Americans for Ryan: Independence from Exxon Eddie!!

Happy Independence Day everyone!! Today our nation celebrates it’s Declaration of Independence from the British Empire. After much sacrifice from that generation, our nation would go on to become the first that was built upon the liberal ideals of the Enlightenment. Our nation would become a bastion of freedom, and the “city on the hill” for the world to aspire to.

Yes, our nation is the greatest in the world. One of the greatest things about our nation is that we can choose who will represent us in our Government. When we have failed leadership, every two, four, and six years Americans have the right to vote them out.

Well, right here in Kentucky’s First Congressional District, we have a failed Congressman, Exxon Ed Whitfield. He has spent the last several years rubber-stamping every failed policy of the Bush Administration. His election year Renaisance cannot conceal his real voting record, one that blocks any kind of Progressive change, and keeps the power with the status-quo.

Whitfield has made many terrible votes that in my opinion run contrary to what American liberty is all about. There is a world of difference between himself, and our candidate, Heather Ryan. Lets look at some of them.

First and foremost, is fighting for our veterans that have provided us with liberty. Although Whitfield changed his tune in an election year on the 21st Century G.I. Bill, his record speaks for itself.

Whitfield voted against a $53 Million boost for Veteran’s Health care and benefits.  The vote was against an amendment to the Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs funding bill to add $53 million for veterans health care and other benefits, offset by a 9% cut to BRAC.  The amendment would add $8 million for combat-related trauma care, $6 million for poly-trauma centers to support wounded troops once they return to their homes, $9 million for VA medical and prosthetic research and $7 million for 100 additional staff who process claims for compensation and pension benefits.  Finally, the amendment would provide $23 million to help approximately 4,100 souses of service members with children whose spouse died during the War on Terrorism between September 11, 2001 and November 30, 2004 by making them eligible for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation.  The amendment failed 213-214 – Whitfield was the deciding vote which denied these benefits to injured veterans.  (Leadership Document, “Medical Quality Democratic Amendment Final.”) [HR 2528, Vote #224, 5/26/05; Failed 213-214; R 19-210; D 193-4; I 1-0]

Whitfield voted for the budget that cut veteran’s programs.  Voted for final passage of the $2.6 trillion budget conference report for 2006.  The report cut Medicaid spending by $10 Billion, spent every penny of the Social Security surplus, increased the national debt by $167.5 billion over 5 years and paved the way for oil drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge.  Futhermore, the conference report cut funding for veteran’s health care by $13.5 billion over five years.  Yet the budget still found room for $106 Billion in tax cuts for those who need it the least.  (House Budget Committee Democratic Caucus, “Summary and Analysis of FY 2006 Budget Resolution Conference Report.” 4/28/08)  [HCR 95, Vote #149, 4/28/2005; Passed 214-211; R 214-15; D 0-195; I 0-1].

Whitfield Opposed Increased Spending on Veteran’s and Homeland Security.  The vote was against an amendment to the 2006 budget resolution to increase spending levels by $15.8 billion.  The proposal boosted education, training and social services programs by $8 billion, provided $2.9 billion more veteran’s health care and $1.7 billion more for homeland security than the GOP resolution.  Furthermore, the amendment would have reduced the deficit by $10 billion and raised $25.8 billion by reducing tax cuts for those earning more than $1 Million.  The amendment was rejected, 180-242.  [HRS 95, Vote #82, 3/17/2005; Failed 180-242; R 3-218; D 176-24; I 1-0].…

Contrast this with Heather Ryan:

Every day we see reports about how our veterans services have fallen into severe disrepair. The men and women who served this country deserve better.  Our VA system needs a complete overhaul; from the GI Bill to health care to disability benefits, without a modernized system, we do those who served our country a grave disservice.  Veterans deserve better.…

Next we have Whitfield’s votes to help ensure that he, and his colleagues aren’t subjected to the same eithics as the rest of us:

Whitfield voted to Weaken House Ethics Rules.  The new rules would allow lobbyists to cater meals to members’ offices and let charities pay for lawmakers to travel and stay at golf resorts and other locales.  The measure would allow outside interests to pay for “perishable food or refreshments offered to members of an office.”  For example, a lobbying firm representing pharmaceutical interests sent in dinner for House speaker J. Dennis Hastert’s (R-IL) staff while they were working late on a prescription drug bill.  The weaker rules passed, 221-203.  Whitfield has since traveled abroad at the expense of lobbyists who sit on the boards of non-profit organizations.  [HRS 5, Vote #6, 1/4/2005; Passed 220-195; R 220-0; D 0-194; D 0-1].

Whitfield Voted Against Creating a Bipartisan Ethics Task Force.  The panel would have equal representation of Republicans and Democrats to make recommendations to restore confidence in the House ethics process.  The measure was defeated.  [HRS 153, Vote #70, 3/15/2005; Passed 223-194; R 223-1; D 0-192; I 0-1]…

Heather Ryan has not, and will not take lobbyist money or gifts. This is because she believes the citizens of the First Congressional District should be her special interest group, not Exxon, Chevron, or the RNC.

