Hello redistricting fans. I have an open source project that is making the opposite of gerrymandered districts: optimally compact districts.
The results are starting to come in for the states that have had data released.
I could use help with a couple things:
1. Publicity
2. Spare computing
Who needs to know about this? Media? People involved in various state redistricting efforts? Academics? Politicians? Activists?
And if you have a spare x86_64 Mac or Linux machine, you can download a client to run and help solve for optimally compact districts. If you want to tinker with the code you can download the source.
Why focus on optimally compact districts?
Is anyone going to just run with these maps? Probably not. But I want these maps to be available and known as something to compare to. I want to imagine starting from these maps and making changes towards keeping together actual communities or making districts easier to administer by following town and county lines. So I want to have an optimal map so that any deviation from that has to be justified.
Also, if anyone wants to tinker with these maps in another program, please point me to it and what the interchange format is. I’ll write the export code.