Sharpton for… Senate?

This is only thinking on my part, but it seems that rather than having Al Sharpton running of prez, which it looks like he’s going to, have him run for Lindsey Gramm’s seat.

We don’t have much of a chance at this seat anyway, he may be a bit of a maverick, but they still like their repubs down in SC.  What Sharpton has is the angle, he’d be running for the seat once held by the man who owned his ancestors.  It would generate plenty of media attention and would certainly give him a better chance than any of the sacrificial lambs the SC legislature would throw out at him.  Now, I know what many of you are thinking “he’d be too controversial, he’d galvanize the republicans.”  Hillary Clinton wouldn’t do that?  Even if he did galvanize the republicans, their electoral votes are in their court (maybe not if Edwards is the nom, but he probably won’t be) as are both senate seats, both houses of the legislature, (by wide margins in the house) and all but two of their congressman.  Even if Sharpton did Galvanize the right, it wouldn’t do much, and it might even be off set by an increased surge in the African American vote.  At the very least, it keep him out of the presidential race and prevents splitting the African American vote harming Obama.  No offense to Sharpton, but if you’re going to run for president, GET ELECTED TO SOMETHING ELSE FIRST!  That’s why the republicans didn’t back Steve Forbes or Keyes.