DC Advisory Neighborhood Commission

Although I rarely write diaries here, I read this blog every day and love how passionate and knowledgeable each one of you are about elections.

So, I am writing to tell you that I am currently managing a race in DC for 2 Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) seats in Ward 3 – SMD 3D02 and 3D07. 3D07 encompasses the south side of American University for the most part and 3D02 encompasses the north side of campus as well as the Spring Valley neighborhood.

If you are interested in learning more (any AU alumni or residents of NW DC here?), please visit our website: www.avoice4u.org and consider donating $5 or even voting if you live in one of the districts.

I know that most people are concerned with who keeps Congress and what these elections mean nationally, but the ANC has a say on many things that directly impact AU students so it is time for them to have a say in what their government does.

Thank you!

P.S. You can also see that Greater Greater Washington endorsed our candidates: http://greatergreaterwashingto…