Joe McMenamin Challenges John Shimkus for IL-19 in 2008

Joe McMenamin is the Democratic candidate for IL-19. He has begun circulating petitions for the February 05, 2008, Illinois Primary.

Cross-posted to Philosophe Forum.

He has been in the U. S. Army for 26 years. He graduated the U. S. Army War College, has received combat experience in Afghanistan, and is currently a lieutenant Colonel in the Illinois National Guard. He received his juris doctorate from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, in 1979.

Joe is 54 years old. He is a fourth generation Illinoisan descended from New Deal Democrats. His father grew up on a farm during the Depression and was a prisoner of war during World War II.

Given a realistic alternative, voters will drive John Shimkus from office. He failed to perform his duty as a Member of Congress by not exercising checks and balances prior to and throughout the disastrous Iraq war, said Joe. He reminds his constituency that Rep. Shimkus consistently puts party above his country and reneged on his promise. By giving President Bush a blank check to fight a war in Iraq, Rep. Shimkus has succeeded in the following:

  • Spending a half a trillion dollars with little to show for it.
  • Shipping billions of dollars of American wealth abroad to import oil at triple the old price.
  • Avoided any real push towards energy independence.
  • Ignored the effects of global warming.
  • Delayed any viable solution to national health insurance.
  • Increased income disparity while oil companies and war profiteers grow wealthier.

Joe offers voters a better alternative to the Republican incumbent’s questionable ethics. To help him collect signatures on the petitions contact The Philosophe Forum!