crossposted at kos
Howie Klein wrote a good article in the Huffington Post today, introducing Doug Tudor to the online community. Doug is a family man, a 20+ year Navy veteran running against Tom DeLay crony Adam Putnam, of dubious anti-Pelosi fame.
Doug retired from the Navy for the sole purpose of running for office in this seat. His wife is in the air force, and his family is living off just her salary for now. Doug is a solid candidate, but is a family man just like us, so he needs grassroots support to help his campaign along.

Klein gives a good overview of the race here in central Florida:
Yesterday, DWT contacted Doug Tudor, a twenty year naval veteran who has decided to challenge Putnam is his central Florida bastion east of Tampa. Formerly a strong Democratic district, dispirited Democrats didn’t even bother running a candidate in 2006. Tudor is shaking up politics in Polk County, not by trying to echo Republican talking points but by presenting a clear and powerful alternative, the alternative Americans want to hear. Predictably, the cowardly Democratic Establishment, which prefers Republican-lite candidates, is trying to ignore his grassroots race. Tudor, who traveled to Iraq over 30 times, has been endorsed by Democracy for America. His politics are strongly progressive across the board. He wants to end the war in Iraq. He defends a woman’s right to choice. He would never support inequality for any Americans and he supports the equal rights for gay men and women. He knows Bush will never end the war and in his campaign speeches he calls on Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Florida Senator Bill Nelson to end the war. I had a feeling he might have something to say about warrantless wiretapping and retroactive immunity. He did:
“On five occasions during my Navy career, I raised my hand and affirmed ‘to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.’ Members of Congress take a similar oath. I believe that those members who voted in favor of HR 6304 did so in violation of their oath of office. I would have voted against this bill.”
Doug Tudor needs your help to defeat Adam Putnam, a puppet who votes with Bush nearly 100% of the time in a district that has more registered Democrats than Republicans. It’s also a district that is high in veteran population. Get involved or donate here. This area has been shifting red lately because Democrats have basically ignored it. With Florida being a swing state in this election, having a strong candidate on the ticket in every district will help out Obama as well. People here are fed up, and there is a lot of enthusiasm among activists in this area. We signed up over 150 volunteers (for the Obama campaign) a week and a half ago for Polk County alone. We can win this thing and send Adam Putnam packing with your help!