Heather Ryan Hits Back

It is no secret that Ed Whitfield has something againstchildren. However, even more intense is the hatred that Ed Whitfield holds towards women. Yes, even more shocking than the fact that Whitfield condones discrimination against women, are the views he and his staff apparently hold towards women and children that have been battered.

The proof is in the pudding so they say. When Heather Ryan pitched in to help battered women and children in our district, what does Whitfield and his campaign do? They mock them. Here is a video they put on YouTube of Heather Ryan reading an exerpt from the “Vagina Monologues” to help Merryman House, a charity in Western Kentucky that benefits battered women and children:

Here is some of the work they do:


Today, Heather sent me this email about the Whitfield campaign mocking her work for a non-profit charity that helps some of those that need it most in Western Kentucky:

My family was directly affected by domestic violence when my mom’s significant other punched her in the face and broke her cheekbone in three places when I was a teenager.  That was just one of the times he beat her.  That was just one of the times our family was torn apart by violence.  He swore he was sorry, he swore he would never do it again, until of course, he did.  

Domestic violence is a very serious issue that has effected me directly.  Ed Whitfield’s recent attacks on my character because I performed in the play, “The Vagina Monologues” as a benefit for the Merryman House Domestic Violence Shelter is a disgusting display of how low he will stoop in an attempt to ruin an opponent’s reputation at any cost.  As far as I’m concerned, these attacks are yet another form of abuse toward women.  I am not ashamed of the work I did to help end violence against women and I will never apologize for my compassion for battered women and children.  Instead, I will await notification from Mr. Whitfield’s campaign headquarters apologizing for their lack of judgement and stating that they made a gift to Merryman House Domestic Crisis Center, PO Box 98, Paducah, KY  42002.

You know, it seems to me that since Exxon Ed Whitfield is willing to give his money for other hate-filled Republican attacks:

Walker also noted Whitfield could use the disparity in fundraising to spread the wealth to other candidates, if his re-election campaign does not require them – a sign Ryan’s campaign may have some convincing to do.

“To the extent he has funding available, he may offer support to other candidates who share his

views on national issues and who may need financial support, but the primary purpose of his reelection campaign funds is to assist with his own reelection campaign,” said Walker.


He would be more than happy to use a little of it to do some good for a change. So how about it Exxon Eddie? Why not help out some battered women and children, and help them better their lives, instead of mocking someone that cares about more than special interest money?

These attacks and thecriminal actions of his staff at Fancy Farm show this campaign for just what it is. Heartless Cowards, who care nothing about who or what they mock or attack, as long as they can keep their hands on the reigns of power and defeat Progress for those less fortunate than they are.

Please help us strike a blow at Whitfield, and his disgusting tacticts. Cable T.V. commercials run at around $6 a piece in this district. Can you pitch in $6 to help us run ads letting our district know just how vile this campaign is, and to what lengths they will stoop to win? I will put in the first $18 right now, can anyone match me?:


Lets show Exxon Eddie his disgusting attacks and tacticts are not appreciated by descent Americans!!

Kentucky Races Sizzle

Well, the political season has gotten pretty hot in Kentucky. With a Senate seat, and four hotly contested House seats here, Democrats here are fired up. Despite what any poll has said to this point, all these races are winnable. We have fielded a surprisingly impressive lineup of candidates and we are ready to fight for them. Meeting some of the delegates, and Jennifer Moore, the KDP chairman has convinced me that our party is ready to fight.

Our Senate campaign is first and foremost. Living in Kentucky, I have seen the terrible Mitch McConnell ads. I will not grace Mitch McConnell with their prescense in my diary, but they should be easlily findable on YouTube.

For his part, Bruce Lunsford has been hitting back:

He also recieved a huge endorsement from a formal rival:

DENVER-Democratic Congressman Ben Chandler of Kentucky’s 6th District officially endorsed Bruce Lunsford in his race for U.S. Senate against Mitch McConnell. Chandler made the announcement this morning during a Kentucky Delegation breakfast at the Democratic National Convention in Denver.

“I am delighted that Ben has publicly expressed the support that he’s been expressing to me privately throughout the year,” said Lunsford, who attended the breakfast. “I’m thrilled to have Ben’s endorsement, and very grateful for it. Ben and I are united in the fight to put an end to the Bush-McConnell policies that have damaged Kentucky and the nation this decade. For many years, Ben Chandler has been an important leader in Kentucky, and I know Mitch McConnell and George W. Bush realize that when Democrats are united behind a cause, it spells trouble for them.”


Bruce can still win this race and still needs our help. Defeating Mitch McConnell should be as important as expelling Joe Lieberman, and would should get behind it with as much effort.

Now, in Congressional races, we simply must keep John Yarmuth, incumbent in the 3rd District. Anyone can find his record and easily see why. I got the priviledge of sitting next to him during Kennedy’s speech at the Convention. Here is a video he gave the grassroots Progressives at bluegrassroots.org:

I don’t think he is in trouble, but we must remain vigilent in this race, because Anne Northup is a Republican sweetheart who will raise a ton of cash. Yarmuth is a fine man, and a great Democrat we need to keep in our U.S. House. Please remember him:


David Boswell is in a hot race too. There have been hints of a DCCC investment, and Boswell has polled ahead in this race. You can see him here. As a State Senator, he has high name recognition in his district:


Then we have the two challengers facing the super tough races. You can here what Howard Dean says about them here:

Dr. Kelley is in the Fourth District. See him here:

Help Dr. Kelley here:


Ah, and finally, we have Heather Ryan!! Yes, this is my home, my race and my friend. Thanks to all who helped us win the Progressive Patriots contest, it was huge for us. Thanks to Jennifer Moore and the KDP for helping us achieve it, and to all the many folks I asked to vote for her that did. You have all our gratitudes.

It seems the Exxon Ed Whitfield people just have something against this fiery grassroots Democrat. Not only do they take money from terrorist, but they hate free speech too. With a million dollars in their campaign account, they continue to rip up our campaign signs, many handpainted ones and two of the fifty printed ones we had donated. With a million dollars in their account they fear us because we speak the truth to power:

They even attacked her for raising money for a foundation that supports battered women in Western Kentucky:

The good news is the Feingold money, that many people were kind enough to help us win will keep Whitfield and his cronies plenty busy yanking up yard signs from now until November so we have time to go on the offensive. We need to run T.V., and we need your help to do it.