Even worse yet, is Whitfield’s votes to undo our Constitutional protections. On Independence Day, these should show great importance:

Whitfield Voted to Limit Patients’ ability to Sue HMOs.

[HR 2563. Vote #329, 8/2/2001; Passed 218-213; R 214-6; D 3-206; I 1-0]

Voted for an amendment to the patients’ rights bill to limit lawsuits against health maintenance organizations.  Opponents of the proposal charged it would set up obstacles for patients seeking to enforce their rights, give advantages to HMOs and preempt patient protection laws in states such as California, Georgia, Texas and New Jersey.  Specifically, the amendment would allow HMOs or employers who make medical decisions to transfer a case filed against them to federal court.  It also provides that when cases against health plans are tried in state courts, the proceedings would be conducted under federal rules that offer greater protections for them than state laws.  It would limit non-economic damages to $1.5 million.…

At Ryan for Kentucky, we believe that the Constitution has provided checks and balances for our government to operate upon. Circumventing them runs contrary to the ideals this country was founded on. Juries were empowered by the Constitution with certain powers that should not be infringed upon.

Whitfield also proudly voted to shred our Constitution once again:

Whitfield voted for and the House passed, H.R. 6304, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 Amendments Act of 2008. This bill closes a terrorist loophole in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) that requires American intelligence officers to obtain a warrant before intercepting terrorist communications abroad.…

Of course, Heather stood with Progressives, and all those everywhere who believe in upholding our Constitution and the Protections therein. From an email:

Later this week, the Senate will be considering passage of the compromise on the FISA Bill. Since many voters in the First Congressional District of Kentucky have contacted me wondering what my stance on this legislation is, I felt compelled to speak on this issue.

While I was in Washington on that terrible day of Sept. 11, 2001 when planes crashed into the World Trade Center and in Western Pennsylvania, and the Pentagon, I can understand the passion that has fueled this bill. Having said that, I must urge the Senate to reject this FISA compromise as proposed and passed by the House of Representatives with H.R. 6304.

There are several reasons why I feel this bill is unnecessary. First, I think that we have lost focus on the fact that a competent Administration could have actually gone a long way in preventing this tragedy.  The Bush Administration was warned in advance of  9-11 and did nothing at the time to prevent it. I believe if the Bush Administration would have acted on the intelligence provided them, then the 9-11 tragedy could have been avoided through the laws that existed at the time.

I believe this law is an extension of the Bush Administration’s attempts to politicize the Justice Department. Prosecuting entities are provided by the Constitution with checks and balances on which to operate. They already have  very broad  powers and if they found a credible threat would have no problem getting a warrant in a timely fashion.  

I believe that FISA and this compromise are an abomination to the Constitution because it seeks to circumvent the checks and balances provided all of us by that document.  I strongly oppose giving  the Telecom Corporations immunity when they knew they were breaking the law when the Bush Administration asked them to break the law.

I saw where my opponent in this race, Exxon Ed Whitfield voted for this Legislation.  I think it is pretty ironic when the very Republicans that lecture us about the size of the Federal Government propose, and push through the House of Representatives a bill that broadens the powers of the Federal Government vastly. I think this is one issue that Liberals, Moderates and Conservatives should all be able to agree on.  There are certain things that none of us should ever compromise on, and the Constitution is one thing I will never compromise on as Representative of Kentucky’s First District.

We need to expand our Congressional majorities with newer, and better Democrats who understand our ideals and have the courage to fight for them in Washington. Heather represents a new generation of leadership standing up to fight for our party and country, and frankly I think her time, and ours has come.

This Independence Day, why not make an investment in an awesome grassroots Democrat that believes in our ideals, and most importantly has the courage to fight for them? No donation is too small and will be put to work immediately to retire one of the worst Republican Congressmen sitting, and to restore the liberties generations of Americans have fought for.

Please go here and help us win this race!!:…

Happy Birthday America!!!!

OH-16: John Boccieri(D) and Rep. Rahm Emanuel to Discuss Skyrocketing Gas Prices at Canton Station

For Immediate Release

June 27, 2008

Contact: Bryan Collinsworth

330-754-0534 /

ADVISORY: Boccieri and Rep. Rahm Emanuel to Discuss Skyrocketing Gas Prices at Canton Station

Canton, OH – At 10:45 a.m. on Tuesday, July 1, 16th Congressional District candidate John Boccieri will be joined by U.S. House Democratic Caucus Chair Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) for a press conference at a Canton Sunoco station. The two will help customers pump gas and talk to them about skyrocketing fuel costs.

WHAT: Press Conference and Gas Pumping Session

WHO: State Sen. John Boccieri, Democratic candidate for

U.S.Congress in OH-16 and Congressman Rahm Emanuel (D-IL), House

Democratic Caucus Chair

WHERE: Sunoco Station, 1601 Tuscarawas St. , W. Canton , OH 44708

WHEN: 10:45 – 11:30 a.m., Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sen. Boccieri and Rep. Emanuel will explain how high gas prices are hurting local residents and lay out their plans for short-term and long-term relief. Reporters are also welcome to listen in on their conversations with customers.

