Today, August 27, 2010 marks the day I made my first political contribution. The person I choose to be lucky enough to earn the $10 that I contributed is a person who is not only an inspiring leader but a person who takes great effort in addressing many of the issues most critical to me. Issues such as Global Warming, Health Care, Education, and Woman and Gay Rights. This person also happens to be not only one of my favorite Senators but politicians as well. And the candidate who I gave a total of $10.00 is………..BARBARA BOXER (D)!!!!
For those of you who may not know, Senator Boxer is currently seeking to have 10,000 Americans contribute to her money bomb this September 1st. This goal, if broken would allow her to break through 100,000 total grassroots contributions to her campaign to date. It’s no secret that this race will be an expensive one, and with Carly Fiorina’s ability to self-finance every dollar of her own campaign Senator Boxer will need every penny she can get in order to win re-election. So I ask you will you SSP members help Boxer reach her goal of 10,000 contributors on September 1st, or will you allow someone like Carly Fiorina be able to buy herself of Senate seat. Your choice is yours! (cue in dramatic music)
PS. I do not work for Senator Boxer, do not represent her in anyway, blah blah blah blah. I’m just some teenager in Jersey (take that last part as a positive or negative characteristic I don’t care but I am in no way so gel headed bimbo from the Jersey Shore)