One T.V. spot on cable here costs about $6. Please, chip in just $6 to buy us one spot here:


If enough people give the price of a lottery ticket to take a chance on expanding our Congressional majorities we could well scratch off a winner here. Please help.

Don’t forget Kentucky. Jennifer Moore is providing great leadership here, and we have great candidates!!

Reasons to Support Heather Ryan

There are many reasons to support Heather Ryan. Heather is a wife, veteran, and citizen of our district who has been active in politics for quite some time. She is educated, compassionate and smart. She represents the ideals Democrats espouse quite nicely. Most of all, she is not afraid to fight the Republicans for what we all believe in.

Besides all the good that Heather Ryan would bring to the Congress however, there are many other reasons to support Heather Ryan in this race. Not only can we expand our Congressional majorities by taking back a traditionally Democratic seat that has been in Republican hands since the failed “Contract with America” in 1994, but we have the votes of her opponent, Exxon Ed Whitfield, who has constantly opposed any kind of sane Progress in this country since 1994. There are so many bad things this man has done, I can’t list them all in 50 diaries, but want to show you all some of what we are fighting against.

First, just this year Exxon Ed Whitfield voted against equal pay and opportunity for women everywhere in this country:

Unequal Pay Bill

HR 1338: To amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to provide more effective remedies to victims of discrimination in the payment of wages on the basis of sex, and for other purposes.

Representative Edward Whitfield voted NO


Of course, with Heather Ryan hitting him hard on the campaign trail, one can understand his disconnection with women right now.

Much harder to understand is his disconnection with Children:

HR 3963: To amend title XXI of the Social Security Act to extend and improve the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and for other purposes.

Representative Edward Whitfield voted NO


I think it speaks for itself when a Congressman can support every failed policy of a failed President, but votes against American children, all while claiming to run on “Christian values”.

He also has problems with allowing fair elections in our country:

HR 5803: To direct the Election Assistance Commission to establish a program to make grants to participating States and units of local government which will administer the regularly scheduled general election for Federal office held in November 2008 for carrying out a program to make backup paper ballots available in the case of the failure of a voting system or voting equipment in the election or some other emergency situation, and for other purposes.

Representative Edward Whitfield voted NO


He also has a problem with Congress operating under the same ethics we all do:

H Res 1031: Providing for the adoption of the resolution (H. Res. 895) establishing within the House of Representatives an Office of Congressional Ethics, and for other purposes.

Representative Edward Whitfield voted NO


Yes, there are many reasons to support Heather Ryan. Our campaign is gaining steam as we move towards the opening of our campaign headquarters on Thursday. Help up keep our momentum going here:

Goal Thermometer

Even if you can’t donate, you can help us greatly. Heather is in the running to win a $5000 contribution from Russ Feingold’s Progressive Patriots fund. Please go here and vote for Heather, she is on the far left on the bottom row:


Help fellow grassroots Democrats, and help our Democracy at the same time!!  

Exxon Ed Whitfield’s Hypocrisy on Healthcare

Exxon Ed Whitfield’s Hypocrisy knows no bounds. We have already seen how he and his campaign believe that theft and vandalism is a Christian Value. However, on no issue does Exxon Eddie seem to be more Hypocritical than on the issue of Healthcare.  

He talks a real good game:

While pharmaceuticals have helped millions of Americans live longer and better lives, the cost of modern medicines has skyrocketed in recent years. Many Americans are forced to take chances with their health, simply because they cannot afford the costs of modern medicines. This is unacceptable. Medicine should never be a luxury item. I am committed to working with my colleagues in Congress to drive down the prices of prescription drugs and make them affordable for the millions of Americans who currently take them. This includes our work to create a Medicare prescription drug benefit for our seniors, as well as efforts to bring down the costs of prescription drugs across the board, so that all Americans can enjoy the better quality of life that these medications bring.


Now, although that does make me feel warm and fuzzy all over, it just does not match at all with his voting record. One case in point:

Would require negotiating with pharmaceutical manufacturers the prices that may be charged to prescription drug plan sponsors for covered Medicare part D drugs.

Proponents support voting YES because:

This legislation is an overdue step to improve part D drug benefits. The bipartisan bill is simple and straightforward. It removes the prohibition from negotiating discounts with pharmaceutical manufacturers, and requires the Secretary of Health & Human Services to negotiate. This legislation will deliver lower premiums to the seniors, lower prices at the pharmacy and savings for all taxpayers.

It is equally important to understand that this legislation does not do certain things. HR4 does not preclude private plans from getting additional discounts on medicines they offer seniors and people with disabilities. HR4 does not establish a national formulary. HR4 does not require price controls. HR4 does not hamstring research and development by pharmaceutical houses. HR4 does not require using the Department of Veterans Affairs’ price schedule.

While this bill would have helped all who struggle with high drug prices, this bill could have actually saved the government untold amounts of your tax dollars, yet Exxon Eddie would seek to lecture us all on Government waste. Yet another hypocrisy.

And the worst part is that Exxon Eddie will continue to vote against anything that even takes a step towards any kind of Universal Healthcare. It is a shame for Kentucky’s Children because Exxon Ed Whitfield couldn’t even find it in his heart to cast a vote for 6 million AmericanCHILDREN!! He was too busy doling out Corporate Welfare, and fighting for Lobbyists.

Exxon Eddie has voted to deny coverage to those who MAY not be able to pay. He has voted to limit all of our rights of Retribution in the courts provided us by our Constitution. In his 14 yrs. of representation, Ed Whitfield has managed to vote in the interest of Public Health a whopping12% of the time.

This is important for Democrats on the national level that want to have enough votes to pass major improvements on Health Care. We all know the fight that awaits us from the money that can be raised by the Insurance and Drug lobby. We need every single vote possible to even have a chance of taking baby steps in the right direction.

We can change a definate vote against improved Health Care in America, into a vote we can count on. Heather Ryan has stated that working for change in our healthcare system is the first Fight she wants to be part of in the new Congress.

She has the fire to fight the Republicans here:

She has a new-look website and has pleasantly surprised Democrats in this district with her fiery campaign. I know the consensus is that Democrats can’t win in this district and Kentucky in general, but this district has been highly ignored while the Republicans have invested here. Our district has a Democratic tradition and is over 60% registered Democrats. If we get the resources we need, we can win this race.