As Democratic Caucus Chair, Rep. Emanuel is the fourth highest-ranking Member of the U.S. House. His visit demonstrates the viability of Sen. Boccieri’s candidacy and the importance of the race to national Democrats. The contest in Ohio ‘s 16th was recently ranked the fourth most competitive U.S. House race in the nation by the Washington Post.

KY-01: Exxon Eddie’s Skewed Priorities

Exxon Ed Whitfield has had this seat for a long time and made a lot of votes. During his tenure, he has been a constant rubber-stamp for the failed policies of the Bush Administration. Despite his election year “Renaisance” Exxon Eddie can’t hide from his real record. He has consistenty gotten it wrong time and time again.

At Ryan for Kentucky the one thing we can assure you is that their are deep, fundamental differences between our candidate, Heather Ryan and Exxon Ed Whitfield, and the Republican Party. We have a different set of priorities to fight for.

You see, Heather Ryan is not beholden to the Pharmeceutical Industry, the Big Oil Lobby, or the Chamber of Commerce. In Congress, Heather Ryan will be beholden to the working Americans that put her there. Yes, there are deep, fundamental differences in these two candidates.

During his time, the only problem Exxon Eddie has had with Pharmaceuticals is that he wanted to stop their illegal sale by introducing this legislation:

Congressmen Ed Whitfield on Thursday introduced legislation that will help prevent prescription drug abuse. The legislation, entitled the National All Schedules Prescription Electronic Reporting Act (NASPER), would create a federal grant program to help establish or improve state-run prescription drug monitoring programs.

The legislation will give physicians the resources they need to treat patients while also giving law enforcement additional tools to prosecute individuals who are illegally using controlled substances. Similar legislation introduced by Whitfield passed the House last year.…

Now this is all well and good. However, lets look at some of his other votes on Drugs:

Voted NO on military border patrols to battle drugs & terrorism.

Amendment to set up a task force on counter-terrorism and drug interdiction and allow military personnel to help patrol U.S. borders.

Bill HR 2586 ; vote number 2001-356 on Sep 25, 2001…

The very Congressman that seeks to lecture us on Terrorism with the FISA Bill, and illegal drugs with the bill above voted against combatting both.

Voted NO on requiring negotiated Rx prices for Medicare part D.

Would require negotiating with pharmaceutical manufacturers the prices that may be charged to prescription drug plan sponsors for covered Medicare part D drugs.

Reference: Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act; Bill HR 4 (“First 100 hours”) ; vote number 2007-023 on Jan 12, 2007…

Of course, if prices are negotiated, Exxon Eddie and his buddies can’t fleece the American consumer and taxpayer.

Voted YES on limited prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients.

Medicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act of 2003: Vote to adopt the conference report on the bill that would create a prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients. Starting in 2006, prescription coverage would be made available through private insurers to seniors. Seniors would pay a monthly premium of an estimated $35 in 2006. Individuals enrolled in the plan would cover the first $250 of annual drug costs themselves, and 25 percent of all drug costs up to $2,250. The government would offer a fallback prescription drug plan in regions were no private plans had made a bid.Over a 10 year time period medicare payments to managed care plans would increase by $14.2 billion. A pilot project would begin in 2010 in which Medicare would compete with private insurers to provide coverage for doctors and hospitals costs in six metropolitan areas for six years. The importation of drugs from Canada would be approved only if HHS determines there is no safety risks and that consumers would be saving money.

Reference: Bill sponsored by Hastert, R-IL; Bill HR.1 ; vote number 2003-669 on Nov 22, 2003…

Great job Eddie!! Lets limit the access to people who really need them!!

Voted NO on allowing reimportation of prescription drugs.

Pharmaceutical Market Access Act of 2003: Vote to pass a bill that would call for the Food and Drug Administration to begin a program that would permit the importation of FDA-approved prescription drugs from Australia, Canada, the European Union, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Lichtenstein, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland and South Africa.

Reference: Bill sponsored by Gutknecht, R-MN; Bill HR.2427 ; vote number 2003-445 on Jul 24, 2003…

Again, profit lines, special interest contributors, and stock options!!

You see, at Ryan for Kentucky, we believe that the abuse of Prescription Drugs is a problem, but we believe it is a bigger problem when the people that actually need drugs cannot afford them. We believe these drugs should be cheaper for them, not more expensive.

We believe in trying to help people who are elderly and sick. We don’t think they should be held at the mercy of the Government or the Insurance Lobby because of their conditions. Most of all, unlike Exxon Eddie:

Whitfield voted for and the House passed, H.R. 6304, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 Amendments Act of 2008. This bill closes a terrorist loophole in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) that requires American intelligence officers to obtain a warrant before intercepting terrorist communications abroad.…

We believe in the Constitution. From an email:

Later this week, the Senate will be considering passage of the compromise on the FISA Bill. Since many voters in the First Congressional District of Kentucky have contacted me wondering what my stance on this legislation is, I felt compelled to speak on this issue.

