In the secretary of state race, nearly half, or 48 percent, of overall respondents said they would vote for Democratic candidate Michael Mauro and 42 percent said they would vote for Mary Ann Hanusa.
My rating for Iowa SOS: Leans Democratic
Governor, House district 3, and generic below the flip.
MOE: +/-4%
Culver (D): 50
Nussle (R): 45
(Culver leads 51-44 with independents)
My rating: Leans Democratic
Generic congressional ballot:
Democrats: 55
Republicans: 42
This probably means we’re going to control both houses of the Iowa state legislature, where the margin needed for control of both houses is just one seat. My rating for IA-State Senate, IA-State Assembly: Leans Democratic
IA-3 (MOE +/- 5%):
Boswell (D): 53
Lamberti (R): 41
Boswell leads among independents 58-39. My rating: Democrat Favored.