Swingnut Demographics

The discussion regarding “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” surprised me in that a number of people volunteered their age and were, on the whole, younger than I imagined the members of this site to be.  To test this hypothesis, (since the Bueller sample may have been self selecting, for obvious reasons) I’ve created a poll.  The age spreads are a bit narrower for the younger ages.  If people enjoy this, I will perhaps do more demographic polls in the future.

By what margin will Bob Shamansky win?

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72 thoughts on “Swingnut Demographics”

  1. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is, on average, a “younger” site than Daily Kos, Congress Matters, or other big liberal blogs/communities. This is a site more or less dominated by (and I’m one of these people) energetic number-crunchers and election junkies with too much time on their hands. You’d probably find that genus SSPer is more likely to be young, single, male, and geeky than the average blogger.

  2. And you should make some sort of project where people name their state, congressional district, and state senate/lege/assembly/whatnot representatives as well.

    Isn’t there some sort of website feature that allows people to do that?

  3. Still geeky, but not as much time for number-crunching now that my daughter’s dinner/bathtime/bedtime rituals take up half or so of my evenings…

  4. at 38. But if they’d had SSP when I was in college, I certainly would have been there. If only they’d had the Internet back then. (They did have this thing called the “VAX,” which you would use to access “listservs,” some of which were called “alt.politics,” which I think has the same relationship to today’s blogosphere as an archaeopteryx has to a chicken).

  5. Age: 24

    Sex: Male

    Race: White (with some Native American mixed in)

    Location: Cartersville, Georgia

    Sexual Orientation: Gay (closeted)

    Religion: Atheist

    Party Affiliation: Democratic

    Political Ideology: Very liberal (although with some caveats)

    Education: Finishing up my undergraduate degree in political science

  6. Monroe la.

    Beat my representation:

    Rodney Alexander LA-05

    David Vitter

    Mary Landrieu

    Bobby Jindall

    State Sen. Mike Walsworth R and a hypocritical asshole

    State Rep Kay Katz R

    orientation: unknown


    thoughtful liberal environmentalist, socialist leanings, attempting to be an intellectual.

  7. Age: 30

    Sex: Male

    Ethnicity: White

    Location: United Kingdom

    Orientation: Straight and single

    Religion: Agnostic

    Political leanings: Left of center pragmatist

    Education: BSc Social Science with Politics

  8. Age: 22

    Gender: Male

    Orientation: Straight

    Religion: Godless Heathen (Atheist) 😉

    Ideology: Pragmatic Liberal (basically I’m a liberal who has some realistic expectations of the government)

    Education: Working towards a BA in Political Science with a minor in Philosophy

    Location: Albuquerque

    Senators: Tom Udall and Jeff Bingaman

    Representatives: Martin Heinrich

    State Senator: Kent Cravens (R)

    State Representative: Larry A. Larrañaga (R)

    Basically I live in a relatively Republican part of a relatively Democratic city.

  9. Age: 20

    Gender: Male

    Orientation: Gay

    Religion: Technically Agnostic, basically Atheist

    Ideology: Liberal, specifically very liberal on social and civil liberties issues (except my views on guns get a bit skitzo) and a little more moderate but still to the left on economics.

    Education: Junior working on a BA in English with minors in PoliSci, French, and Chinese. Then Law School? Or a PhD in Comparative Literature and a ticket to live in cardboard box by the freeway for the rest of my life?

    Location: Tucson or Flagstaff depending on school and some other factors (though I had to switch to online classes out of Tucson this semester).

    Senators: John McCain (R) and Jon Kyl (R)

    Representatives: Gabrielle Giffords and/or Ann Kirkpatrick

    State Senators: Paula Aboud (D) in Tucson; Albert Hale (D) in Flagstaff

    State Representatives: David Bradley (D) & Steve Farley (D) in Tucson; Tom Chabin (D) & Christopher Deschene (D) in Flagstaff  

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