While I was in Washington on that terrible day of Sept. 11, 2001 when planes crashed into the World Trade Center and in Western Pennsylvania, and the Pentagon, I can understand the passion that has fueled this bill. Having said that, I must urge the Senate to reject this FISA compromise as proposed and passed by the House of Representatives with H.R. 6304.

There are several reasons why I feel this bill is unnecessary. First, I think that we have lost focus on the fact that a competent Administration could have actually gone a long way in preventing this tragedy. The Bush Administration was warned in advance of 9-11 and did nothing at the time to prevent it. I believe if the Bush Administration would have acted on the intelligence provided them, then the 9-11 tragedy could have been avoided through the laws that existed at the time.

I also believe this law is an extension of the Bush Administration’s attempts to politicize the Justice Department. Prosecuting entities are provided by the Constitution with checks and balances on which to operate. They already have very broad powers and if they found a credible threat would have no problem getting a warrant in a timely fashion.

Finally, I believe that FISA and this compromise are an abomination to the Constitution because it seeks to circumvent the checks and balances provided all of us by that sacred document. I strongly oppose giving the Telecom Corporations immunity when they knew they were breaking the law, when the Bush Administration asked them to break the law.

I saw where my opponent in this race, “Exxon Ed” Whitfield voted for this Legislation. I think it is pretty ironic when the very Republicans who lecture us regarding limiting the roll of the Federal Government propose, and push through, the House of Representatives a bill that vastly broadens the powers of the Federal Government. This is one issue on which Progressives, Moderates and Conservatives should all be able to agree. There are certain things on which none of us should ever compromise, and the Constitution is one thing on which I will never compromise as Representative of Kentucky’s First District.

Now, we need you to believe in us. Support grassroots Democrats in Kentucky’s First District and help us with the resources we need, and we will work hard and expand our Congressional majorities. No amount is too small and is greatly appreciated!!:…

Lets send Exxon Eddie to Florida where he lives!!


Heather Ryan News: Horses and FISA Compromises

The race for Kentucky’s First Congressional District’s House seat is definately heating up with the weather. As we approach the dog days of summer, the Ryan for Kentucky campaign is definately gaining steam. Today, we have several pieces of new news to pass on to our fellow Democrats. Heather Ryan is hitting her stride, and is ready to fight to expand our Congressional majorities!!  

The first piece of news we have is this letter to the editor sent by Heather to Louisville’s Courier Journal in response to their article about “Exxon Eddie’s” horse initiative:

To the Editor:

As the Democratic candidate for Kentucky ‘s First Congressional District, I have followed with interest Republican Congressman Ed Whitfield’s (KY-01) performance presiding over a dog-and-pony show before a House Energy Subcommittee.  Mr. Whitfield’s plan to add a layer of federal bureaucracy to regulate the horse racing industry is unnecessary in light of the industry’s ability and willingness to self-regulate their business practices.  Congressman Whitfield is obviously exploiting the recent death of Kentucky Derby runner-up Eight Belles to make political points during an election season.  At a time of skyrocketing energy prices, when oil companies like Exxon-Mobil  boast record profits, doesn’t seven-term Congressman Whitfield  realize that the House Energy and Commerce committee’s Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection subcommittee should be dealing with more pressing issues?

In much more important news, due to inquiries by many potential constituents, including myself Heather has decided to speak on the FISA compromise the Senate will vote on later this week. From the email sent to me by Heather:

Later this week, the Senate will be considering passage of the compromise on the FISA Bill. Since many voters in the First Congressional District of Kentucky have contacted me wondering what my stance on this legislation is, I felt compelled to speak on this issue.

While I was in Washington on that terrible day of Sept. 11, 2001 when planes crashed into the World Trade Center and in Western Pennsylvania, and the Pentagon, I can understand the passion that has fueled this bill. Having said that, I must urge the Senate to reject this FISA compromise as proposed and passed by the House of Representatives with H.R. 6304.

There are several reasons why I feel this bill is unnecessary. First, I think that we have lost focus on the fact that a competent Administration could have actually gone a long way in preventing this tragedy. The Bush Administration was warned in advance of 9-11 and did nothing at the time to prevent it. I believe if the Bush Administration would have acted on the intelligence provided them, then the 9-11 tragedy could have been avoided through the laws that existed at the time.

I also believe this law is an extension of the Bush Administration’s attempts to politicize the Justice Department. Prosecuting entities are provided by the Constitution with checks and balances on which to operate. They already have very broad powers and if they found a credible threat would have no problem getting a warrant in a timely fashion.

Finally, I believe that FISA and this compromise are an abomination to the Constitution because it seeks to circumvent the checks and balances provided all of us by that sacred document. I strongly oppose giving the Telecom Corporations immunity when they knew they were breaking the law, when the Bush Administration asked them to break the law.

I saw where my opponent in this race, “Exxon Ed” Whitfield voted for this Legislation. I think it is pretty ironic when the very Republicans who lecture us regarding limiting the roll of the Federal Government propose, and push through, the House of Representatives a bill that vastly broadens the powers of the Federal Government. This is one issue on which Progressives, Moderates and Conservatives should all be able to agree. There are certain things on which none of us should ever compromise, and the Constitution is one thing on which I will never compromise as Representative of Kentucky’s First District.

