• AK-Sen: The Tea Party Express is reloading in Alaska, with Lisa Murkowski having popped up again as a target. They’re launching a new ad blitz starting Monday, although no word on how much they plan to spend on this go-round.
• CA-Sen: It seems like the NRSC can read the handwriting on the wall in California: they’ve canceled a $1.9 million ad buy on Carly Fiorina’s behalf for the last week before the election (probably sensing that money’s more valuable in West Virginia). They’re, of course, framing it as “advancing in another direction,” saying they wanted to give her flexibility to spend the money “around the state and not just in one city.”
• CO-Sen: Greenberg Quinlan Rosner for DSCC (9/22-26, likely voters, no trendlines):
Michael Bennet (D-inc): 48
Ken Buck (R): 46
The DSCC has the first publicly-offered poll in a while giving Michael Bennet a lead, here up 2 on Ken Buck. (The last poll with a Bennet lead seems to be that joint POS/Fairbank Maslin poll from early September, which had him up by 3.)
• DE-Sen: Wow, Christine O’Donnell’s resume (on her LinkedIn profile) is falling apart like it was made out of balsa wood and chewing gum. After getting called on not having actually taken any classes at Oxford yesterday, now it turns out that she never took any classes at Claremont Graduate University. And she’s offering a really strange denial, the kind of thing you might expect from a first-grader rather than a 41-year old: that Linked In profile with her name on it? Yeah, she’s saying she didn’t put it up and doesn’t know who did.
• LA-Sen: I don’t know if anyone has compared this yet to that epic-length R. Kelly video that has him hiding in closet and there’s a dwarf apropos of nothing? At any rate, Charlie Melancon is out with a new ad that’s not the first time he’s broached the issue of David Vitter’s, um, personal failings… but this one goes on for two whole minutes, chronicling the whole thing in great detail. Given its remarkable length, it should be no surprise that it’s only running on cable.
• NC-Sen: Public Policy Polling (pdf) (9/23-26, likely voters, late Aug. in parentheses):
Elaine Marshall (D): 36 (38)
Richard Burr (R-inc): 49 (43)
Michael Beitler (L): (6)
Undecided: 11 (13)
(MoE: ±3.8%)
The movement toward Richard Burr (thanks to his seemingly-effective advertising, paid for with his huge financial edge) shown by other pollsters is corroborated by PPP, who’ve tended to see a closer race here in their home state than anyone else. He leads by 13, instead of 5 like last time. One galling number, indicating this could be a real race if Elaine Marshall had any money (not forthcoming, since the DSCC is playing so much defense elsewhere), is that Marshall actually leads 47-45 among those who have an opinion of her.
• NV-Sen: Jon Ralston continues to pummel Sharron Angle, this time over her strange attempts to walk back claims that she wants to privatize the VA. “Walk back” may not even be the right word, since her seem to involve the argument that she never actually said the words that she previously said in May. Meanwhile, here’s the level of message discipline they have over at Camp Angle: her own spokesperson is criticizing Angle’s latest ad on immigration as “propaganda,” in her side gig as chair of the Nevada Republican Hispanic Caucus!
• WA-Sen: Who’s the most popular politician in America these days? Bill Clinton, believe it or not. So it’s no surprise he’s in demand as Democratic surrogate, and he’s even coming to Washington on Patty Murray’s behalf, headlining a Boeing-themed event in Everett on Oct. 18.
• CA-Gov: This story seems to be developing as the day goes on: Meg Whitman’s camp has had to cop to the fact that she once employed a housekeeper who was, gasp, an illegal immigrant. The fight… which will probably determine how much of a story this becomes (if any) over the next few days… seems to be over how much Whitman personally knew about her status (although the non-matching social security number seems like it should’ve been a tipoff).
• CO-Gov: Wow, this might actually help Dan Maes climb his way out of polling in the low teens! Today he offers some exculpatory evidence that he did too sorta-kinda work as an undercover officer for a small-town police department in Kansas. (Of course, it also shows that he was in fact fired for leaking information about the probe to the relative of a target.)
• OH-Gov: Benenson for Campaign for the Moderate Majority (9/25-27, likely voters, no trendlines):
Ted Strickland (D-inc): 41
John Kasich (R): 40
Undecided: 13
(MoE: ±4%)
You might apply a little salt as this is a poll by a Dem pollster for Dem-sounding group, but this is still the first we’ve seen this in a long, long while… a poll with Ted Strickland in the lead. With a trio of polls in the last few days showing Strickland down by either 1 or 2, there’s some definite late closing in this race. (One strange item, though, is that “other” candidates are eating up 6% of the vote here. I’d be surprised if that continues.)
