Independent Expenditure Roundup: 9/29-10/5

A round-up of all the House race Independent Expenditures field in the last seven days:

District Incumbent Group Last Week Total
AK-AL Young DCCC $61,642 $167,912
AK-AL Young DWAF $25,000
AL-02 Open DCCC $117,101 $274,667
AL-02 Open NRCC $12,000
AL-05 Open DCCC $85,384 $291,571
AZ-01 Open DCCC $200,639 $725,337
AZ-03 Shadegg DCCC $266,700 $387,859
AZ-05 Mitchell DCCC $195,012 $708,162
AZ-08 Giffords DCCC $86,551 $202,713
CA-11 McNerney DCCC $14,049 $194,052
CA-11 McNerney NARPAC $258,251 $720,695
CO-04 Musgrave DCCC $37,337 $37,337
CO-04 Musgrave DWAF $665,000 $916,974
CT-04 Shays DCCC $151,861 $469,835
CT-04 Shays NARPAC $505,670
FL-13 Buchanan EMILY $19,000
FL-16 Mahoney DCCC $147,580 $247,650
FL-24 Feeney DCCC $195,663 $215,420
ID-01 Sali DCCC $11,475
ID-01 Sali NRCC $18,500
IA-02 Loebsack OPHTHPAC $12,500
IL-10 Kirk DCCC $77,950 $318,812
IL-11 Open DCCC $76,613 $687,471
IL-11 Open EMILY $46,012 $162,185
IN-09 Hill DCCC $119,529 $218,230
KY-02 Open DCCC $120,674 $220,570
LA-06 Cazayoux OPHTHPAC $49,163
LA-06 Cazayoux DCCC $133,182 $255,631
MD-01 Open DCCC $236,250 $391,544
MI-07 Walberg DCCC $99,181 $282,158
MI-07 Walberg NRCC $45,975 $45,975
MI-09 Knollenberg SEIU $62,095 $62,095
MI-09 Knollenberg DCCC $229,040 $375,493
MI-09 Knollenberg NARPAC $533,760
MN-03 Open DCCC $261,826 $625,554
MO-06 Graves DCCC $26,512
MO-09 Open DCCC $64,270 $92,705
MS-01 Childers DCCC $13,265 $13,265
NC-08 Hayes DCCC $206,051 $604,634
NH-01 Shea-Porter DCCC $62,991 $694,039
NJ-03 Open DCCC $107,026 $388,943
NJ-03 Open NRCC $35,323 $51,823
NJ-07 Open DCCC $155,970 $714,384
NM-01 Open DCCC $202,948 $675,232
NM-02 Open DCCC $165,617 $260,017
NV-03 Porter DCCC $201,017 $368,610
NV-03 Porter NRCC $15,046
NY-26 Open DCCC $179,010 $289,549
NY-29 Kuhl DCCC $8,576
OH-01 Chabot SEIU $72,451 $72,451
OH-01 Chabot DCCC $131,165 $393,900
OH-02 Schmidt NRCC $11,000
OH-15 Open DCCC $224,686 $803,966
OH-15 Open EMILY $10,095 $10,095
OH-16 Open DCCC $185,395 $802,398
PA-03 English DCCC $117,909 $416,342
PA-03 English NRCC $140,664 $177,638
PA-10 Carney DCCC $136,894 $319,064
PA-11 Kanjorski DCCC $187,174 $491,260
PA-11 Kanjorski NARPAC $189,692 $1,037,000
TX-22 Lampson DCCC $382,682
TX-23 Rodriguez DCCC $121,822 $184,049
TX-23 Rodriguez NARPAC $424,366
VA-02 Drake SEIU $150,000 $150,000
VA-11 Open DCCC $132,628 $422,002
WA-08 Reichert DCCC $19,053 $19,053
WI-08 Kagen DCCC $90,868 $155,329
WI-08 Kagen NRCC $136,401 $136,401
Total Blue $7,073,119 $19,521,990
Total Red $358,363 $1,569,476

As always, you can find more information about these expenditures (which don’t include electioneering expenditures by the likes of Freedom’s Crotch and the Dem-allied Majority Action) in our Independent Expenditure Tracker.

Note: In contrast to previous weeks, I’ve now included every race where money has been spent, even if there’s been no action this week.

Special note: The National Rifle Association is beginning to make some pretty piddly expenditures in favor of Republicans, but I’ve chosen not to include this in the chart — the sums being spent are so inconsequential and minor that I figure it’s not worth the effort. Indeed, in many House races in 2006 where the group spent money, many (if not most) of the totals spent were under $10K per race. If they start spending some significant dollars, I’ll track it, but for now they’re off the charts.

