VA-Gov: Ugly, ugly numbers from PPP confirm Survey USA

Democratic apathy tells the story.

“In a result probably owing more to the shift against Democrats in the national political climate than anything going on in Virginia, Bob McDonnell now leads Creigh Deeds 51-37 in the race to become the next Governor of Virginia. It’s not that voters are changing sides from last fall – the 5% of John McCain’s voters planning to vote for Deeds is actually equal to the 5% of Barack Obama’s voters planning to vote for McDonnell. But Republicans, on a losing streak in Virginia, appear to be more motivated about heading to the polls at this point three months before the election.”

I would argue in Virginia it probably has more to do with specific groups, young people and African Americans – the core Obama groups, not taking an interest. Still time to turn it around but hard work all the same.

“McDonnell has a 52-33 lead among independents and has locked up 94% of the Republican vote while Deeds is at 80% with Democrats. There is some good news for Deeds in the poll, as he leads 64-3 among African Americans. The 33% of undecided voters in that group will likely move toward Deeds as the election approaches, tightening up the race.”

The strategy is clearly to unite Democrats, to get black voters energized (Obama must get involved – I have faith in the WH here since we know they know the consequences of losing NJ AND VA from that Wilder interview. Must get him on board too) and to work on those indies. Creigh has come from behind once he can do it again.


20 thoughts on “VA-Gov: Ugly, ugly numbers from PPP confirm Survey USA”

  1. Lieutenant Governor,

    Bolling (R) 48

    Wagner (D) 34

    Attorney General,

    Cuccinelli (R) 45

    Shannon (D) 32

  2. …the Deeds campaign is a disaster.  They are completely invisible in NoVA, and I’m sure invisible in all the other Democratic areas.

    Both SUSA and PPP show one thing:  base Democrats are planning on not voting.

    And all this at the start of Deeds’ hicksville tour through heavily Republican counties.

    Deeds is on pace to get completely blown out.

    The only good thing to come from the latest polling is that if the campaign isn’t too insular then maybe, just maybe, Deeds or others of campaign authority will wake up and realize they need to change what they’re doing and have Creigh camp out in the urban crescent.

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