OH-Sen: Dems Move Into Lead

Public Policy Polling (PDF) (6/17-19, registered voters, 1/17-18 in parens):

Jennifer Brunner (D): 40 (34)

Rob Portman (R): 32 (42)

Undecided: 29 (24)

Lee Fisher (D): 41 (39)

Rob Portman (R): 32 (41)

Undecided: 27 (20)

(MoE: ±4.1%)

The trendlines are a little musty, but they look quite good for the Democrats, despite pretty mediocre favorable ratings (low thirties on either side of the equation for both Dems). Brunner’s faves are largely unchanged, but Fisher’s seen a bit of a slide. Portman’s favorables are also worse, though – 22-34 now, after a 28-23 reading in January. The samples are also a little different – it was 45D-35R-20I in the first poll, and 50D-35R-15I in this one.

Research 2000/Daily Kos will likely be in the field here soon. We will hopefully shed some light on the baffling OH-Gov polling disparities, and we’ll probably also test the Senate Dem primary.

RaceTracker: OH-Sen

8 thoughts on “OH-Sen: Dems Move Into Lead”

  1. This has got to be the most “free” trade, deregulated, corporate one-two punch the Republicans could have found anywhere.  Running in Ohio.  Good luck with that.

  2. This poll looks more like a shift in samples than a shift in opinions.  While I’m still relatively confident about this race, I think the race is relatively static right now.

  3. I hope Brunner wins the primary, Fisher has had trouble winning statewide elections and I think that Brunner would make a much better senator.

  4. Both Brunner and Fisher have run statewide before. I don’t think Portman has.

    So if Portman’s favorables were good, increasing name recognition should help him. But the PPP poll suggests that it’s at least currently negative.

    So will Portman’s numbers go up or down as his name recognition increases?

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