Jack Kingston isn’t just the goofy wingnut who made Worser on Olbermann. He’s the chief propagandist for the Republican party, in charge of making up the language of divisive politics like “subpoenas are disruptive”, “liberal baloney”, and “Obama isn’t patriotic because he doesn’t wear a flag pin.” All that and he brags about being the most conservative member of Congress, and his voting record bears that out: he gets an F from themiddleclass.org, a C from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, and a zero from the League of Conservation Voters; worse than Saxby Chambliss!
Much more here about how Kingston uses his goofy persona to hide a much darker side.
Here’s a real chance to get rid of Jack “flag pin” Kingston!
- is the first challenger ever to run television ads against Kingston
- they only cost $25 to run, and Bill is running a lot of them
- Bill is the first challenger to get more votes in his primary than Kingston did in his
- Bill has debated Jack twice on TV and won
- Bill has raised more money than any previous challenger
- Gillespie is executing a grass roots plan with hardworking volunteers
- Bill makes a great stump speech and the audience loves him
- Gillespie is endorsed by Wes Clark, Sanford Bishop (GA-02), VetPac, Savannah Daily News, and many others
- Bill is a decorated Lt. Col. (ret.) veteran of Iraq, which is a feature in a district with four major military bases
- Gillespie is travelling the district right now with Jim Martin, helping Jim defeat Saxby Chambliss
- Bill has supported Barack Obama from the beginning, including keynoting opening the Valdosta, Lowndes County Obama office (most populous county in the district), which has handed out thousands of Bill Gillespie flyers and mentioned Bill thousands of times on the telephone.
- Gillespie is already benefitting from 45,000 (12%) new voter registrations in the district
- Every straight ticket vote for Obama is a vote for Bill Gillespie
- Massive early voting turnout (30% in Lowndes County) favors Bill
Here are still more reasons Bill Gillespie can beat Jack Kingston:
All the surrounding GA districts are already Democratic and GA-01 is traditionally, the biggest county is already blue, etc.
A publisher that blankets the district says:
Coastal Empire News, publishers of Savannah Daily News, The Business Report & Journal and Coastal Family Magazine, is endorsing Savannah’s Bill Gillespie (D) for Congress to represent the 1st Congressional District over incumbent Jack Kingston (R).
It is painful to no longer endorse our friend, Jack Kingston. Many of us know Jack and his family personally and cherish their friendship and their public service. Jack Kingston is a good man, personally, but he has never had a viable or credible Democratic opponent to truly consider.
All that and Bill can fly!
Jack Kingston:
- used to have an advantage as an incumbent: not so much this year of high gas and low retirement, and people are sick of him embarrassing us on TV
- has more money than Bill, but whenever he uses it he reminds people Bill is running
- Jack’s main advantage is a lot of people still don’t know Bill is running
Let’s fix that!
TV and newspaper ads in GA-01 are among the cheapest in the country. $3,000 will saturate the market for the last 3 days.
Help oust Jack and elect Bill.
Or follow Jack’s advice, and get married and work longer hours.