I think no matter what else we all may disagree on, we all know that we simply have to elect more votes to Congress, votes that are serious about real change. Heather offers us New Leadership:

Heather Ryan

Not just for our district and Kentucky, but for grassroots Democrats who desperately need someone who won’t cave on major votes. How many times have we been frustrated at a Congress that consistently doesn’t have the votes to fight? We have a solid shot at adding a Democratic vote here.

I have set a goal of raising $10,000 for Heather on the blogs before the November elections. If she can get the funds to run T.V. in this huge district, she will win. This district has seen no progress under Whitfield and if the voters of this district are shown that, they will come home to vote Democrat.

Please help Heather’s campaign. With all the millions floating around in the blogosphere, just a bit of that would win this race. Invest in real change here:

Goal Thermometer

I am almost 40% there!!

KY-01: Ed Whitfield is All Talk and No Action

It is an election year, and Exxon Ed Whitfield has been trying to clean up the stains on his terrible record of representing the First Congressional District of Kentucky. First, we had him bragging in our “impartial” newsrag, the Paducah Sun about voting for the G.I. Bill for the Twenty First Century, when acutally he had  voted against Veteran’s Benefits three times previous.

Yes, so many times Exxon Eddie has said this and that. Only to be caught asleep at the wheel:

Ed Whitfield

When the time came to fight for them.

Case in point, Affordable prescription drugs for our seniors, and all that need them. I mean, just look at his warm and fuzzy little statement on his website:

While pharmaceuticals have helped millions of Americans live longer and better lives, the cost of modern medicines has skyrocketed in recent years. Many Americans are forced to take chances with their health, simply because they cannot afford the costs of modern medicines. This is unacceptable. Medicine should never be a luxury item. I am committed to working with my colleagues in Congress to drive down the prices of prescription drugs and make them affordable for the millions of Americans who currently take them. This includes our recent work to create a Medicare prescription drug benefit for our seniors, as well as efforts to bring down the costs of prescription drugs across the board, so that all Americans can enjoy the better quality of life that these medications bring.


The truth of the matter is that his Pfizer Stock makes him cast votes like this on the Congressional Record:

Voted NO on requiring negotiated Rx prices for Medicare part D.

Would require negotiating with pharmaceutical manufacturers the prices that may be charged to prescription drug plan sponsors for covered Medicare part D drugs.

This legislation is an overdue step to improve part D drug benefits. The bipartisan bill is simple and straightforward. It removes the prohibition from negotiating discounts with pharmaceutical manufacturers, and requires the Secretary of Health & Human Services to negotiate. This legislation will deliver lower premiums to the seniors, lower prices at the pharmacy and savings for all taxpayers.

It is equally important to understand that this legislation does not do certain things. HR4 does not preclude private plans from getting additional discounts on medicines they offer seniors and people with disabilities. HR4 does not establish a national formulary. HR4 does not require price controls. HR4 does not hamstring research and development by pharmaceutical houses. HR4 does not require using the Department of Veterans Affairs’ price schedule.

Reference: Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act; Bill HR 4 (“First 100 hours”) ; vote number 2007-023 on Jan 12, 2007


You see, with men like Ed Whitfield, who have been in Washington far too long, it is all about the profits, and the addiction of the mighty greenback. No matter how much, it is never enough and taking money from anyone becomes a habit. EvenConvicted Terrorists. I am sure there are several organizations that could’ve used that $1000 in blood money. St. Jude’s Hospital and the Disabled American Veterans come immediatley to mind. The fact that Exxon Eddie kept this money I believe speaks a lot about his character. Character that considers theft and vandalism to be a “Christian Value”.

Luckily, we have Heather Ryan, an awesome “Fighting Democrat” opposing Exxon Eddie. She is a wife, mother, and proud veteran. She knows the problems everyday Americans face because she lives among us and faces them right along with us. She is not the least bit shy telling truth to power:

She fired everyone up at Fancy Farm too!!:

This is Heather’s first run for office, and quite frankly I couldn’t be more pleased to be supporting her in this race. She has definately evolved into a fine young Democratic candidate.

We need your help as grassroots Democrats. Heather is one of us and she needs our help!! She is working hard to earn it and if she gets the resources she needs, she WILL win this race. Exxon Eddie is scared, or he wouldn’t be sending people to steal and vandalize her signs.

With that in mind I started Americans for Ryan, and hope to reach $10,000 by election day. I am almost 40% there, so please, help make a real difference in a race that can make a real difference in next year’s Congress. Heather shares our values, and WILL fight for them!!

Goal Thermometer

Heather Ryan

KY-01: Exxon Ed Whitfield’s Endless Hypocrisy

Kentucky Republicans live in a fantasy world that puts anything dreamed up by J.R. Tolkien to shame. Where else in this country do you find people who believe that the suppression of Free Speech by theft and vandalism is a “Christian Value? Where else do you find people who are invested in, and profiting from our pain at the pump seeking to lecture all of us on the high price of gas, while voting against a windfall tax on Big Oil? Indeed, where else will you find a Congressman who refuses to return the blood money of a convicted terrorist seek to lecture the rest of us on the “War on Terror”?  

Well, in my Congressman, Exxon Ed Whitfield you find all of the above. As you will soon see, his hypocrisy knows no bounds.

What else can it be but hypocrisy when a man who has become a millionaire off Exxon, and Chevron stocks seeks to lecture us on Gas Prices, when that very Congressman rubber-stamped the failed Bush/Cheney Energy Policy that has led to record gas prices for us, and record profits for himself and his fellow stockholders in Big Oil? One need only look at his site to see the hypocrisy shining through:

Furthering his efforts to increase domestic supplies of energy and reduce skyrocketing fuel costs for Kentucky consumers, U.S. Representative Ed Whitfield (KY-01) called on the leader of the House of Representatives last week to immediately consider legislation which would increase American supplies of energy.

“Kentuckians know that in order to bring down record high fuel costs, we need to increase our domestic energy production,” Whitfield said. “Yet, leaders in the House of Representatives continue to block consideration of any sensible, productive legislation that would aid American consumers trying to fill up their tanks this summer. The time for action is now.”


Well, if Exxon Eddie really believes that, he has a funny way of showing it:

Voted NO on investing in homegrown biofuel.

H.R.3221: New Direction for Energy Independence, National Security, and Consumer Protection Act: Moving toward greater energy independence and security, developing innovative new technologies, reducing carbon emissions, creating green jobs, protecting consumers, increasing clean renewable energy production, modernizing our energy infrastructure, and providing tax incentives for the production of renewable energy and energy conservation.

