Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?

Who do you love, and who loves you?

Update (Trent): We thought we’d shake things up a bit this week with a caption contest.  This time, see what you can come up with for this photo of Alabama Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries Ron Sparks (second from left) and Montgomery Mayor Bobby Bright.

Presidents Day Thread: Favorite Past Campaigns

Let me pose a different sort of question for this Presidents Day: Tell us about some of your favorite campaigns from the past. These could include stunning upsets where unheralded Dems beat incumbent GOPers against all odds; races where beleaguered but worthy Dems held on against stiff challenges; situations where Team Blue utterly pounded highly-touted opposition; or even moral victories, like narrow losses which set the table for an early retirement or a later win. Bonus points for good stories about campaigns you actually worked on.

Anyhow, however you define it, tell us about some of your favorite campaigns from yester-year, and why these memories still stick with you.

Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?

Sorry for the inactivity here, folks.  I’m currently working on a campaign that is consuming nearly every waking second of my life.  But the good news for SSP is that this will all be over in the first week of March.  I’ll have more to say on this subject later.

In the meantime, feel free to use this as an open thread to discuss any of the recent retirements (OR-05), announcements (Joe Garcia in FL-25) or presidential caucuses and primaries today (LA, NE, and WA on the Dem side).

Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?

Which GOP crumb-bum is going to strap on the golden parachute next?

UPDATE (James Hell): Ding ding ding!  It’s Dave Weldon! (FL-15, R+4.1):

Rep. Dave Weldon (R-Fla.) announced Friday that he will retire from Congress at the end of this session, citing a desire to return to his medical practice.

Weldon, 54, is a seven-term lawmaker who sits on the House Appropriations Committee.

President Bush won Weldon’s district in 2004 with 57 percent of the vote, compared to 43 percent for Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.).

P.S. (David): Dan Maffei added to DCCC’s Red-to-Blue list. I’m very glad to see this.

Notable User Diaries

We forgot to do this last week, so here are two weeks’ worth of great diaries:

  • Plf515 has been absolutely on fire, bringing us no fewer than eight roundups covering twenty-four states: IN & NM, NC & NE, CA, AR, OR, IA, ME & UT, MT, ID, MO, SD & SC, TN, AL & NJ, VA, ND & GA, and FL, CT & MI. Sea to shining sea!
  • Glacial Erratic updates us on an Iraq war vet, Bill Cahir, who has filed for the open-seat race in PA-05.
  • Meanwhile, robert.harding keeps us in the loop on the latest with candidate Jon Powers, running against crumb-bum Tom Reynolds up in NY-26.
  • Down South, skywrnchsr509 surveys the field in Mississippi, where the filing deadline has recently pass and where both GOP-held House seats are now open.
  • RBH explores what might happen if MO-09 opens up, should GOP Rep. Kenny Huslhof run for governor.
  • Sean takes a look at KY-03, where there’s talk of GOP failure Anne Northup trying to revive from the dead after losing two elections in two years.
  • The redoubtable Benawu provides a new update on the House race filing situation.
  • And last but certainly not least, Dean Barker, a great friend of SSP’s, tell us about the new wingnut challenger who has emerged to take on Paul Hodes in NH-02 – and utterly eviscerates her in the process.

Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?

The first primaries are just a month away! I’m talking, of course, about the Illinois congressional primaries, which feature a marquee matchup between netroots-backed Mark Pera and out-of-touch incumbent Dan Lipinski.

What races are you looking at?

Notable User Diaries

Ton of great diaries this week.

  • Glacial Erratic updates us on the Republican field in PA-05, where Rep. John Peterson (R) is the latest GOPer to announce his retirement.

  • Skywrnchsr509 surveys competitive House races in the states with early filing deadlines: Ohio, Texas, Illinois, and Maryland.

  • Plf515‘s series on House races continues, with looks at MS, KY & WV, MD , and PA.

  • Fbihop tells us about a move to liberalize ballot access requirements in New Mexico, which could make an already wide-open campaign season even more boisterous.

  • Some good news on the state level in Mississippi: Mississippiboy passes along word that Democrat Billy McCoy was narrowly re-elected speaker of the MS House over Barbour ally (and DINO) Jeff Smith.

Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?

Best comment ever on SSP?

SSP is my favorite blog because their primary open thread has no comments :-).

I love it. This open thread is a primary-free zone.

Notable User Diaries

  • Continuing a series, Progressive America brings us part two of a look at the Florida state Senate.
  • The indefatigable plf515 calculates the odds of House seat turnovers in three states (so far): Ohio, Texas & Illinois.
  • Robert.Harding tells us about Bob Kerrey’s endorsement of NY-26 hopeful Jon Powers. He also analyzes the irritating news that nutter millionaire Jack Davis  (D?) might try running a third time. Gah.
  • And finally, in a diary that warms my nerdly heart, Doug_Tuttle asks us to compare the presidential candidates with the comic book characters they most resemble. X Stryker has an awesome comment in reply running down every single candidate, with some hilarious matchups.