DCCC Drops $4.6 Million in 37 Districts

Boom goes the dynamite. The following independent expenditures were filed with the FEC tonight:

District Incumbent Group Expenditure
AK-AL Young DCCC $40,828
AL-02 Open DCCC $89,609
AL-05 Open DCCC $85,384
AZ-01 Open DCCC $179,509
AZ-03 Shadegg DCCC $226,559
AZ-05 Mitchell DCCC $162,838
AZ-08 Giffords DCCC $56,557
CT-04 Shays DCCC $151,861
FL-16 Mahoney DCCC $147,580
FL-24 Feeney DCCC $187,819
IL-10 Kirk DCCC $59,508
IL-11 Open DCCC $40,953
IN-09 Hill DCCC $99,870
KY-02 Open DCCC $81,891
LA-06 Cazayoux DCCC $105,159
MD-01 Open DCCC $192,460
MI-07 Walberg DCCC $74,820
MI-09 Knollenberg DCCC $229,040
MN-03 Open DCCC $220,255
MO-09 Open DCCC $43,459
NC-08 Hayes DCCC $118,207
NH-01 Shea-Porter DCCC $31,868
NJ-03 Open DCCC $87,184
NJ-07 Open DCCC $116,541
NM-01 Open DCCC $177,838
NM-02 Open DCCC $146,355
NV-03 Porter DCCC $150,379
NY-26 Open DCCC $168,434
OH-01 Chabot DCCC $114,645
OH-15 Open DCCC $198,452
OH-16 Open DCCC $156,045
PA-03 English DCCC $117,909
PA-03 English NRCC $87,865
PA-10 Carney DCCC $136,894
PA-11 Kanjorski DCCC $121,129
TX-23 Rodriguez DCCC $121,822
VA-11 Open DCCC $80,915
WI-08 Kagen DCCC $46,901
Total Blue $4,567,477
Total Red $87,865

The expenditures — mostly for TV buys and some mail — amount to the biggest single-day money dump for the DCCC so far this cycle.

The beleaguered NRCC is up with their first real TV buy of the fall in PA-03 — a telling sign of GOP Rep. Phil English’s vulnerability. They should also be posting a buy against Dem Rep. Steve Kagen (WI-08) soon.

For more details on these and other expenditures, please check SSP’s Independent Expenditure Tracker.

Independent Expenditure Roundup: 9/22-28

A summary of the independent expenditures for House races filed in the last seven days:

District Incumbent Group Last Week Total
AL-02 Open DCCC $97,985 $157,566
AL-05 Open DCCC $60,700 $206,187
AZ-01 Open DCCC $218,739 $506,171
AZ-03 Shadegg DCCC $114,824 $114,824
AZ-05 Mitchell DCCC $193,610 $504,301
AZ-08 Giffords DCCC $81,326 $116,163
CA-11 McNerney DCCC $20,277 $180,003
CO-04 Musgrave DWAF $40,000 $251,974
CT-04 Shays DCCC $153,590 $317,974
FL-16 Mahoney DCCC $100,070 $100,070
FL-24 Feeney DCCC $19,757 $19,757
IL-10 Kirk DCCC $84,520 $240,861
IL-11 Open DCCC $61,380 $610,857
IL-11 Open EMILY $21,884 $113,808
IN-09 Hill DCCC $39,771 $98,702
KY-02 Open DCCC $99,897 $99,897
LA-06 Cazayoux OPHTHPAC $49,163 $49,163
LA-06 Cazayoux DCCC $105,897 $122,449
MD-01 Open DCCC $155,295 $155,295
MI-07 Walberg DCCC $95,414 $168,068
MI-09 Knollenberg DCCC $66,823 $146,454
MN-03 Open DCCC $214,165 $363,728
MO-09 Open DCCC $28,435 $28,435
NC-08 Hayes DCCC $149,044 $420,289
NH-01 Shea-Porter DCCC $86,169 $631,048
NJ-03 Open DCCC $94,433 $281,917
NJ-07 Open DCCC $143,917 $558,414
NM-01 Open DCCC $167,022 $472,284
NM-02 Open DCCC $94,400 $94,400
NV-03 Porter DCCC $167,592 $167,592
NY-25 Open DCCC $64,139 $144,571
NY-26 Open DCCC $110,540 $110,540
OH-01 Chabot DCCC $137,100 $262,736
OH-15 Open DCCC $186,487 $579,280
OH-16 Open DCCC $192,067 $617,004
PA-03 English DCCC $91,666 $206,768
PA-03 English NRCC $26,399 $36,974
PA-10 Carney DCCC $130,704 $182,169
PA-11 Kanjorski DCCC $22,583 $304,086
TX-23 Rodriguez DCCC $24,891 $62,227
TX-23 Rodriguez NARPAC $220,446 $424,366
VA-11 Open DCCC $114,076 $289,374
WI-08 Kagen DCCC $64,461 $64,461
Total Blue $4,336,096 $10,497,066
Total Red $75,562 $86,137