Reference: New Direction for Energy Independence; Bill HR3221 ; vote number 2007-0832 on Aug 4, 2007

Voted NO on tax incentives for renewable energy.

CONGRESSIONAL SUMMARY: Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Tax Act of 2008:

Production Incentives: Extends through 2011 the tax credit for the production of electricity from renewable resources (e.g., wind, biomass, geothermal, and hydropower).

Extends through 2016 the energy tax credit for investment in solar energy and fuel cell property.

Allows a new tax credit for the production of plug-in hybrid vehicles.

Extends through 2010 the tax credits for biodiesel (including agri-biodiesel)

Allows an alcohol fuels tax credit for the production of qualified cellulosic alcohol fuel.

Denies the tax deduction for income attributable to domestic production of oil, gas, or any related products.

Reference: Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Tax Act; Bill H.R.5351 ; vote number 08-HR5351 on Feb 12, 2008

Voted NO on tax incentives for energy production and conservation.

OnTheIssues.org Explanation:This bill passed the House but was killed in the Senate on a rejected Cloture Motion, Senate rollcall

#150Congressional Summary:A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide Tax incen Credits for biodiesel and renewable diesel.

Sec. 124. Credit for new qualified plug-in electric drive motor vehicles.

Sec. 127. Transportation fringe benefit to bicycle commuters.

Sec. 146. Qualified green building and sustainable design project

Reference: Renewable Energy and Job Creation Act; Bill HR6049 ; vote number 2008-344 on Jun 21, 2008


You see, even though the research and development of the fuels of the future holds countless potential in really achieving Energy Independence, and although it holds countless potential for new, high-paying jobs growing and refining these fuels in his mostly rural district, Exxon Ed Whitfield cannot allow his Exxon and Chevron stock to be devalued. He is invested in, and profiting handsomely from the current Energy Policy that makes us slave to Middle Eastern Oil, and record profits for Big Oil during a time of war.

You see, even though his stock is enjoying record profits, Whitfield will have none of ending the huge amounts of Corporate Welfare doled out to such companies in favor of investing in real Energy Independence:

Voted NO on removing oil & gas exploration subsidies.

This legislation seeks to end the unwarranted tax breaks & subsidies which have been lavished on Big Oil over the last several years, at a time of record prices at the gas pump and record oil industry profits. Big Oil is hitting the American taxpayer not once, not twice, but three times. They are hitting them at the pump, they are hitting them through the Tax Code, and they are hitting them with royalty holidays put into oil in 1995 and again in 2005.

It is time to vote for the integrity of America’s resources, to vote for the end of corporate welfare, to vote for a new era in the management of our public energy resources.

Reference: Creating Long-Term Energy Alternatives for the Nation(CLEAN); Bill HR 6 (“First 100 hours”) ; vote number 2007-040 on Jan 18, 2007


You see, in the visionless, hypocritical world of Exxon Eddie, personal profits for himself, and the special interests that have bought and paid for him are far more important than the promise of achieving Energy Independence that benefits all Americans.

However, unfortunately that is not even the most hypocritical part of Exxon Eddie’s agenda. His lust for special interest money to smear his opponents and hold onto power knows no boundries. Case in point, the “War on Terror”:

Voted YES on authorizing military force in Iraq.

Authorization for the Use of Military Force Against Iraq: Passage of the joint resolution that would authorize President Bush to use the US military as he deems necessary and appropriate to defend U.S. national security against Iraq and enforce UN Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq. It would be required that the president report to Congress, no later than 48 hours after using force, his determination that diplomatic options or other peaceful means would not guarantee US national security against Iraq or allow enforcement of UN resolutions and that using force is consistent with anti-terrorism efforts. The resolution would also give specific statutory authorization under the War Powers Resolution. Every 60 days the president would also be required to report to Congress on actions related to the resolution.

Reference: Bill sponsored by Hastert,R-IL; Bill HJRes114 ; vote number 2002-455 on Oct 10, 2002

Voted YES on declaring Iraq part of War on Terror with no exit date.

Voting YES would support the following resolution (excerpted):

Whereas the United States and its allies are engaged in a Global War on Terror, a long and demanding struggle against an adversary that is driven by hatred of American values and that is committed to imposing, by the use of terror, its repressive ideology throughout the world;

Whereas the terrorists have declared Iraq to be the central front in their war against all who oppose their ideology;

Whereas the United States and its Coalition partners will continue to support Iraq as part of the Global War on Terror:

Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives–

Honors all those Americans who have taken an active part in the Global War on Terror;

Declares that it is not in the national security interest of the United States to set an arbitrary date for the withdrawal or redeployment of United States Armed Forces from Iraq;

Declares that the United States is committed to the completion of the mission to create a sovereign, free, secure, and united Iraq;

Declares that the United States will prevail in the Global War on Terror, the noble struggle to protect freedom from the terrorist adversary.

Reference: Resolution on Prevailing in the Global War on Terror; Bill HRES 861 ; vote number 2006-288 on Jun 12, 2006

You see, Whitfield blindly rubber-stamped a failed President and policy which allowed our real attacker on 9-11, Osama bin-Laden walk away scot-free, and insultingly release video tapes that snubs his nose at those who lost loved ones on that fateful day. Then, whenevidence emerges that the American people were misled into cutting and running from our true attacker, bin-Laden, Exxon Eddie will not even allow the matter to be investigated:

Voted NO on investigating Bush impeachment for lying about Iraq.

OnTheIssues.org Explanation:This vote is on referring the impeachment resolution to a Congressional Committee to decide further action (not on impeachment itself).Congressional Summary:Resolved, That President George W. Bush b Fourth Amendment

Article XXVI–Announcing the Intent To Violate Laws With Signing Statements, and Violating Those Laws

Reference: The Kucinich Privilege Resolution; Bill H.RES.1258 ; vote number 2008-401 on Jun 11, 2008


However, it only gets worse. After all his talk about the “War on Terror”, Exxon Eddie aligned himself against the 9-11 families by taking money from Abdulrahman Alamoudi, and refusing to give it back when it was proven this man was a terrorist in his own right:

In June of 2000, Ed Whitfield received a $1000 donation from a man named Abdulrahman Alamoudi1.  At the time this man was an outspoken supporter of the U.S.-designated terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah2, and he was busy making friends in the highest levels of government. Congressman Ed Whitfield was one of these friends.  Many politicians were smart enough to steer clear of this shady character.  Dennis Kucinich received a $500 donation from Alamoudi, and he returned the money.  Hillary Clinton received $1000 dollars from Alamoudi, and she returned the money.  GEORGE BUSH received $1000 from Alamoudi and even HE returned the money!!  They knew that Alamoudi had questionable connections and radical, terrorist beliefs and they did not want to be associated with him. They were proven to be correct when in 2002 Abdulrahman Alamoudi was sued on behalf of the families of the victims of 9/11 for being involved in terrorist financing activities which led to their loved one’s deaths3.  Most politicians would try to distance themselves from this kind of controversy by returning any campaign contributions, but Ed Whitfield stood by his man and kept his money.