• CO-02: Magellan (9/29, likely voters, no trendlines):
Jared Polis (D-inc): 48
Stephen Bailey (R): 36
Undecided: 8
(MoE: ±3.7%)
I’m not sure why Magellan fired up their crack team of robo-dialers to test this race, not really on anyone’s radar screen — maybe they’re prospecting for unusual targets. As one would expect, Jared Polis isn’t in particular danger in this D+11 district, although thanks to the drag of the national climate his numbers seem softer than the district’s heavy lean.
• NC-07: SurveyUSA for Civitas (pdf) (9/24-26, likely voters, no trendlines):
Mike McIntyre (D-inc): 45
Ilario Pantano (R): 46
(MoE: ±4.4%)
SurveyUSA takes a look at NC-07, as part of the Civitas Institute’s rotating cast of pollsters. The (not very comforting) good news is that this is SurveyUSA, which has been putting out very GOP-friendly polling in House races, especially in North Carolina. (See their NC-11 polling, compared to other sources.) The bad news is that this race is pretty low on people’s watch lists, although the NRCC has started to spending some money on ads here.
• VA-02: POS for Scott Rigell (9/26-27, likely voters, no trendlines):
Glenn Nye (D-inc): 35
Scott Rigell (R): 42
Kenny Golden (I): 5
Undecided: 18
(MoE: ±4.9%)
On top of the NRCC internal poll leaked yesterday (giving Scott Rigell a decent if not-awe-inspiring 45-40 lead over Glenn Nye in an Ayres McHenry poll on 9/23-26), now Rigell’s out with his own internal poll from POS giving him a slightly bigger lead. There’s one very strange detail here, though: the voters going for tea-flavored indie Kenny Golden seem to be coming out Glenn Nye’s column, as that subsample has 59/23 Obama approvals. The MoE on that subsample is probably astronomical, but still, there seems to be some message confusion here about who’s who.
• WI-07: POS for Sean Duffy (9/21-22, likely voters, no trendlines):
Julie Lassa (D): 43
Sean Duffy (R): 47
(MoE: ±4.9%)
With Julie Lassa having released a poll yesterday showing her down by 1, Sean Duffy retaliated with a poll showing, well, not much difference: his poll has Lassa down by 4. This gets a little confusing, because the NRCC is out with a totally different internal poll today giving Duffy a better result (see below). At any rate, the polls taken in combination seem to give him a definite advantage here.
• NRSC: Here are some McCain Bucks that are actually worth something in the real world! Apparently feeling confident in his general (having survived a bigger challenge in his primary from J.D. Hayworth), John McCain just kicked $1 million over to the NRSC. (Alternate title: Good news! From John McCain!)
• NRCC: In addition to those couple candidate-released internals, the NRCC leaked five more internals of its own today to the Hotline, the majority of which confirm the expected trouble in three Midwestern open seats, but one showing a sleepy race is a live one and one with flat-out awful numbers for the Dem:
WI-08: Steve Kagen (D-inc) 39%, Reid Ribble (R) 57% (OnMessage, 9/15-16)
IL-17: Phil Hare (D-inc) 43%, Bobby Schilling (R) 44% (Tarrance Group, 9/23-25)
WI-07: Julie Lassa (D) 38%, Sean Duffy (R) 52% (Fabrizio, McLaughlin 9/15-16)
MI-01: Gary McDowell (D) 24%, Dan Benishek (R) 40% (Hill Research, 9/19-22) (um, no polling on Glenn Wilson?)
IN-08: Trent Van Haaften (D) 20%, Larry Buchson (R) 41% (OnMessage, 9/13-14)
• American Crossroads: Money’s flowing out of American Crossroads as fast as it flows in, from their handful of billionaire donors: they’re launching TV ad buys worth $724K in CO-Sen, $618K in IL-Sen, $346K in NV-Sen, $267K in PA-Sen, $492K in WA-Sen, $384K in MO-Sen, and also $247K in direct mail in FL-Sen. (Here’s a peek at their WA-Sen ad.)
• NFIB: Committees? Who needs ’em? The National Federation of Independent Business is getting straight into the IE business, too, and in a big way. They have a new PA-Sen ad out (see the link). They’re also starting to advertise in NC-Sen, WI-Sen, IN-08, WI-07, ND-AL, OH-16, NM-01, NV-03, FL-08, SC-05, VA-05, and WI-08.