Don’t let that massive blue-red discrepancy lull you into complacency — these are independent expenditures, but 501(c)(4) groups like Freedom’s Crotch and the Club For Growth are in on the action, as well. The CFG posted a $250K expenditure against Dem Rep. Chris Carney, and the Crotch is going up on the air with $1.3 million worth of multi-week ad buys in support of slimeball Republicans in IL-10, NJ-07, NM-01, and NV-03.

For more details on these and other expenditures, check out SSP’s Independent Expenditure Tracker.

DCCC Throws Down $1.6 Million in 16 Districts

The DCCC has filed nearly $1.6 million in media buys in support of House Democratic candidates tonight. Here’s the damage:

District Incumbent Group Media Buy
IL-10 Kirk DCCC $41,066
LA-06 Cazayoux DCCC $93,462
NC-08 Hayes DCCC $112,423
NH-01 Shea-Porter DCCC $31,815
NJ-03 Open DCCC $56,680
NJ-07 Open DCCC $116,541
NM-01 Open DCCC $124,981
NM-02 Open DCCC $70,729
NV-03 Porter DCCC $142,214
NY-26 Open DCCC $59,110
OH-01 Chabot DCCC $137,099
OH-15 Open DCCC $162,989
OH-16 Open DCCC $156,724
PA-03 English DCCC $91,665
PA-10 Carney DCCC $130,704
WI-08 Kagen DCCC $55,336
Total: $1,583,541

This is on top of $1.4 million in media buys filed in 15 other districts yesterday. Tonight marks the first time that the DCCC has spent money on TV ads in LA-06, NJ-03, NM-02, NV-03, and WI-08.

For more details on these and other expenditures, please consult SSP’s Independent Expenditure Tracker.

DCCC Spends $1.4 Million in 15 Districts

The DCCC filed $1.37 million worth in media buys in support of Democratic House candidates tonight. Here’s the damage:

District Incumbent Group Media Buy
AL-02 Open DCCC $91,520
AL-05 Open DCCC $60,700
AZ-01 Open DCCC $183,679
AZ-05 Mitchell DCCC $168,245
AZ-08 Giffords DCCC $58,462
CT-04 Shays DCCC $119,130
FL-16 Mahoney DCCC $91,081
IL-11 Open DCCC $40,953
KY-02 Open DCCC $88,977
LA-06 Cazayoux OPHTHPAC $49,163
MD-01 Open DCCC $145,851
MI-07 Walberg DCCC $63,040
MI-09 Knollenberg DCCC $47,392
MN-03 Open DCCC $131,894
VA-11 Open DCCC $80,915

Tonight marks the first time that the DCCC has aired ads in AZ-08, FL-16, KY-02, MD-01, and VA-11.

The lone GOP-friendly media buy comes from the bastards at the American Academy of Ophthalmology, which is dropping cash in support of Republican Bill Cassidy (himself an MD) in his race against Don Cazayoux. See you in hell, eye doctors!

But don’t get the impression that this is one-sided affair just because the NRCC is holding its musket fire. Freedom’s Crotch is up with some ad buys of its own smearing Democrats:

  • AL-02: $150,000

  • IL-11: $430,000

  • NJ-03: $74,000

  • NJ-07: $500,000

The Crotch is also spending an unspecified amount on NM-01 and NV-03. Ugh.

