(Bumped – promoted by James L.)
Back in July, we asked you to rank the top ten Senate races in order of their likeliness to flip control in 2008. In his most recent ranking, the WaPo’s Chris Cillizza rated 2008’s Senate races as follows (previous rankings in parens):
1. Colorado (1)
2. New Hampshire (2)
3. Louisiana (3)
4. Virginia (6)
5. Oregon (7)
6. Maine (4)
7. Minnesota (5)
8. Nebraska (8)
9. South Dakota (9)
10. Alaska (-)
There’s been quite a bit of hot Senate action since we last rated the races, including but not limited to (in rough chronological order):
1. KY-Sen: State Attorney General Greg Stumbo formed an exploratory committee for a run against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.
2. AK-Sen: More deterioration and headaches for Ted Stevens.
3. OR-Sen: Speaker of the Oregon House Jeff Merkley entered the race against Republican Gordon Smith.
4. OK-Sen: State Senator Andrew Rice entered the race against Republican Jim Inhofe.
5. AL-Sen: State Senator Vivian Figures entered the race against Republican Jeff Sessions.
6. LA-Sen: Raising all kinds of red flags of a potential challenge to Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu, Louisiana State Treasurer John Kennedy switched parties.
7. ID-Sen: Larry Craig got caught cruising for a good time in a Minnesota airport men’s room. His resignation announcement may have been a bit premature, however, as Craig has indicated that he’d like to fight the charges (which he plead guilty to) this month. If successful, Craig appears likely to serve out the remainder of his Senate term, and then retire.
8. SD-Sen: Tim Johnson announced his return to the U.S. Senate, and of his plans to seek re-election, after months of recovery from a traumatic brain injury last December.
9. VA-Sen: Republican Sen. John Warner hung up his spurs, fueling speculation that Republican Rep. Tom Davis and former Democratic Gov. Mark Warner may announce their intentions to succeed him.
Quite a lot of action. How will these developments affect your list? Post your top ten in the comments.
UPDATE: Something has gone screwy with the formatting in the comments section. We’re attempting to iron out the kinks. Hang tight.
UPDATE 2: I think we’ve fixed the problem. If you’re still having trouble reading the comments in the extended entry (specifically, if the comments are bleeding into the very far right of the screen and pushing the right-hand column several inches to the right), do a hard refresh (CTRL and F5 on most browsers) and let us know if you still have problems.