Much more interesting poll numbers on healthcare can be found here. It turns out that the public was evenly divided on Medicare before it became law, too. Now, of course, the program is unassailable.
Tag: Young Guns
NRCC Adds 32 Names to Young Guns Program
Today, the NRCC added 32 candidates to its Young Guns program:
District | Candidate | Incumbent | PVI | 2008 (D) Margin |
AR-02 | Tim Griffin | Snyder | R+5 | 53% |
AZ-08 | Jesse Kelly | Giffords | R+4 | 12% |
CO-07 | Ryan Frazier | Perlmutter | D+4 | 27% |
CT-05 | Justin Bernier | Murphy, C. | D+2 | 15% |
FL-22 | Allen West | Klein | D+1 | 9% |
IL-10 | Beth Coulson | OPEN | D+6 | -5% |
IL-10 | Bob Dold | OPEN | D+6 | -5% |
IL-10 | Dick Green | OPEN | D+6 | -5% |
IL-14 | Ethan Hastert | Foster | R+1 | 16% |
IN-09 | Todd Young | Hill | R+6 | 19% |
MI-07 | Tim Walberg | Schauer | R+2 | 2% |
MO-03 | Ed Martin | Carnahan | D+7 | 36% |
MO-04 | Bill Stouffer | Skelton | R+14 | 32% |
MO-04 | Vickie Hartzler | Skelton | R+14 | 32% |
MS-01 | Alan Nunnelee | Childers | R+14 | 11% |
NC-08 | Lou Huddleston | Kissell | R+2 | 11% |
NY-01 | Randy Altschuler | Bishop | R+0 | 17% |
NY-13 | Michael Allegretti | McMahon | R+4 | 28% |
NY-19 | Nan Hayworth | Hall | R+3 | 17% |
NY-29 | Tom Reed | Massa | R+5 | 2% |
OH-16 | Jim Renacci | Boccierri | R+4 | 11% |
OH-18 | Bob Gibbs | Space | R+7 | 20% |
OR-01 | Rob Cornilles | Wu | D+8 | 54% |
PA-06 | Steven Welch | OPEN | D+4 | -4% |
PA-07 | Pat Meehan | OPEN | D+3 | 19% |
TN-04 | Scott DesJarlais | Davis, L. | R+13 | 21% |
TN-08 | Stephen Fincher | Tanner | R+6 | 100% |
VA-02 | Scott Rigell | Nye | R+5 | 5% |
VA-11 | Keith Fimian | Connolly | D+2 | 12% |
WI-03 | Dan Kapanke | Kind | D+4 | 29% |
WI-07 | Sean Duffy | Obey | D+3 | 22% |
WI-08 | Reid Ribble | Kagen | R+2 | 8% |
These candidates have all been added to the bottom rung of the NRCC’s list, which they call “On the Radar.” The Republican House campaign committee has also bumped up nine previously-added names to their middle tier, “Contenders”:
District | Candidate |
AL-02 | Martha Roby |
CO-04 | Cory Gardner |
FL-12 | Dennis Ross |
ID-01 | Vaughn Ward |
MD-01 | Andy Harris |
NH-01 | Frank Guinta |
NM-02 | Steve Pearce |
OH-01 | Steve Chabot |
OH-15 | Steve Stivers |
Of those initial thirteen picks, four didn’t make the jump: Van Tran (CA-47), Adam Kinzinger (IL-11), Charles Djou (HI-01), and Jon Barela (NM-01). (Kinzinger, for what it’s worth, has been officially endorsed by the NRCC, the only candidate other than Dennis Ross in FL-12 to be so honored.) Two other dudes who were added later (but before this round) also stay put: David Harmer (CA-10) and Greg Ball (NY-19). I have to believe this means the GOP is writing off any hope of a stunning Harmer upset in next week’s special election.
Interestingly, the NRCC seems to have no reservations about naming more than one candidates running in the same race to their program – they’ve done so in IL-10, MO-04, and NY-19. This is something I don’t recall the DCCC doing with Red to Blue over the past couple of cycles. However, all of these multiple-choice challengers are still only at the “On the Radar” level. I wouldn’t be surprised if the NRCC narrowed things down if certain candidates started to show more promise than others.
NRCC Picks 13 Challengers for Young Guns Program
We had a lot of fun last year at the expense of the GOP’s Young Guns (a group of 30 and 40-something House “up and comers”). Other than raising a few dineros for their colleagues, their crowning electoral achievement was sending a small battalion of hapless, bluetooth-equipped and frappuccino-powered DC staffers on a wild goose chase in rural northeast Mississippi last year, trying to rustle up votes for South Memphis Southaven Mayor Greg Davis.
It seems that Pete Sessions has bigger and better plans for the Young Guns brand this cycle, and the NRCC is appropriating the name for its new program designed to lend assistance to candidates hoping to topple Democrats (or retain open seats). Call it Blue to Red, if you will. The full list:
District | Candidate | Incumbent | PVI | 2008 (D) Margin |
AL-02 | Martha Roby | Bright | R+16 | 1% |
CA-47 | Van Tran | Sanchez | D+4 | 44% |
CO-04 | Cory Gardner | Markey | R+6 | 12% |
FL-12 | Dennis Ross | (Open) | R+6 | -15% |
HI-01 | Charles Djou | (Open) | D+11 | 58% |
ID-01 | Vaughn Ward | Minnick | R+18 | 1% |
IL-11 | Adam Kinzinger | Halvorson | R+1 | 24% |
MD-01 | Andy Harris | Kratovil | R+13 | 1% |
NH-01 | Frank Guinta | Shea-Porter | R+0 | 6% |
NM-01 | Jon Barela | Heinrich | D+5 | 12% |
NM-02 | Steve Pearce | Teague | R+6 | 12% |
OH-01 | Steve Chabot | Driehaus | D+1 | 5% |
OH-15 | Steve Stivers | Kilroy | D+1 | 1% |
Despite including their names in the program, the NRCC is actually only formally endorsing two candidates from this list — Iraq vet Adam Kinzinger (IL-11) and state Sen. Dennis Ross (FL-12). Others “Young Guns” facing competitive primaries are Vaughn Ward (ID-01) and quite probably Andy Harris (MD-01). I’m sure their would-be primary competitors are chafing at this early stamp of approval from Sessions.
And let’s leave aside the issue of calling 62 year-old Steve Pearce and 56 year-old Steve Chabot “Young Guns” for the moment…
MS-01: Young Guns to the Rescue!
IL-14 was bad. LA-06 was worse. But if you’re an ass-scratching member of the Boehner caucus, the very real scenario of receiving a back-breaking loss in Mississippi next week is too terrifying to even begin imagining.
That’s why the GOP is calling in the cavalry to stop Democrat Travis Childers:
Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-Ga.) presented a multi-faceted plan to retain the Mississippi seat to the House Republican Young Guns group on Tuesday. The plan is designed to get staff on the ground and checks to Davis.
“We need boots on the ground. This is going to be about voter turnout,” Westmoreland said. “So it’s a matter of having enough people to go door to door, to go to Wal-Mart and Home Depot to get [Davis’s] message out.”
Westmoreland and several other members have dispatched staff to Mississippi to do just that. Others, like Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), have supported Davis financially.
“One thing that the Young Guns do is engage in races,” said McCarthy.
Young Guns? More like City Slickers II.

Or maybe Blazing Saddles.

No, wait — I’ve got it: Two Mules For Sister Sara.