NJ-04: Smith: Allow Unscreened Luggage/Cargo on Planes

Amazingly, Chris Smith Voted to Allow Unscreened Luggage and Cargo on Airplanes.

Chris Smith voted against airline security. In 2003, Chris Smith voted against stronger regulations that would have provided the highest possible level of funding for Homeland Security, preparedness and disaster response programs. The bill would have required screening of all air cargo that traveled on commercial passenger planes. In 2002, Smith even voted against enforcing faster deadlines for screening all passenger luggage for explosives. (2003 Vote# 514, 2002 Vote #362)

“Chris Smith has the wrong priorities. Why did he vote against the higher screening standards that are commonplace today? While Americans still wrestle with the economic impact of terrorism, Chris Smith tried to leave us more vulnerable.” said Josh Zeitz Campaign Manager Steve D’Amico.

More after the break.

For too long, the media have failed to recognize that Republicans are the party that has weakened our national security. Josh Zeitz understands that being safe at home means investing the resources to keep us secure at our most vulnerable points, including at airports. That’s why he’s running to defeat Chris Smith and bring a new, common sense voice to Congress.

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