Independent Expenditure Roundup: 9/15-21

A summary of House race independent expenditures made in the past seven days:

District Incumbent Group Last Week Total
AK-AL Young DWAF $25,000 $25,000
AL-02 Open DCCC $32,645 $59,581
AL-05 Open DCCC $49,365 $145,487
AZ-01 Open DCCC $117,675 $287,432
AZ-05 Mitchell DCCC $130,878 $310,691
AZ-08 Giffords DCCC $14,997 $34,836
CA-11 McNerney DCCC $36,803 $159,726
CT-04 Shays DCCC $107,480 $164,384
CT-04 Shays NARPAC $505,670 $505,670
FL-13 Buchanan EMILY’s List $19,000 $19,000
IL-10 Kirk DCCC $86,972 $156,342
IL-11 Open DCCC $64,493 $549,478
IL-11 Open EMILY’s List $91,924 $91,924
IN-09 Hill DCCC $39,611 $58,931
MI-07 Walberg DCCC $32,924 $72,655
MI-09 Knollenberg DCCC $79,631 $79,631
MI-09 Knollenberg NARPAC $533,760 $533,760
MN-03 Open DCCC $121,693 $121,693
NC-08 Hayes DCCC $151,682 $271,245
NH-01 Shea-Porter DCCC $527,076 $544,880
NJ-03 Open DCCC $46,457 $187,484
NJ-07 Open DCCC $140,965 $414,497
NM-01 Open DCCC $157,547 $291,726
NY-25 Open DCCC $80,432 $80,432
OH-01 Chabot DCCC $125,636 $125,636
OH-15 Open DCCC $142,698 $392,793
OH-16 Open DCCC $165,262 $424,936
PA-03 English DCCC $97,678 $206,768
PA-11 Kanjorski DCCC $22,583 $281,503
PA-11 Kanjorski NARPAC $272,276 $847,308
TX-23 Rodriguez DCCC $13,014 $37,336
VA-11 Open DCCC $47,796 $151,399
Total Blue $3,042,193 $6,594,734
Total Red $1,039,430 $1,039,430

The DCCC continues to have the field to itself — with the notable exception of the National Association of Realtors, which is throwing down some serious cash to protect GOP Reps. Chris Shays and Joe Knollenberg. I suppose it’s sort of unsurprising that the Realtors are against Jim Himes — after all, Himes has spent the past several years working for an affordable housing nonprofit.

For more details on these expenditures, please check our Independent Expenditure Tracker.

DCCC Drops $1.75 Million on 15 Districts

The DCCC is opening up their floodgates to some serious advertising expenditures in support of Democratic House candidates. Tonight, the committee filed $1.75 million in advertising expenditures in 15 districts:

District Incumbent Media Buy
AL-02 Open $32,645
AL-05 Open $44,925
AZ-01 Open $82,615
AZ-05 Mitchell $101,893
CT-04 Shays $70,800
IL-10 Kirk $41,066
IL-11 Open $40,953
NC-08 Hayes $114,848
NH-01 Shea-Porter $493,422
NJ-07 Open $116,541
NM-01 Open $144,011
OH-01 Chabot $118,428
OH-15 Open $111,899
OH-16 Open $152,748
PA-03 English $88,552

These are some of the first significant media buys that the DCCC has made this fall, including a whopping $500K dumped against Jeb Bradley in NH-01.

The NRCC is continuing to maintain radio silence, because they can’t afford to match pace. I wonder if they’ll do some serious deficit financing in order to stay afloat this year.

More details on these and other expenditures are available in SSP’s Independent Expenditure Tracker. The DCCC has made some of these ads available to view online on their multimedia page.

Independent Expenditure Round-up: 9/8-14

Once again, SSP rounds up all the House race independent expenditures made in the past seven days:

District Incumbent Group Last Week Total
AK-AL Young DCCC $12,018 $106,270
AL-02 Open DCCC $26,936 $26,936
AL-02 Open NRCC $12,000 $12,000
AL-05 Open DCCC $45,500 $96,122
AZ-01 Open DCCC $38,485 $169,758
AZ-05 Mitchell DCCC $14,694 $179,813
AZ-08 Giffords DCCC $19,839 $19,839
CA-11 McNerney DCCC $41,760 $122,922
CA-11 McNerney NARPAC $504,444 $504,444
CT-04 Shays DCCC $27,856 $56,903
ID-01 Sali NRCC $18,500 $18,500
IA-02 Loebsack OPHTHPAC $12,500 $12,500
IL-10 Kirk DCCC $69,369 $69,369
IL-11 Open DCCC $93,514 $484,984
IN-09 Hill DCCC $19,320 $19,320
MN-03 Open DCCC $27,869 $27,869
NC-08 Hayes DCCC $119,563 $119,563
NJ-03 Open DCCC $44,178 $141,026
NJ-03 Open NRCC $16,500 $16,500
NJ-07 Open DCCC $154,204 $273,531
NM-01 Open DCCC $29,568 $147,715
NV-03 Porter NRCC $15,046 $15,046
OH-15 Open DCCC $34,417 $250,095
OH-16 Open DCCC $49,812 $259,674
PA-03 English DCCC $68,130 $109,089
PA-03 English NRCC $10,575 $10,575
PA-11 Kanjorski NARPAC $382,500 $575,032
TX-22 Lampson DCCC $40,860 $382,682
TX-23 Rodriguez DCCC $24,322 $24,322
TX-23 Rodriguez NARPAC $203,920 $203,920
VA-11 Open DCCC $28,215 $103,603