Indeed. I don’t think I could have put it better myself. Heather has shown with this response that she, simply put just gets it. None of us should forget the incompetence of the Bush Administration leading up to 9-11, and how it contributed to that tragedy. We should remember too, that they have now attempted to politicize the Justice Department to make us forget that incompetence.

The truth of the matter is that this law is unneccesary. Toying with the Constitution is a dangerous precedent for anyone to set, especially at the behest of the most incompetent administration in modern times. Heather is spot on in her analysis of the Republicans, including Exxon Eddie, lecturing us on the size of the Federal Government while voting to broadly expanding the powers of that entity.

As usual, Exxon Eddie has shown no vision or leadership on this issue. Of course we all know that Exxon Eddie is

Asleep at the Wheel

It is refreshing to see a candidate that isn’t afraid to speak the truth, especially on such an important issue as the Constitution. It is also refreshing to see a candidate that isn’t afraid to break from her party’s leadership when she feels they are wrong. We need more candidates like that in the Congress. As much as we complain about what we feel is capitulation by our party’s leadership, we simply must fight for newer and better Democrats like Heather Ryan.

In more light-hearted news, Ryan for Kentucky today unveiled it’s new “Bag Eddie” series, designed to show some of the ridiculousness of Exxon Ed Whitfield and his fellow Kentucky Republican lackeys. Catch the first installment here:

Mitch McConnell makes an appearance in this one:

Now, you know what to do. We need Democrats in the Congress who share our ideals and aren’t afraid to fight for them. We need Democrats who don’t buy into the propoganda put forth by the Bush Administration. Why not support a Democrat who clearly gets it??:…

I think the Ryan for Kentucky quote of the week says it all:

“What this country needs is more unemployed politicians”.

Edward Langley

Best wishes everyone!!

Exxon Ed Whitfield: Asleep at the Wheel

Boy, soliciting contributions from, and voting for the special interests must be really tiring work. Being Mitch McConnell’s favorite lackey in the Kentucky Republican Party machine must be too. Exxon Eddie has been a busy man, and unfortunately it is catching up with him. He is looking pretty tired……

When Veterans needed him to stand up for them on the benefits they had earned and were promised:

Whitfield voted against a $53 Million boost for Veteran’s Health care and benefits.  The vote was against an amendment to the Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs funding bill to add $53 million for veterans health care and other benefits, offset by a 9% cut to BRAC.  The amendment would add $8 million for combat-related trauma care, $6 million for poly-trauma centers to support wounded troops once they return to their homes, $9 million for VA medical and prosthetic research and $7 million for 100 additional staff who process claims for compensation and pension benefits.  Finally, the amendment would provide $23 million to help approximately 4,100 souses of service members with children whose spouse died during the War on Terrorism between September 11, 2001 and November 30, 2004 by making them eligible for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation.  The amendment failed 213-214 – Whitfield was the deciding vote which denied these benefits to injured veterans.  (Leadership Document, “Medical Quality Democratic Amendment Final.”)

[HR 2528, Vote #224, 5/26/05; Failed 213-214; R 19-210; D 193-4; I 1-0]

Exxon Ed Whitfield was asleep at the wheel:

Ed Whitfield

While others fought for Ethics in Goverment:

Whitfield voted to Weaken House Ethics Rules.  The new rules would allow lobbyists to cater meals to members’ offices and let charities pay for lawmakers to travel and stay at golf resorts and other locales.  The measure would allow outside interests to pay for “perishable food or refreshments offered to members of an office.”  For example, a lobbying firm representing pharmaceutical interests sent in dinner for House speaker J. Dennis Hastert’s (R-IL) staff while they were working late on a prescription drug bill.  The weaker rules passed, 221-203.  Whitfield has since traveled abroad at the expense of lobbyists who sit on the boards of non-profit organizations.  

[HRS 5, Vote #6, 1/4/2005; Passed 220-195; R 220-0; D 0-194; D 0-1].

Exxon Eddie was Asleep at the Wheel:

Ed Whitfield

When Americans needed a break from Price Gouging:

Whitfield Opposed Cracking Down on Price Gouging and Lowering Gas Prices.  The vote was against a measure to provide the Federal Trade Commission with new authority to investigate and prosecute those who engage in predatory pricing, from oil companies on down to gas stations, with the emphasis on those who profit the most.  This includes price gouging of gasoline and natural gas, home heating oil and propane.  The measure increased funding for the low-income home energy assistance program through fines from price-gouging companies and created a strategic refinery reserve with capacity equal to 5% of the total United States demand for gasoline, home heating oi8l and other refined petroleum products.

]HR 3893, Vote #517, 10/7/2005; Failed 199-222; R 2-222; D 196-0; I 1-0].

