FL-18/21/25: Wasserman Schultz Starts Listening to Us!

I suppose the best way to begin this screed is to thank everyone here.  It is because of us, and other such activism-minded denizens of the blogosphere, that the formerly hesitant Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-20) reached out to the Democratic challengers in districts 18, 21, and 25– Joel Garcia, Raul Martinez, and Annette Taddeo, respectively– by inviting them to a DCCC fundraiser in Aventura, FL, last night.  Apparently, Wasserman Schultz actively introduced the challengers to major donors and Democratic party bigwigs.  For someone who quite recently recused herself from campaigning in these races, this is big news.  And there's no way she would've done it without the fighting spirit of the blogosphere, so, again, thanks and congratulations all around!

With that being said . . . inviting Garcia, Martinez, and Taddeo to one fundraiser isn't enough, especially when that fundraiser is for candidates in other parts of the state and the country, as this one was.  If Wasserman Schultz truly wants to maintain her standing as a rising star in the party, in addition to obliterating the remnants of this controversy completely, she needs to actively campaign with all three challengers, appearing with them at campaign stops and, most importantly, hosting a fundraiser for them, not just introducing them at someone else's.  I think there's a good chance she'll follow through with all that . . . IF we keep an eye on her and hold her to it.   So . . . keep up the good work, folks.  Our fighting spirit pays off! 

On a humorous note: if we keep this up, Wasserman Schultz will get a lot of her repentance out of the way long before Yom Kippur– we got her to start the atonement process just after Purim!