MN-Sen, MI-Sen: Franken Down 3, Numbers Stable

Rasmussen is out with new numbers in the Minnesota Senate race, the first numbers since Franken won the DFL nominating convention.

Rasmussen: (6/11, likely voters, 5/22 in parens)

Norm Coleman (R-inc.): 48 (47)

Al Franken (D): 45 (45)

(MoE: ±4.5%)

Almost no movement since the last one, despite Franken getting the DFL nod and the kerfuffle over his Playboy article. Things get a little dicier for Franken if Jesse Ventura enters the mix (although his entry into the race is pure speculation at this point, and, IMHO, not going to happen):

Jesse Ventura (I): 24

Norm Coleman (R-inc.): 39

Al Franken (D): 32

On the other hand, 60% of likely voters do not want Ventura to run; only 27% want him to. Ventura has till the filing deadline of July 15 to jump in.

Swing State Project rates MN-Sen as Lean R.

As a bonus, Rasmussen polled the Michigan Senate race. Carl Levin, the 30-year incumbent Dem, is up against State Representative Jack Hoogendyk of Kalamazoo. Frankly, there’s nothing to see here.

Rasmussen (6/11, likely voters, 5/7 in parens)

Carl Levin (D-inc.): 55 (54)

Jack Hoogendyk (R): 35 (37)

(MoE: ±4%)