Exxon Eddie was asleep at the wheel:

Ed Whitfield

Finally, when Kentucky’s Coal Miners needed a friend to fight for safer working conditions for them:

Whitfield Voted to Put Coal Miners at Greater Health Risk

[HR 2660, Vote #349, 7/10/2003; Failed 216-216; R207-19; D 9-195; I 0-1]

The vote would allow for new rules allowing four times the amount of coal dust previously legal in underground mines.  Under the proposal, operators could violate a standard spelled out in the 1969 federal mine safety law that specifically says respirators are not to be used as a substitute for otherwise lowering the level of dust in mines.  An effort to block the new fule failed 210-212.

You guessed it, Exxon Ed Whitfield was asleep at the wheel:

Ed Whitfield

All these years of representing the special interests and Corporate America over the interests of the average working American have taken a toll on Exxon Ed Whitfield. He needs rest, and where better to get it than beautiful, sunny Florida where he lives?? Lets send him there to catch up on his beauty sleep.

You can go a long way helping do that here:…

Best wishes everyone!!    

KY-01: Heather Ryan has it Right

We all know that tragedy has struck our heartland. In IA, IL and other states along the Mississippi River, we have seen huge flooding. Levees have been breached and towns and livelihoods have been destroyed. While we cannot control the weather, our government can invest in it’s own people and infrastructure to help alleviate disasters like this one.

Whether its NOLA, Iowa, or Illinois, our country has let us down. We can do better for our citizens and we must. If we have a trillion dollars to invest in the bottomless pit of Iraq, surely we can invest in our own country once more.

That is what Democrats are supposed to fight for. FDR took a lot of flack in his day, because he understood that this nation after decades of excess simply had to invest in its own people once more.

Enter Heather Ryan. Long before the floodwaters inundated her native state of Iowa, Ryan called for a national emergency plan to deal with such disasters:

National Preparedness:  Where would you go if there was a national, state or local emergency?  What would you do if severe weather hit your area?  What if you lived in a mobile home or had no transportation to get to higher ground?  These are serious issues that

the Republican party has had 7 years to think about and plan around since the War on Terror began.  When Hurricane Katrina hit the gulf coast, thousands of low income people were without a plan and were abandoned by the Bush administration.  When tornadoes hit Kentucky and the south on February 5th, 2008 my family and I found ourselves in the same

situation.  A low income family, living in a mobile home park with nowhere to go.  The people who died in those storms were largely like us, they knew they were in danger but they had no plan.  WE NEED A NATIONAL EMERGENCY PLAN!  Every life in our nation is precious and deserves protection against the elements and terrorist threats; not just the lives of the Republican Party’s rich donors deserve to have shelter in times of crisis.  As your congressional representative, I will immediately begin work on a national emergency plan.  Unlike the Republicans, who want you to be afraid, I do not believe that Fear Mongering is a plan, instead it is a tool for their re-election campaigns.  I will be part of the solution – not the problem!…

How many disasters before our leaders in Washington realize that we need a plan to protect our own people? How long until they realize that we need to invest as much in our own infrastructure as we do the infrastructure of Iraq?

We need new leaders, with bold new ideas in Washington. Heather Ryan knows what the average American and Kentuckian faces, because she faces those challenges right along with us. She is not afraid to stand up to Republicans, or anyone else to fight for what is right!!:

Heather is a great candidate and the more people get to see her here, the more our campaign gains steam. We have crossed the $5000 mark in online contributions alone. In fact, due to the efforts of our campaign, Exxon Ed Whitfield has been forced to come up from Florida where he lives and pay some attention to this district yet again.

Yes, we need new leaders in Washington. We need leaders who aren’t afraid to fight for us, and what is right. Heather represents a new generation of leadership stepping forward, a candidate that lives, works, and raises her family among the people she hopes to represent. She knows the problems that face real Americans, because she is right there facing them with us.

We need your help to make this happen. We need to show that Democrats will support grassroots Democrats serious about change wherever they emerge. We are oh so close to showing everyone just how viable Heather Ryan’s candidacy is. Every penney we raise brings us closer to that threshold. Please, go to Americans for Ryan and show everyone that we believe in candidates like Heather Ryan. Candidates who share our values, and will fight for us, while fighting for a sane new direction for our country. Go here, and help expand our Congressional majorities with a veteran, and a “Fighting Democrat” that will fight for us!!:…

Fellow grassroots Democrats need you!!!

Heather Ryan at the KDP Convention

Heather Ryan recently fired up Democrats at Kentucky’s Democratic Party Convention. While we had problems with the audio, the video of this speech is now ready.  

Without further delay, here is Heather Ryan at the KDP Convention:

This race is winnable and we have a great Democrat!!!

Please support Heather Ryan and our efforts here:…

Kentucky Democrats Field Four Awesome House Candidates

Kentucky has been turning the corner and getting back to its Democratic roots. We voted for Bill Clinton twice, but went through a spell where Republicans peeled off our House and Senate seats. That changed some when Ben Chandler lost his bid for Governor in 2003 and won one House seat. Our Democratic Attorney General at the time, Greg Stumbo then went on to expose the Republican Party in Kentucky for the corrupt machine it was, and John Yarmuth became a fresh pickup and one of the very best of the freshman class that won in 06.

