Could Murtha lose in PA-12?

Two new polls now shows longtime Pennsylvania Democrat John Murtha in serious trouble for reelection.…

His Republican challenger has an internal poll that shows the Republican up 48%-35% and a local newspaper has Murtha up just 46%-41%.  

If anything, Murtha needs to quickly start hitching himself to Obama’s coattails if he wants to win reelection.  We already appear likely to lose Kanjorski in the solidly Democratic PA-11 and now we may lose Murtha as well.  This is not good.  

WTF? Hodes only up 43%-39% in NH-02

A Public Opinion Strategies poll done for the NRCC has Paul Hodes only up 43%-39% over right wing Republican talk radio host in NH-02.  Now if you adjust this for partisan bias, you get a 47%-35% lead for Hodes, but that still is not overly comforting in this blue district that John Kerry won by six points in 2004 and will need to go for Barack Obama for the same margin if he is going to eke out a win in the state.  

Having to defend Shea-Porter in NH-01 is annoying enough, but having to worry about both seats in this blue trending state is a real pain in the ass.  I cant imagine this state wanting to give control of their whole delegation back to the Republicans.  Watch for other polls in this race.  If Hodes’ lead is this small in public polls, then we can worry.