• State legislatures: Louis Jacobson, writing for Governing magazine, updates his state legislature projections, with almost every move in the Republicans’ favor. 25 of the 28 chambers “in play” are Democratic-controlled. The most alarming moves include moving the Dem-held Pennsylvania House and Ohio House to Lean Republican, and the North Carolina Senate and Colorado House to Tossup. The one remaining viable pickup opportunity for Dems is the Texas House.
• Polltopia: There isn’t exactly anything new in this Politico piece from Maggie Haberman, but it does convey that professional pollsters and poll watchers in the Beltway are throwing up their hands in frustration about wildly vacillating, inconclusive polling this cycle as the rest of us are… showing that, really, nobody has much of a clue as to what’s about to happen. Just to help everyone take a deep breath and keep things in perspective here…
• FL-Sen: The winning ad of the day comes from the Florida Democratic Party, on Kendrick Meek’s behalf, letting Charlie Crist do all the talking about how he’s really a conservative Republican
• WI-Sen: I actually agree with the Fix here that this is an effective Ron Johnson ad, letting him play the outsider in the same way that Russ Feingold did 18 years ago
• WV-Sen: The NRSC contrasts at-home Joe Manchin vs. Washington Joe Manchin
• FL-Gov: The FDP is also out with two different ads in the Governor’s race, hitting Rick Scott on his Columbia/HCA tenure and contrasting that with Alex Sink’s uncontroversial time at Bank of America
• MA-Gov: The RGA keeps hitting Tim Cahill (on the lottery this time), knowing full well that less Cahill means more Charlie Baker
• MD-Gov: Martin O’Malley is one politician embracing instead of fleeing Barack Obama, in a new radio ad
• FL-22: Ron Klein is out with another anti-Allen West ad, but it’s back to the tax liens instead of dipping into the well of crazy
• IA-01: AFF is out with a mondo-sized ad buy against Bruce Braley in a race that no one else but them seems to be paying attention to (for $800K!) (h/t desmoinesdem)
• KS-03: Stephene Moore is finally out with her first TV spot, which is mostly an attack on Kevin Yoder (though self-narrated, which is unusual for that)
• NH-02: Ann McLane Kuster’s out with an ad hitting Charlie Bass for wanting to “pick up where he left off”
• NV-03: Here’s a link to that Dina Titus “peas in a pod” ad that we mentioned this morning, tying Joe Heck to Sharron Angle
• PA-12: Mark Critz’s first ad talks about his own hardscrabble roots, and about outsourcing
• WI-07: As cool as it is to watch, how many more ads is Sean Duffy going to keep playing lumberjack in?
• Rasmussen:
• OH-Sen: Lee Fisher (D) 42%, Rob Portman (R) 51%
hilarity from Christine O’Donnell. This time she says that god told her not to drop out.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/s…
Lee Fisher is kicking Lee Fisher’s ass!
Sorry for being obnoxious; clearly a typo…
…shows your desperation to show Fisher winning, even if only against himself! (Read it closely.)
The NRSC radio ad about Manchin sounds like a winner. It reminds me a lot of the DSCC spot on Liddy Dole with the rocking chairs. I think it can connect to a lot of voters, unfortunately.
deliberately underestimated his income by $100K during court proceedings in order to pay significantly less in child support.
who just got his first job out of college has a fbook status saying that for his job as a legislative associate for someplace in DC he is researching races and looking up all the info on them.
Um, fuck that, we all do that for free.
On WV-Sen: The DSCC has started to advertise too and the AFL-CIO is going to bring the hammer down there as well. Manchin has to portray himself as someone who will legislate independently.
All stops need to be pulled out to defeat Rick Scott, the Goblin King.

Boxer (D) 52%
Fiorina (R) 43%
Brown (D) 52%
Whitman (R) 43%
Boxer (D) 56%
Fiorina (R) 37%
Brown (D) 52%
Whitman (R) 39%
I’ll take ’em.
LePage (R) 30% [38]
Mitchell (D) 29% [25]
Cutler (I) 9%
Moody (I) 5%
I am so glad to see our California candidates pulling away (knock on wood). The Fiorina ad pullback described on the front page is symptomatic. This is huge strategically for the Dems, as it allows the DGA and DSCC to focus resources where they are badly needed throughout the country.