Now this year we have a lot to be proud of in the Bluegrass state. We hold two of our House seats, and have excellent candidates fielded in three more. Hang out and check out some great Kentucky Democrats.

Anyone who has seen much of my blogging lately knows about the First District candidate Heather Ryan. This is my district and I live in Paducah and know Heather Ryan. This is her first run for office, but folks I am telling you she definately has the fire and fighting spirit that our party simply needs in the Congress. She is young, energetic and quite simply put sharp as a tack.

She is a great speaker, as you can see for yourself:

When Democrats hear her, they support her. She gave a rousing speech to the Kentucky Democratic Party that I am still waiting for the video on. From what I heard, she brought down the house:…

She doesn’t mind taking time for constituents, and Kentucky Progressive bloggers:…

All this young lady needs is the resources to put this district on the map. She is very good at stretching existing funds and if she gets some resources she WILL force the Republicans to spend money here.

Please consider supporting her, a hard-working grassroots Democrat that shares our ideals and will fight for them:…

In the Second Congressional District we have David Boswell, and awesome Democratic Candidate for that seat. David has already had polling showing he is VERY competitive in this race:

In November, 2007, the Garin-Hart-Yang Research Group conducted a survey asking people across the District who they would vote for if the Congressional election were between David Boswell and Ron Lewis. The results, released last December, found David favored in that match-up 44% to 34%, with only 4% interest in other candidates. Ron Lewis may have had his own reasons for choosing not to seek re-election, but this survey is an indication that the right Democrat — David Boswell — was already in a strong position to deny Lewis re-election.

He sounds like my kind of Democrat:

There has never been a more important time than right now to have that kind of vision for us, and from us, in the U.S. Congress. Now is our time to join the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives, and turn the country away from the corporate mentality of Bush policies that have raised our gas prices, recessed our economy, and ruined our housing markets. The middle class sensibility of our cities and communities tells us we ought to be able to earn good pay for a good day’s labor, to afford health care when we need it, and promote ways to seek higher education. The example from our homes, families, and friendships can again inspire our nation and the world around it. We know how important protecting freedom is, we honor all those who serve in defending us. We also believe the United States has the diplomatic potential to support sibling democracies without policing the world, or becoming Big Brother at home.

Go to David’s site and support a great Democrat!!

The Democrat in Kentucky’s Third District should need little introduction. John Yarmuth was our only pickup in 06 and is facing a rematch against Anne Northup. A Kentucky Republican Party sweetheart, she will be well funded.

All you have to do is google Yarmuth’s voting record and you will see why we need to keep him in the Congress better than I can describe. He is one of the shining stars of that Freshman Class for our party. Stop by his site, and be sure to support John Yarmuth!!:


Lastly, in Kentucky’s Fourth District we have Dr. Michael Kelley. He is a Democrat we can be proud to stand up for too:

As a voter and taxpayer, Michael Kelley is opposed to the continuing Republican efforts to pour more American blood and treasure into the desert sands of the Middle East. Our military has performed incredibly well in extremely challenging circumstances, having been thrust into war without adequate equipment or justification. But unless the Shiite and Sunni factions are willing to put aside hundreds of years of division and bloodshed, our troops will continue to be caught in the middle. It is time to stop forcing American troops into the quagmire in Iraq. It is time to compel the Iraqis into political accommodation by bringing our troops home now.

As a country doctor, Doc Kelley is deeply concerned about our flawed healthcare system. His commonsense ideas for saving American taxpayers and consumers billions of dollars are a good start to fixing our broken system which currently leaves millions of Americans without hope.

Michael Kelley believes that politicians in D.C. will constantly be pressured to make unethical decisions under our current, morally bankrupt campaign finance system. His ideas for campaign finance reform would change our government fundamentally because our representatives would belong to the people – not to the special interests.

Go here to watch his videos and hear him in his own words:….

Go here to support him:…

With the field of fine candidates that have cropped up in Kentucky all we need are the resources to help in expanding our Congressional majorities by a lot. Don’t forget the fine Kentucky candidates on the frontlines of the fight for a new Congress!!

Best wishes everyone!!


Exxon Eddie’s Failure in His Own Words

You know, Exxon Ed Whitfield has been a failure as Congressman of Kentucky’s First Congressional District. He has held this seat since 1994, and we have achieved no progress. No better jobs, no better wages, thousands still without healthcare, and the list goes on. One thing Exxon Eddie’s tenure in the Congress has brought though, is a national debt spiraling out of control. Yes, every child born in his district owes $20,000 automatically to the debt rubber-stamped by Exxon Eddie.

The sad part is that Exxon Eddie knows he has been a failure and evidently doesn’t care. He has become a millionaire during his tenure as Congressman, so why should he? I found this video on Youtube in which Exxon Eddie does a pretty good job of detailing many failures:

So, Eddie knows it takes a Democratic President to run our country competently. He will be relieved after we elect one this fall.

