Recruiting progressives running for office

We are searching for new candidates (or current electeds) who best represent the interests of working families. The ones that think we can do better than these free trade agreements that merely amount to corporate welfare. The ones that think we can have health care for every citizen in this country. The ones that believe not only in a higher minimum wage but a living wage. The ones that think the power should be with the people and not the corporations.
There might be a local office (think city council, state rep, even your local parks board) in your area up for grabs this year, or even someone who has declared early intentions for 2008.
So who do you know?

America In Solidarity is a grassroots campaign to educate voters on working family issues and to help elect politicians who care about America’s working families. We are a non-profit, non-partisan group that has had enough of politics as usual. Over the past three years, we have given thousands of volunteer hours to help elect politicians who have signed our pledge to protect working families, produced several community events to educate the public on the issues, and signed up hundreds of new voters. Together, we can make a difference and take back our country from the excessive greed of our corporate foes and the politicians who pander to them.

Thanks to the internet, our database of volunteers is growing and includes every state in the nation. Now we need outstanding examples of politicians to reach out to.
Over 50 politicians have signed our pledge to support working families.

Why sign?

Money and endorsements.

These two vital things propel a campaign from a non-factor to a frontrunner.

Volunteers and a well-ran campaign turn a frontrunner into a victory speech on election night.

America In Solidarity does not give money. We do not endorse.

Yet, America In Solidarity acts like ?Early Money? that can help a campaign get off the ground.

  * As America In Solidarity?s database of volunteers grows, we can help candidates through rallying volunteers to your campaign. Our database allows us to separate to even zip codes and send emails of when and where you need help.
  * Our interactive map draws thousands of hits that tell people which candidates in their state have signed our pledge. With links, this can help draw more visitors to your site, and ultimately your campaign.
  * Our calendar and website articles were designed to place high on search-engine lists allowing an incredible amount of website hits.

America In Solidarity works throughout the year to be a voice for working families. Through e-activism, lobbying and holding community events, we have been very active in areas like health care, trade agreements and worker?s safety. When election times comes closer, we turn our attention to helping those who signed our pledge by rallying volunteers to phonebanks and campaign help. Since 2003, our volunteers have given thousands of hours and as we grow, so will our reach.

So while America In Solidarity won?t send you a check, the boost to your campaign may be worth more than a few hundred dollars.