Then, in 2004, Alamoudi confessed in U.S. Federal Court to plotting to assassinate the Crown Prince (now the King) of Saudi Arabia.  He was paid by the Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi, and he hired Al Qaeda terrorists to carry out the plot.  He was sentenced and is currently serving 23 years in federal prison4.  Once again, Ed Whitfield’s man Abdulrahman Alamoudi was implicated in a high-level terrorist plot, and Ed 33Whitfield chose to keep his $1000 campaign contribution.

Ed Whitfield has some tough questions to answer.  Why did he choose to associate himself with this terrorist, Abdulrahman Alamoudi?  Why did he keep his $1000 campaign contribution when President George W. Bush was returning his in October, 2000?  Why didn’t he return the money when Alamoudi was implicated in the 9/11 victims families’ lawsuit in 2002?  And why did he not return the money when Alamoudi confessed in U.S. Court in 2004 that he plotted with Libyan and Al Qaeda terrorists to assassinate the future King of Saudi Arabia?

Ed Whitfield’s constituents in Western Kentucky want answers to these questions.  The soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division in Ft. Campbell, stationed in Whitfield’s own Congressional District, want to know why they are asked to fight and die in the War on Terror in Iraq and Afghanistan while their own congressman profits from terrorists.  We are all waiting for Congressman Ed Whitfield’s answers to these questions.

1 Click here to see Ed Whitfield’s FEC statement listing Alamoudi’s campaign contribution from June, 2000.


2 Click here to see video of Alamoudi announcing his support of Hamas and Hezbollah in front of the White House in October, 2000. Four months after Whitfield took his money.


3 Click here to see the 9/11 victims families’ lawsuit.  Alamoudi is defendant #12.  Osama bin Laden is defendant #78.


4 Click here to see Alamoudi’s plea agreement from July, 2004.  The plot to assassinate Crown Prince Abdullah is described beginning on PDF page 32.



So, in the twisted world of Exxon Eddie, vandalism and thievery are “family values”, Corporate Welfare and his own profits are “Energy Policy”, and fighting Terrorism is only important if the Terrorists AREN’T writing checks.

Heather Ryan, his Democratic challenger wasted no time in calling out Exxon Eddie on all points atFancy Farm:

Yes, the hypocrisy of Exxon Ed Whitfield and the Kentucky Republican Party truly knows no bounds. What the First District of Kentucky desperately needs is New Leadership:

Heather Ryan

Not the failed “leadership” that puts money over all else, even principle:

Ed Whitfield, Heather Ryan

Heather Ryan is a true “Fighting Democrat” that will take Exxon Eddie to task over his hypocrisy, and failed record of “representing” the citizens of Western Kentucky in the Congress. To do this however, we need your help. Ryan for Kentucky will never take special interest money from Big Oil, or the blood-soaked money of terrorists, so we need you to get our message out. Please, consider helping Heather get the resources she needs to let the 62% of registered Democrats in this district know about the hypocrisy of Exxon Ed Whitfield here:

Goal Thermometer

With your help, we can and will win this race!!

Ed Whitfield, Riggs Bank, and The Saudi-Bush-Terror Connection

The hypocrisy of the modern Republican Party never ceases to amaze me. The Republican Party leadership is, and always will be the party of the mighty Greenback. Despite this they try to lecture all of us on things like moral values, and being tough on terrorists. However, if these things ever interrupt their endless quest for profits, they are easily forgotten if those profits are threatened.

A perfect case-in-point is the Congressman of Kentucky’s First Congressional District, Ed Whitfield. He paints himself as “tough on terror”, but the true terror to him is losing his precious profits.

As it ends up, he is tied to the Bush Family by more than just rubber-stamping every failed policy of a failed administration. Shortly before George W. Bush’s uncle, Jonathan Bush took over as CEO of Riggs Bank, Ed Whitfield bought some  Riggs Bank Stock. Whitfield held on to this stock, even though Jonathan Bush had been fined $30,000 in Massachusetts, and several thousands more in Connecticut for violating registration laws that govern securities sales in 1991 and was barred from securities brokerage with the general public in Massachusetts for one year.

But that is just the beginning. It appears that a Saudi named Omar al-Bayoumi housed and opened bank accounts at Riggs Bank for two of the 9-11 hijackers. Just two weeks after this assistance began, al-Bayoumi’s wife began recieving monthly payments totaling tens of thousands of dollars from Princess Haifa bint Faisal, wife of Bandar Bush of Farenheit 9-11 fame.


When the FBI discovered these transactions, they began an investigation of the bank for possible money-laundering, and funding of terrorism. Riggs bank was fined a record $25 million in 2004 for allegedly violating anti-money laundering laws because of it’s handling of Saudi-controlled accounts that were under investigation for possibly funding terrorism. One of Whitfield’s fellow Republicans, Charles Grassley had this to say about the fine:

“Riggs Bank deserves every penny of this huge fine,” Grassley said in a statement Thursday. “Banks have a patriotic duty, not to mention legal requirement, to report suspicious activity. When banks look the other way, they put our national security at risk. Whether it’s through incompetence, negligence or greed, they are allowing terrorists to funnel their blood money through the system.”


Do not Congressmen have a “patriotic duty” not to invest in such unscrupulous, criminal enterprises?

But it doesn’t stop there. Riggs bank also helped Chilean dictator  

Augusto Pinochet Ugarte hide millions of dollars of assets from international prosecutors while he was under house arrest in Britain. They came up with a clever and dishonest scheme to do this:

Senate investigators, who spent more than a year looking into Riggs, found that the bank attempted to use offshore and other accounts that were misleadingly named to obscure their connection to Pinochet. In documents required by federal regulators, for example, the bank referred to Pinochet not by name but as “a retired professional” who held a “high paying position in public sector for many years.”


Riggs Bank was forced to plead guilty in early 2005 to felony charges that they failed to file suspicious activity reports and were fined another$16 million to resolve the anti-money-laundering deficiencies in it’s former embassy and international operations.

