The Coming Assault on Our Environment: Drill Drill Drill!

This diary discusses a just announced major campaign by FreedomWorks Oregon to try and fool people into thinking that drilling is the only way to secure a sustainable energy future.  Major h/t to the Oregonian on this one (

Cross-Posted from Loaded Orygun:…

According to an article published on the Oregonian’s website (link above), FreedomWorks Oregon announced today that it will launch a more than $1M campaign that intends to:

expose “how anti-energy radicals are opposed not just to energy development but to our modern way of life.”

 As evidence of this they cite a poll conducted by Republican pollster Moore Information services that shows that

solid majorities of Oregonians said they favored energy independence, construction of large wave energy farms in marine reserves off the coast and development of large wind energy farms “in scenic or wildlife sensitive areas in Oregon.”  More than two-thirds of poll respondents also said they believe that environmental groups “can be unfair and unreasonable in their efforts to stop energy development” and that they are unwilling to pay $6 a gallon or more for gas to protect the environment


Now you might be asking who FreedomWorks and Moore Information are, so see below for more:

FreedomWorks Oregon:

Founded by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX) in 2004, FreedomWorks is a libertarian organization in the model of the Club for Growth.  They are well known for their efforts to propose the flat tax, curb lawsuit damages and school voucher programs.  They are also opposed to Net Neutrality.  The Oregon chapter is headed by Russ Walker, a longtime conservative activist in the state.

Moore Information:

Founded by Bob Moore in 1981, Moore Information is a Portland-based polling firm that works almost exclusively for Republican candidates (including Gordon Smith of Oregon and Don Young of AK).  They are well known for their biased polling questions, such as the following:

Q: “Why do you say things are on the wrong track?”

A (separated by commas): Too many liberals/democrats, education/schools, Condition of government/decision-making process, Irresponsible spending, Taxes, Economy/Business Development, Irresponsible/Unqualified Politicians, Gay Civil Rights, Health Care Concerns, Environmental Issues. See this question on page 2 of the document linked here:

His full client list is here:

So What should we do about it:

If this pisses you off, donate to a good Oregon progressive ASAP to counteract this BS.

Here are some good candidates to donate to:

Jeff Merkley (OR Senate):

OR House Democrats (OR Legislature):

OR Senate Democrats (OR Legislature):

Or if you don’t want to donate locally, there is always that Barack Obama guy:

Let me know what you think.