41 thoughts on “Chicago Mayor Predictions Thread”

  1. Emanuel- 60

    Chico- 21

    Del Valle- 10

    Braun- 7

    Others- 2

    I’m aiming high with the Emanuel numbers. I think a lot of people feel that this race is basically wrapped up and so turnout may be relatively low, and I think Emanuel’s advantage among higher-turnout groups (whites, women, older people) may make give him a better result than polls predict. Also, I’m giving Del Valle and Braun low marks, because I think the vast majority of late-breaking undecideds will break to either Emanuel or Chico, as they are the two main candidates in the race at this point.  

  2. And know, perhaps, what voter number you were at your polling place?

    My guess is that Rahmbo will win it outright.  He’s been flirting with 50 in the public polling and undecideds will push him over the top.

  3. 49 Emanuel

    21 Chico

    15 del Valle

    9  Braun

    4  Watkins

    2  Walls

    It’s disappointing that del Valle, the only progressive, independent candidate of the “major” candidates couldn’t gain more traction. I’m also curious as to how the aldermanic elections play out, but I don’t know enough to form any broad opinions.


  4. you take the sum of the absolute errors of the predictions provided, counting only predictions that had numbers for all four major candidates, the result is as follows, assuming a result of Emanuel 55, Chico 24, Del Valle 9, Braun 9:

    (a low score is a good thing)

    Darth Jeff- 11.75

    twohundertseventy- 11.07

    drobertson- 10.57

    homerun- 12

    californianintexas- 12

    knickelbein5- 13

    hoosierdem- 14

    SaoMagnifico- 14

    sdkWA- 15

    tietack- 17

    Johnny Longtorso- 18

    andyroo312- 19

    LookingOver- 20

    Kretzy- 21

    ndrwmls10- 21

    jwaalk- 23

    First place tiebreaker with 98% reporting:

    Errors for Emanuel, Chico, Del Valle, Braun:

    darth jeff 1.11+3.16+1.34+6.14= 11.75

    drobertson 4.89+3.16+0.66+1.86= 10.57

    twohundertseventy 3.11+2.16+1.66+4.14= 11.07

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