Isakson in trouble?

I had always assumed Johnny Isakson (R-GA) would have an easy time being re-elected to his senate seat in 2010, but according to this poll, he may be vulnerable. Here is the link.…

The poll shows him with a lead of 47-43 against former governor Roy Barnes, and a lead of 48-40 against Rep. Jim Marshall. Hopefully a top tier candidate can be persuaded to run against him, and we won’t have a replay of the 2008 senate election, where we failed to nominate a top tier candidate and then realized Chambliss was vulnerable.

58 thoughts on “Isakson in trouble?”

  1. We had all assumed Isakson would coast to re-election.  

    Here’s another wrinkle.  Eric von Haessler, a radio personality (shock jock) from Atlanta, is thinking about running as a Libertarian.  Not only would von Haessler drain votes from Isakson simply for being a Libertarian, but the name recognition would also cause him to drain more votes.

  2. Not so hot.  And that’s an aweful lot of “unsure.”  Seems he’s almost as obscure as Burr or Martinez in the Senate.

    Do you approve or disapprove of the job Johnny Isakson is doing as United States Senator?

    Approve 48%

    Disapprove 33%

    Not Sure 18%

  3. Chambliss may be less popular than Isakson, but two more years just lets us get even closer to winning statewide in Georgia again.  Having a top-tier candidate would also help, no offense to Jim Martin.  We’re not going to get Barnes or Marshall, but there’s gotta be some other candidates as well.

  4. I think r2k’s black turnout projection is more than a bit optimistic for a midterm.  

  5. They tried to draft him for the last round but he took a pass.  A dynamic speaker like Wycc would outshine the rather dull Isakson and would force him to compete on his terms instead of letting Johnny boy frame the debate.

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