneously placing our nation at a heightened risk with a limited national guard.

Every day we see reports about how our veterans services have fallen into severe disrepair.  The men and women who served this country deserve better.  Our VA system needs a complete overhaul; from the GI Bill to health care to disability benefits, without a modernized system, we do those who served our country a grave disservice.  Veterans deserve better.


It is time for Exxon Eddie to go. His list of accomplishments mostly include rubber-stamping all the failed policies of Mitch McConnell and President Bush, all the while sacrificing the interests of real citizens of Kentucky’s First District to blind partisanship.

Heather Ryan brings youth, intelligence and passion to serve the veterans and working families of our district. When Western Kentucky Democrats see adn hear her, they love her!!! We just need the resources to get our message to them to win!!!

Please help us reach the 63% of registered Democrats in this district, and invest in expanding our Congressional majority here:


Every cent will be put to work immediately to defeat a sitting Republican and to advance the values of our party in a region we have long ignored. Please support fellow grassroots Democrats in their efforts to rebuild our party where it is needed most, on the ground!!

Best wishes fellow Democrats!!


Heather Ryan Fires up Madisonville

You know, thousands of First District Democrats here in Kentucky came to get fired up by a great lady who is running for office. Well, in the end, they got fired up by TWO great ladies running for Congress. Hillary Clinton showed up this year at the Ruby Laffoon event in Madisonville. However, before she even took the stage the crowd was already fired up by a fiery red-head who is ready to fight for this seat!!!

Yes, Heather Ryan, Democrat for Congress in Kentucky’s First District used her time very efficiently in intoducing herself to thousands of Democrats in this huge district. Just watch her speech, courtesy of the good hillbilly:

Now, I must say as a friend and supporter, I am beaming with pride in Heather Ryan. This is her first run for office and she was on the same stage as Governor Steve Beshear and Sen. Hillary Clinton. This was her first time in a venue this important and in front of a crowd this big.

Many of these Democrats had never heard of her, and may not have even known that Exxon Eddie has an opponent. I thought Heather looked very composed under pressure and showed her credentials as a fighting Democrat that suppports One America.

I have been saying all along that if our campaign just gets the funds we need to reach the Democrats in this huge district that we will win. I think this video more than proves my point. These Democrats had never seen or heard of Heather Ryan and she had them fired up to the point of a standing ovation. From what I hear, besides Heather only Hillary herself recieved a standing ovation from this crowd.

We can win this race. I have seen and this video proves that when Democrats get to see and know Heather Ryan they love her. It doesn’t matter if you support Obama or Clinton or supported Edwards, in this district Heather is one candidate Democrats can agree on.

We need the support of our fellow Democrats desperately. This race is under the radar and would be a huge pickup. A race here means less for the cash-strapped Republican Congressional Committee to spend elsewhere. Heather is an awesome Democrat with an awesome message. Please, go here and help us reach the 63% registered Democrats in this district that love Heather if they get to see her:


You can truly make a difference to an up-and-coming grassroots Democrat that will fight for us in Washington!!!

Help up make history!!