KY-Sen: Mitch vs. Predator

Thought Mitch McConnell was just going to slide back into the Senate this November? I have news for you. He has met his match.

Bruce Lunsford? No.


Right here in KY, following in the long proud tradition of successful politicians from one of America’s finest cinematic endeavors and political schools, Predator, I give you…

Sonny Landham, aka Billy from Predator.

Sonny Landham, perhaps best known for his role as “Billy” in 1987’s Predator movie, has called a press conference in Frankfort for 1:45 p.m. Wednesday in which he will announce that he is running for U.S. Senate as a Libertarian Party candidate.


Landham, 67, would join Republican U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell and Democratic challenger Bruce Lunsford in the race.

And believe me, Jesse and Arnold have nothing on this guy.


Just check out this guy’s courage in the face of a fierce alien beast.

Could McConnell take that blade across his chest??? No effin way, dude. He might get his staff to smear the Predator’s family to the press, but come on, he’s the fucking Predator, man. He’d have you hanging by your own intestines before you could even reach one reporter.

And how about the abs/pecs? Could Senator Billy siphon off the woman vote away from Mitch? Well, as we can see from Billy’s long porn career in the 70’s, the ladies seem to be, uh, into him.

Some of his porn work includes, Steam Heat (1979), Misbehavin’ (1979), The Trouble with Young Stuff (1977), The Honey Cup (1976), Hot Shots (1976), Slippery When Wet (1976) and Virgin Snow (1976) which is described as being an “avalanche of scorching porn!” Fantastic! I haven’t seen any of these but maybe there needs to be some sort of viewing party in Lexington or something.

And check out the man in “action” here. Now that’s some political outreach, if i’ve ever seen it.

Yet…. this might be a problem. From his website’s homepage:

The legal page is the report on the activity that is presently consuming my life, and has consumed my life since 1998. The legal will explain how a mentally ill wife and a liberal guided federal government railroaded me into federal prison.

uh-oh. and this too.

During divorce proceedings in 1998, Sonny’s wife Belita ran to a women’s abuse center, due to her fear of losing money and custody of their daughter, Priscilla. Even though Sonny had never struck his wife or children (Rachel Landham is a step-daughter) [the foregoing statement was made by Belita and Rachel], the fascist women’s abuse groups of Kentucky and the federal government through judicial terrorism framed Sonny, and he did thirty-one (31) months in federal prison

Ok, so women might have a problem with someone who did federal time for beating his wife and kids. Not counting it out, but might…

But what other constituencies could Senator Billy tap into? Well, as we saw in Kentucky during the primary this May, some of us aren’t that into black folks. And based on Billy’s friendly past with white supremacists, Billy might have a base ready and waiting for him.

CLARKSVILLE, IN–The Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), a white supremacist organization that has strong ties to the mainstream via members that are elected officials, will be holding their annual conference next month in a Holiday Inn near Louisville, Kentucky. This will be the second time this year that a major hotel chain was the location of a white supremacist conference, and this event is listing as speakers a former actor who has worked with Eddie Murphy and Arnold Schwarzenegger, and a Canadian fascist who was most recently seen at National Vanguard’s Conference in Elmwood Park, NJ on Mother’s Day Weekend.

June 16 and 17 is when the CCC is to hold their 2006 National Conference at the Clarksville, Indiana Holiday Inn. This is considered a suburb of Louisville, Kentucky, which in recent years has seen a rag tag group of Klan members attempting to organize that reports say may put together a rally in the near future with the National Socialist Movement. The CCC event had been announced months ago, but it was only recently that the location was published on one of their websites.

The Conference boasts a slate of speakers that are considered conference regulars. CCC member and author Brent Nelson. Col. Robert Slimp, and lawyer Sam Dickson, who once represented Daniel “KKK Guy” Carver from the Howard Stern Wack Pack, will be among those regulars speaking. In addition Minuteman and CCC member Joe McCutchen will also be on hand to speak at the conference.

Co-hosting the event will be actor Sonny Landham, who has appeared in 48 Hrs., Predator, The Warriors and a string of porn films in the seventies. He is a new member of the CCC and has been very active particularly around the issue of immigration.

And just to emphasize the white supremcy wisdom that Billy has for the masses, check out this bitchin white power infomercial, complete with Rousseau bashing! (yes, he’s apparently part native american, but don’t tell him… it’d be like that Chappell Show episode of the black klan leader. We didn’t say the guy was smart, right?)

So… anyway.

Look out Mitch. Look out Bruce. And look out deadly alien beasts who dare venture into Appalachia.

Because Billy is here to save the day.


For all things Billy, be sure to check in at Barefoot and Progressive.

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