Now, according to his seemingly incomplete 2006 personal financial disclosure, Ed Whitfield sold off his Riggs Bank holdings on Sept. 9, 2006. My question to Exxon Ed Whitfield, is why after this bank was taken over by a former criminal CEO, paid a fine for laundering possible terrorist Saudi money, and pled guilty to hiding money for a ruthless dictator, did it take him so long to sell off his stock? Are these the kind of “Family Values” that Whitfield sees fit to invest in? How can one be tough on Terrorism if they invest in institutions that possibly fund such activity?

This investment shows where the priorities of Exxon Ed Whitfield truly lie. The fact of the matter is that through two criminal investigations, guilty pleas, and fines, Exxon Ed Whitfield still saw Riggs Bank as a worthwhile investment, whether it supported terrorism and ruthless dictators or not.

Now, I am all for Americans investing, and bettering themselves. Part of the American way is the ability to grow your wealth, and be successful. However, don’t the investments you choose to make reflect upon your character and judgement? The fact that Whitfield supported all this illegal activity with his own invested money speaks volumes about his ability to lead, and make decisions for the citizens of Kentucky’s First Congressional District.

We need a new direction from this seat in our Congress. Exxon Ed Whitfield has become a millionaire while representing our district, and the average working family has fallen further behind. Now more than ever, we need new leadership in the Congress from this district:

Heather Ryan

We can win this race if we let the voters here know just how bad the judgementExxon Ed Whitfield has exercised truly is.

To do that, we need your help. Please consider supporting Heather Ryan, and helping her gain momentum going into the Fancy Farm Picnic, which kicks off the political season in Western Kentucky. You can do so here:

Goal Thermometer

It is time to retire members of Congress like Exxon Ed Whitfield, whose poor judgement puts profits over ethics, and blindly invests in criminal activity.  

KY-01: McConnell and Exxon Eddie at it Again

Here in Kentucky, we are saddled with two of the worst of the lot in Republican “leadership”. While Mitch McConnell needs no introduction, a lot of national Democrats don’t know about my Congressman, Exxon Ed Whitfield, who is best known for protecting the profits of Big Oil. It seems these two got together this week to plot the demise of Democrat Heather Ryan.

In the latest episode of the “Bag Eddie” series, McConnell and Whitfield get together for drinks, and strategy:

As you can see, these two have it all figured out!!

If you missed the other installments of “Bag Eddie”, here they are:

It seems though, that Mitch and Eddie do disagree on something. After his election year Renaisance, Exxon Eddie has returned to his Dark Ages form, and voted against the Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008:


I guess his house in Florida must be paid for!! Unfortunately the only house he has in the district is his daddy’s house in Hopkinsville. I knew he was an underachiever in Congress, but a man his age that still lives with his dad?

We need your help and support in Kentucky’s First District to retire Congressman Whitfield to Florida where he lives. He has plenty of stock options to fall back on, as he has become a millionaire in his tenure representing this district. Help us defeat a sitting Republican Congressman and expand our Congressional majorities here:

Goal Thermometer

Best wishes Democrats!!

Ryan For Kentucky: Lets Fight for American Workers

At Ryan for Kentucky, we believe that the playing field has been tilted against working families for far too long. My whole life, it seems that war has been waged on union workers and workers attempting to form new unions. I have witnessed this personally in a union fight. Although initially, 80% of the workers at our warehouse signed on to become union, the long process allowed the company to come in and “behind the scenes” peel off these votes. How? By turning worker against worker. Promising promotion of certain workers, and higher wages and more benefits if the union failed.

In the end, After workers being bribed and intimidated on the day of the union vote, it failed by one vote. Then, a month after the union vote, ou company announced it was shutting down our warehouse and moving elsewhere.

Yes, the playing field has long been tilted against workers in this country organizing new unions. The Bush years have only seen it grow worse. Our Representative, Exxon Ed Whitfield has been a constant enemy of workers having the right to organize for better lives.

He voted against the Employee Free Choice Act which would put an end to the problems I just described. Yes, to millionaires like Ed Whitfield, employees should not have the right to negotiate with corporations and companies that pull in billions of dollars a year for better wages and benefits.

But it goes much deeper than that. Exxon Ed Whitfield never met a free trade agreement he didn’t love. Forget the fact that American high-paying middle-class jobs that have been the backbone of this country since WWII are being shipped overseas by greedy corporations. Forget the fact that Free Trade has cost the American worker dearly, Exxon Eddie doesn’t even believe in helping those whose livelihoods were lost by the corporate sponsored government policies of greed, and profit:

Voted NO on assisting workers who lose jobs due to globalization.

H.R.3920: Trade and Globalization Act of 2007: Amends the Trade Act of 1974 to allow the filing for trade adjustment assistance (TAA) by adversely affected workers. Revises group eligibility requirements for TAA to cover: (1) a shift of production or services to abroad; or (2) imports of articles or services from abroad.

Proponents support voting YES because:

Rep. RANGEL: In recent years, trade policy has been a dividing force. This legislation develops a new trade policy that more adequately addresses the growing perception that trade is not working for American workers. The Trade and Globalization Assistance Act would expand training and benefits for workers while also helping to encourage investment in communities that have lost jobs to increased trade–particularly in our manufacturing sector. The bill is a comprehensive policy expanding opportunities for American workers, industries, and communities to prepare for and overcome the challenges created by expanded trade.

Reference: Trade and Globalization Assistance Act; Bill HR3920 ; vote number 2007-1025 on Oct 31, 2007


Lets look back at all the bad deals Exxon Ed Whitfield has voted for to destroy the American middle-class, and preserve corporate profits at all costs. His old buddy Tom Delay, whom he Tried to bail out and voted with 91% of the time  co-sponsored this one:

Voted YES on implementing free trade agreement with Chile.

United States-Chile Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act: Vote to pass a bill that would put into effect a trade agreement between the US and Chile. The agreement would reduce tariffs and trade barriers between the US and Chile. The trade pact would decrease duties and tariffs on agricultural and textile products. It would also open markets for services. The trade pact would establish intellectual property safeguards and would call for enforcement of environmental and labor standards.

Reference: Bill sponsored by DeLay, R-TX; Bill HR 2738 ; vote number 2003-436 on Jul 24, 2003

And it just goes on and on:

Voted YES on implementing US-Singapore free trade agreement.