What I wonder is how Exxon Eddie can bemoan all the irresponsible spending he was part of? I mean, he rubber-stamped every failed vision presented by President Bush. They together have wasted what will be a trillion dollars in Iraq, and Exxon Eddie can just whine about the fact that we have spent too much on our own people within our own borders for Homeland Security?

I have some bad news for you Eddie. We have not spent ENOUGH on securing our homeland. We are just as vulnerable to a terrorist attack as we were on 9-11-01. While you were rubber-stamping Bush at the behest of Mitch McConnell, essential funding has been denied our first responders here at home. When the time came that Kentucky and our country desperately needed you to stand up to your party, and its incompetent leader you failed us miserably. You rubber-stamped each blank check as it flew out the door.

Your time has come and gone. When you came to Congress you promised to fight against irresponsible government waste and partisan gridlock. You promised to stand as your own person against your party if needed. On all points you have FAILED!! Our debt is huge again and growing, Energy prices are soaring taking the prices of everything else with them, and you have followed blindly behind a neo-conservative failed vision like a whipped puppy dog.

We need a real leader in Kentucky’s First District. We need a new leader with new ideas and real courage. We need a new generation of leadership to stand up and bring modern solutions to modern problems. We need a leader who lives and works among us and isn’t afraid to fight for us over any special interest group, or even the leaders of their party if need be.

Luckily, in Kentucky’s First Congressional District we have a leader from a new generation stepping up to serve. She is a wife, mother, veteran, and citizen of this district. She lives and works among us, and knows the challenges we face because she is there facing them with us every single day. She is educated, young, energetic, smart, and most of all has the courage to fight for what is right for Kentucky’s First. She is Heather Ryan, Democrat for Kentucky. If you think she is not ready to fight, just watch this speech:

If you think she doesn’t know firsthand the pain Americans are feeling, watch this video:

She knows what it means to be a Democrat:

You can also watch my interview with Heather for here:

Most importantly you can go to Americans for Ryan, my Actblue page and help us win this race. If we get the resources to both introduce our awesome candidate and point out how terrible our opponent has been, we will win. We are grassroots “Fighting Democrats” that care about the direction of our country and the effects it is having on our neighbors. If you are looking for a race that can really change the make-up of the next Congress and pull a trend-setting upset this is it!! Please support us here:…

We have an honest hard-working Democrat that needs our help!!!

Americans For Ryan: A Big Thanks to all of You!!

I started Americans for Ryan some months back to try and raise $1500 for Heather Ryan by the time of the Kentucky primary she was unopposed in. Now, shortly after I did this I lost almost a whole month of working on this project when I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. Despite this setback, my fellow Democrats in the blogosphere came through nicely for me. I can proudly say today, that because of you I shattered my goal by May 20. Instead of $1500, I managed to raise $1745!!!

Yes, Americans for Ryan has been a smashing success so far!! This district is winnable. We have a great candidate, we just have to give her the resources she needs!! Many of you came through nicely. During this time, our candidate Heather Ryan has evolved into a tough campaigner who isn’t going to take anything whatsoever from the McConnell machine here in Kentucky. If you don’t believe me, check out these speeches from Heather:

I am particularly proud of that last speech. That is exactly what Democrats need to sound like in this election year!!

Heather also acknowledged our efforts in this interview last week:

Yes Heather, we must fight for all our fine Democrats everywhere!! Our new President needs an expanded majority!!

Now with that in mind today starts a new fundraising period, and brings about a new goal. I hope to have my page to $5000 by July the 4th, the “Independence from Exxon Eddie” fundraiser!! Thats leaves me $3255 from my goal by July 4!! Kentuckians and indeed Americans need “Independence from Exxon Eddie”, because with all his Exxon and Chevron stock he is voting against legislation to make Alternative and Renewable energy feasible. Yes, Exxon Eddie votes his stock options. Here is what Heather thinks about the promise of Renewable Energy:

Now in the coming few days I will be digging up a couple of new prizes out of my collection of historical political memorabilia to hold another drawing for everyone who donates between May 21 and July 4. Please watch for that in the next couple of days.

But first, I must announce the winner of the drawing for these two pinback buttons from the 1960 campaign of JFK:


Now, this morning I took all the names that had contributed on or before May 20, excluding myself, my father, and my girlfriend and wrote them on individual pieces of paper. I put them in a jar, lidded it, shook it up real good and let my girlfriend draw a name. The winner was an awesome Democrat I have seen on Kos and EENRblog. I won’t give her real name, but her username on these sites is valsagem.

So to valsagem, your a winner!!! Your buttons will be sent out today or tomorrow. To everyone else, thank you so much for your support. I wish I could send something to everyone to show my appreciation. In the next couple of days I should have to new prizes up for our “Independence from Exxon Eddie” fundraiser, so please keep wathching!!

Please continue to support our efforts to expand our Congressional majorities with a “Fighting Democrat” that will fight for us. Go here to make our next fundraiser a success, and enter our new drawing for our new prizes. I will be posting them in the next couple of days.:…

Once again thanks everyone!! If you will continue to help us make history, I will continue to give a little history for you to win!!

Best wishes everyone!!  

By what margin will Bob Shamansky win?

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