Nice to see that they put a split up by County.
But if you look at the percentages each county’s share of the 2008 House vote compared to each county’s share of the sample
Bladen: 4.83% 2008/6% poll (55-35 Pantano)
Brunswick: 16.49% 2008/18% poll (57-41 Pantano)
Columbus: 7.67% 2008/7% poll (55-37 Pantano)
Cumberland: 11.13% 2008/16% poll (55-29 Pantano)
New Hanover: 31.19% 2008/28% poll (49-46 McIntyre)
Pender: 7.36% 2008/7% poll (55-40 McIntyre)
Robeson: 13% 2008/13% poll (71-13 McIntyre)
In those 7 counties, Pantano has 43.58%, McIntyre has 43.51%. But on the 2008 splits, it’s McIntyre 43.07%, Pantano 41.37%
Of those 7, McIntyre’s above average counties were Bladen (82%), Columbus (80%), and Robeson (86%). The poll has Pantano winning Bladen by 20, and Columbus by 18.
Oh yeah, it’s also a poll of 450 registered voters. 4.6% MOE. The Pantano/McIntyre question is 6 questions in. They have half of African-Americans (in their tiny overall sample) going to Pantano.
During that one summer I was frontpaging here in 2006, SurveyUSA sent an e-mail telling me to not call them SUSA. So in that spirit. SUSA is gonna join Research 2000 if they can’t pull it out this cycle. SUSA has something to lose. Rasmussen doesn’t. Because being wrong never stopped a Conservative media outlet before.
for his “Taliban Dan” ad. Previously cash strapped Webster is getting lots of fundraising attention now.
Nice going, Alan. Dumbass.
CNN has her down 2.
Her “high road” campaign is reminding me of 2004 Senate candidate Betty Castor, who lost to the vastly inferior Mel Martinez. Your opponent is a goddamned criminal Alex!!! Get after him!!!
or maybe just an outlier. Giannoulias by 1 and Quinn only down 2? I am particularly skeptical of the latter.
Unless Marshall gets an infusion of money or outside help, it looks like Burr may be the one who finally breaks the 40 year curse on NC senators not named Helms.
It’s a damn shame – most voters either hate him or don’t know who he is.
how to find a list of different tv market areas? price would be nice too. google isn’t helping
Caveat: there are no undecideds in the poll. Yes, the primary is on Saturday but the fact that everyone has made up there mind already seems unrealistic.
Joe Walsh 41.13% R
Melissa Bean 41.06% D
Brady beating Quinn in this district 44 to 27.
He will do a rally with Jerry Brown and Gavin Newsom at UCLA on October 15. http://www.facebook.com/jerryb…
The reason they had Stephene Moore not only narrate, but appear in that ad is that she makes it adorable. I mean, seriously, that is cute. With a scary VO, it would’ve been over the top and less effective. With her in it, it’s matter of fact and almost upbeat, and you almost come away from watching thinking, “Well, I had no idea–thanks for showing up on my TV with the warning, Stephene, I really appreciate that.”
I’m telling you, she’s got that no-nonsense Kansas Mom thing down pat–like when she puts her sensible pump in that revolving door of lobbying.
And you silly SSP folk were thinking this race was gonna Lean Republican. 🙂
That poll doesn’t look good for Kagen. He won narrowly in 2006, but I wouldn’t expect him to be that far behind even in a Reep internal. The primary wasn’t too long ago and unlike in WI-7 there was some uncertainty, so you might expect Ribble to get a bit of a primary bounce, but not that much. Has Kagen gone negative on Ribble yet?
I know Lassa has been beating up on Duffy, but it doesn’t appear to be working.
He will release a statement and told CNN earlier today that he was leaning against it. Hopefully, that wasn’t a ruse and he will simply retire.
Just think how easy it would be to write the name “Mike Castle” in that write-in box – it’s a helluva lot more simple than spelling “Murkowski.” Forget that mild tidbit, though. There are plenty of RINOS and Independents who would gladly welcome a Castle bid. My own projection, for what it’s worth, has Coons up 42-31-27 over Castle and O’Donnell. Castle wins about 25% of Democrats and 40% of Republicans/Indies.
Democrat – 47%
GOP – 34%
Independent – 19%
Coons – 74/3/32 = 42%
O’Donnell – 3/59/29 = 27%
Castle – 23/38/39 = 31%
Paladino tells a reporter on camera, “I’ll take you out.”
(Fast forward to 0:48 for the good stuff.)