Vote to pass a bill that would put into effect a trade agreement between the United States and Singapore. The trade agreement would reduce tariffs and trade barriers between the United States and Singapore. The agreement would remove tariffs on goods and duties on textiles, and open markets for services The agreement would also establish intellectual property, environmental and labor standards.

Reference: US-Singapore Free Trade Agreement; Bill HR 2739 ; vote number 2003-432 on Jul 24, 2003


Voted YES on implementing US-Australia Free Trade Agreement.

United States-Australia Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act: implementing free trade with protections for the domestic textile and apparel industries.

Reference: Bill sponsored by Rep Tom DeLay [R, TX-22]; Bill H.R.4759 ; vote number 2004-375 on Jul 14, 2005


Voted YES on implementing CAFTA, Central America Free Trade.

To implement the Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement. A vote of YES would:

Progressively eliminate customs duties on all originating goods traded among the participating nations

Preserve U.S. duties on imports of sugar goods over a certain quota

Remove duties on textile and apparel goods traded among participating nations

Prohibit export subsidies for agricultural goods traded among participating nations

Provide for cooperation among participating nations on customs laws and import licensing procedures

Encourage each participating nation to adopt and enforce laws ensuring high levels of sanitation and environmental protection

Recommend that each participating nation uphold the International Labor Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

Urge each participating nation to obey various international agreements regarding intellectual property rights

Reference: CAFTA Implementation Bill; Bill HR 3045 ; vote number 2005-443 on Jul 28, 2005

Whitfield’s was thedeciding vote on that one.

Then we ended with this:

Voted YES on promoting free trade with Peru.

Approves the Agreement entered into with the government of Peru. Provides for the Agreement’s entry into force upon certain conditions being met on or after January 1, 2008.

Prescribes requirements for:

enforcement of textile and apparel rules of origin;

certain textile and apparel safeguard measures; and

enforcement of export laws governing trade of timber products from Peru.


We need a leader in Washington who doesn’t scorn and ridicule American workers daily. We need a leader in Washington who believes that America should indeed have a middle-class:

It is not hard to figure out that outsourcing American jobs to third world countries is destroying our middle class.  We must stop rewarding companies who send our jobs oversees with tax cuts and begin rewarding companies who invest in our nations future.  

As a member of a staunch union family, and a former union member myself, I understand first hand the need for a living wage as well as benefits and training programs.  I will work tirelessly to fight for the rights of the working person.  For far too long, the citizens of Kentucky have been victimized by the million dollar boy’s club.  It is time for change!


New leadership brings promise to Kentucky, and American workers!!:

Heather Ryan

Old leadership brings about the same old complaints:


Please, help us win this race and bring a young, energetic, and most of all compassionate leader who isn’t afraid to fight for workers and Democratic values to Washington:

Goal Thermometer


Exxon Ed Whitfield on Healthcare: Profits Before People

Exxon Ed Whitfield has been trying to clean up his voting record for this election year. He knows it is a bad year for Republicans, and that he has been a shameless enabler of every failed policy of the Bush Administration. All the election year scuffling to clean up his record cannot hide the fact that he has been a constant, bitter opponent to reform of our healthcare system, and of providing equal access to those in poverty as those with wealth to healthcare. Lets look at some of Exxon Eddie’s votes to limit the access of healthcare to working Americans

Oh goodness, where to begin? There have been so many bad votes by Ed Whitfield on this issue, it boggles the mind. However, lets start with Whitfield’s vote way back in 2000 to try and turn over Medicaire Drug coverage to the insurance companies, who we all know can be trusted to look out for our interests over their profits. (NOT):

Voted YES on subsidizing private insurance for Medicare Rx drug coverage.

HR 4680, the Medicare Rx 2000 Act, would institute a new program to provide voluntary prescription drug coverage for Medicare beneficiaries through subsidies to private plans. The program would cost an estimated $40 billion over five years and would go into effect in fiscal 2003.

Reference: Bill sponsored by Thomas, R-CA; Bill HR 4680 ; vote number 2000-357 on Jun 28, 2000


You see, in the twisted world of men like Exxon Ed Whitfield, profits for Insurance and Oil companies always come before people. Think I am exagerrating? Lets keep looking at the record Eddie wants us to forget:

Voted NO on allowing reimportation of prescription drugs.

Pharmaceutical Market Access Act of 2003: Vote to pass a bill that would call for the Food and Drug Administration to begin a program that would permit the importation of FDA-approved prescription drugs from Australia, Canada, the European Union, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Lichtenstein, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland and South Africa.

Reference: Bill sponsored by Gutknecht, R-MN; Bill HR.2427 ; vote number 2003-445 on Jul 24, 2003


Yes, in Exxon Eddie’s world, the sick and elderly should be required to pay the high prices of drugs to protect the profits of drug companies, even when safe, cheaper drugs are available from trustable countries who don’t have a powerful drug lobby.

It gets even worse. Not only does Exxon Eddie believe Americans should pay higher drug prices to protect profits, evidently he believes some Americans who desperately need prescription drugs should not have access to them:

Voted YES on limited prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients.

Medicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act of 2003: Vote to adopt the conference report on the bill that would create a prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients. Starting in 2006, prescription coverage would be made available through private insurers to seniors. Seniors would pay a monthly premium of an estimated $35 in 2006. Individuals enrolled in the plan would cover the first $250 of annual drug costs themselves, and 25 percent of all drug costs up to $2,250. The government would offer a fallback prescription drug plan in regions were no private plans had made a bid.Over a 10 year time period medicare payments to managed care plans would increase by $14.2 billion. A pilot project would begin in 2010 in which Medicare would compete with private insurers to provide coverage for doctors and hospitals costs in six metropolitan areas for six years. The importation of drugs from Canada would be approved only if HHS determines there is no safety risks and that consumers would be saving money.

Reference: Bill sponsored by Hastert, R-IL; Bill HR.1 ; vote number 2003-669 on Nov 22, 2003


That makes perfect sense in the world of Exxon Ed Whitfield, Insurance profits before people, at all costs. Even if it means denying people the medications they desperately need and struggle to afford. However, it continues to get much worse. Not satisfied in denying life-giving medications, Exxon Eddie would deny treatment of the working poor too:

Voted YES on denying non-emergency treatment for lack of Medicare co-pay.

