My internet access at home is on the fritz, so I might as well put up an open thread while I still have the chance.
Lots of buzz around the tubes lately, from Chuck Hagel retirement/Presidential chatter to the netroots scoring a big win over Fox News. Also, if you missed DavidNYC‘s front page action alert on DailyKos targeting ethically-challenged Rep. Heather Wilson (R-NM), please check it out and help prod the House into initiating an ethics investigation against Wilson.
What’s on your mind lately?
UPDATE: A little birdie tells me that Darcy Burner (D) has just filed for a rematch against Rep. Dave Reichert (R) in WA-08.
UPDATE 2: The Wall Street Journal speculates that Woody Jenkins, who narrowly lost a bitterly disputed election in 1996 to Mary Landrieu, will challenge her for the seat once again this year. Jenkins last ran statewide in 1999, for his bid for Louisiana Commissioner of Elections (which he lost to fellow Republican Suzanne Terrell). It remains to be seen whether or not Jenkins still has enough mojo to get the Republican nomination (remember, Louisiana is now using a closed-primary system for federal offices).
UPDATE 3 (David): Another former netroots candidate, Erica Massa (NY-29), is throwing his hat back in the ring for a rematch against “Shotgun” Randy Kuhl.