My Trip to Washington, DC, (Districts We Need to Defend in 2008!)

One of things that I love doing on my all too infrequent trips to Washington, DC; along with networking, kicking Rethugs to the curb whenever possible, is being able to pick up “Roll Call” and “The Hill” for free.  One of the articles in the 1/4/06 edition of “Roll Call” was an article from Rep. Tom Cole, the new head of the RCCC.  One of the things that he said was that the RCCC had a debt of around $16 million and that was more than they had realized previously (SNARK WARNING) couldn’t have happened to a nicer group of gals and guys.  He also talks about 60 congressional districts that president bush carried twice that are currently help by Democrats.  I won’t bother you with 39 of them, because they are held by long term, incumbent dedmocrats with large voting percentages.  But there are 21 districts; held by Democrats, who won with under 55%.  The list is as follows:

TX 22nd  Nick Lampson  52%
PA 10th  Christopher Carney  53%
IA 9th  Baron Hill  50%
KS 2nd  Nancy Boyda  51%
LA 3rd  Charlie Melancon  55%
NC 11th  Heath Schuler  54%
IL 8th  Melissa Bean  51%
IN 2nd  Joe Donnelly  54%
GA 8th  Jim Marshall  51%
WI 8th  Steve Kagen  51%
AZ 5th  Harry Mitchell  51%
CA 11th  Jerry McNerney  53%
FL 16th  Tim Mahoney  49%
NY 19th  John Hall  51%
PA 4TH  Jason Altmire  52%
AZ 8th  Gabrielle Giffords  54%
NY 24th  Michael Acuri  54%
MN 1st  Tim Walz  53%
NH 1st  Carol Shea-Porter  52%
IA 3rd  Lenoard Boswell  52%
OR 5th  Darlene Hooley  54%

These are prime cases of defense first along with the districts that Kerry took in 2004 that have elected rethugs.