Vote to pass a resolution, agreeing to S. AMDT. 2691 that removes the following provisions from S 1932:

Allows hospitals to refuse treatment to Medicaid patients when they are unable to pay their co-pay if the hospital deems the situation to be a non-emergency

Excludes payment to grandparents for foster care

Reference: Reconciliation resolution on the FY06 budget; Bill H Res 653 on S. AMDT. 2691 ; vote number 2006-004 on Feb 1, 2006

In the world of Exxon Eddie, it makes perfect sense to let those who are making a profit decide whether it is an emergency for those who may not be able to pay to recieve treatment.

In keeping with the theme of protecting Insurance profits at all costs, once again we see how Whitfield would keep drug prices high, to protect his big money contributors:

Voted NO on requiring negotiated Rx prices for Medicare part D.

Would require negotiating with pharmaceutical manufacturers the prices that may be charged to prescription drug plan sponsors for covered Medicare part D drugs.

Proponents support voting YES because:

This legislation is an overdue step to improve part D drug benefits. The bipartisan bill is simple and straightforward. It removes the prohibition from negotiating discounts with pharmaceutical manufacturers, and requires the Secretary of Health & Human Services to negotiate. This legislation will deliver lower premiums to the seniors, lower prices at the pharmacy and savings for all taxpayers.

It is equally important to understand that this legislation does not do certain things. HR4 does not preclude private plans from getting additional discounts on medicines they offer seniors and people with disabilities. HR4 does not establish a national formulary. HR4 does not require price controls. HR4 does not hamstring research and development by pharmaceutical houses. HR4 does not require using the Department of Veterans Affairs’ price schedule.

Reference: Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act; Bill HR 4 (“First 100 hours”) ; vote number 2007-023 on Jan 12, 2007


Now, if you think it could not get much worse than this, unfortunately you are sadly mistaken. Exxon Ed Whitfield puts profits over people, even CHILDREN!!! Yes, in the twisted world of men like Ed Whitfield, profits are so much more important than even the health of our children that he would vote not once, but twice to make sure that Insurance Company profits are protected at all costs, even over the well-being of American children:

Voted NO on adding 2 to 4 million children to SCHIP eligibility.

Allows State Children’s Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP), that require state legislation to meet additional requirements imposed by this Act, additional time to make required plan changes. Pres. Bush vetoed this bill on Dec. 12, 2007, as well as a version (HR976) from Feb. 2007.

Proponents support voting YES because:

Rep. DINGELL: This is not a perfect bill, but it is an excellent bipartisan compromise. The bill provides health coverage for 3.9 million children who are eligible, yet remain uninsured. It meets the concerns expressed in the President’s veto message [from HR976]:

It terminates the coverage of childless adults.

It targets bonus payments only to States that increase enrollments of the poorest uninsured children, and it prohibits States from covering families with incomes above $51,000.

It contains adequate enforcement to ensure that only US citizens are covered.

Reference: Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act; Bill H.R. 3963 ; vote number 2007-1009 on Oct 25, 2007


Of course, this bill was passed by more compassionate members of Congress, but vetoed by the biggest corporate profiteer of them all, President Bush:

Veto message from President Bush:

Like its predecessor, HR976, this bill does not put poor children first and it moves our country’s health care system in the wrong direction. Ultimately, our goal should be to move children who have no health insurance to private coverage–not to move children who already have private health insurance to government coverage. As a result, I cannot sign this legislation.

Reference: Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act; Bill H.R. 3963 ; vote number 2007-1009 on Oct 25, 2007


Yes, it would be a shame if uncovered children recieved coverage without huge profits for the Insurance companies. From those who are always lecturing us about our “Christian values” it would be a shame if they valued children as much as Christ did. From Mark 10: 13-16:

13 ¶ Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them.

14  But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

15  And he laid his hands on them, and departed thence.

Yes, Christian values dictate that the children be brought to be healed, but Exxon Eddie voted against Christian values on children not once, but twice:

Voted NO on Veto override: Extend SCHIP to cover 6M more kids.

OnTheIssues Explanation: This vote is a veto override of the SCHIP extension (State Children’s Health Insurance Program). The bill passed the House 265-142 on 10/25/07, and was vetoed by Pres. Bush on 12/12/07.

CONGRESSIONAL SUMMARY: This Act would enroll all 6 million uninsured children who are eligible, but not enrolled, for coverage under existing programs.

Even after changes were made to accomodate President Bush’s concerns:

The bill makes changes to accommodate the President’s stated concerns.

It terminates the coverage of childless adults in 1 year.

It prohibits States from covering children in families with incomes above $51,000.

It contains adequate enforcement to ensure that only US citizens are covered.

It encourages securing health insurance provided through private employer.

The result? Another victory for big insurance, and another defeat for true Christian values:

LEGISLATIVE OUTCOME:Veto override failed, 260-152 (2/3rds required)

Reference: SCHIP Extension; Bill Veto override on H.R.3963 ; vote number 08-HR3963 on Jan 23, 2008


So, why would Exxon Eddie cast all these votes against the healthcare of even children if he is so Christian? Well, that is because the only god he worships is Mammon.

As seen here:

Health Professionals $99,601

Electric Utilities $39,266

Pharmaceuticals/Health Products $36,250

Railroads $29,300

TV/Movies/Music $22,750


And with the $215,000 in Insurance investments seen here:


So as you can see, Exxon Eddie is clearly lined up for profits, and against people.

Luckily, this time Exxon Eddie has a real challenge. Heather Ryan believes all Americans should have a fundamental right to healhcare, whether it brings insurance profits or not:

It is an absolute travesty that 50 million Americans struggle without health care in the wealthiest nation in the world.  What’s worse is when our representative votes against improvements in access to health services for children and the poor.  Unfortunately, these are both realities that we’ve experienced under the current leadership.  I propose that health care for every American is more important than tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy.  

It is time we had a representative who thinks about more than just how much money he can make when he helps pass legislation that benefits drug and insurance companies.  As the leaders of the free world, it is an embarrassment that we are the only industrialized nation that does not offer health care for our citizens.


In fact, near the end of my interview with her, Heather Ryan states that the first thing she wants to work on in Washington is the introduction of healtcare for all Americans:

New leadership will mean a new direction for Kentucky, and our country:

Heather Ryan

Please, go here to help us win this race. With the resources to get Whitfield’s terrible record out to the 63% of registered Democrats in this district, we can easily win this race, and alleviate Exxon Eddie’s complaints:


Please go here and support fellow grassroots Democrats in their quest to expand our Congressional majorities and move our country in the direction of progress for everyone:

Goal Thermometer