NARPAC is the National Association of Realtors PAC, which has so far has sided with Democratic incumbents this year, but I’ve heard buzz that the PAC will be spending some significant cash in support of at least one GOP member very shortly.

The DCCC is continuing to stretch out its head start over the tighter-budgeted NRCC, which so far has been limited to polling and a few direct expenditures (such as in MN-03).

For more details on these expenditures, please consult SSP’s Independent Expenditure Tracker (which is also available on the right-hand side bar under “Resources”). We keep it updated daily — or as needed.

Red to Blue: How Meaningful Is It?

Earlier this week, the DCCC unveiled an unprecedented fifth wave of its highly-touted “Red to Blue” fundraising and support program for Democratic candidates running in GOP-held House districts. With the DCCC bolstering the ranks of this program with so many up and comers, it’s worth asking: just how valuable is this endorsement, and what can its participants expect in terms of tangible support?

The “Red to Blue” distinction is essentially the DCCC’s stamp of confidence in a local campaign. Roll Call has more:

The list started in the 2004 cycle. Democratic consultant Mark Nevins worked at the DCCC before the list became akin to “the Good Housekeeping seal of approval” for Democratic Congressional races.

“If a candidate is on the Red to Blue program, it is an easy way to identify people who the party believes have a realistic shot at winning,” he said.

In other words, the distinction is an arrow drawn by the DCCC for potential donors saying: Hey, this candidate is worth your time — and money. CT-04 candidate Jim Himes sums it up well:

“It certainly got us a lot of assistance from the DCCC,” Himes said. “It certainly helped with validation and credibility, and it helped to some extent with fundraising as well.”

But after seven months on the list, Himes said Red to Blue was more helpful in the beginning stages of his campaign.

“I guess I would agree that the Red to Blue program is more helpful early on than when it comes down to people making a decision about voting,” he said. “At this point, my critical challenge is really telling my story in my district.”

In other words, the earlier a campaign can secure this endorsement, the more valuable it is in terms of attracting national donors. (That’s not to say that late-bloomers can’t win – but more on that below.)

But what about attracting cash infusions from the DCCC itself in the form of independent expenditures? Looking at each of the DCCC’s four waves of R2B in the 2006 cycle gives us a similar answer: the earlier that a campaign is added to the program, the more likely the committee has been to make independent expenditures in that particular race.

Let’s go through each of the DCCC’s Red to Blue waves in 2006, and tally up how much the DCCC spent on each race. We’ll start with the first wave, and continue with the remainder below the fold. (UPDATE: As per suggestions in the comments, I’ve added up the NRCC’s totals in these districts, too — to give you a sense of how much of a bullseye gets painted on an R2B candidate’s back.)

Wave 1 – April 27, 2006:

District Candidate DCCC IEs NRCC IEs
WA-08 Burner $2,024,515 $2,361,739
FL-09 Busansky $0 $33,705
CT-02 Courtney $2,067,241 $2,744,512
OH-01 Cranley $1,277,033 $1,459,563
NV-02 Derby $416,329 $481,992
IL-06 Duckworth $3,170,023 $3,356,473
IN-08 Ellsworth $2,210,822 $1,870,406
CT-04 Farrell $1,638,141 $1,655,045
CA-11 Filson $0 $0
NY-20 Gillibrand $789,029 $591,744
NV-03 Hafen $307,977 $475,871
IN-09 Hill $3,075,634 $3,251,553
OH-15 Kilroy $1,634,501 $1,807,722
FL-22 Klein $2,306,050 $3,352,554
TX-22 Lampson $201,596 $1,681,554
KY-04 Lucas $2,708,524 $2,246,547
NM-01 Madrid $1,997,158 $2,032,807
AZ-05 Mitchell $2,117,826 $2,250,474
CT-05 Murphy $2,074,486 $1,875,722
PA-06 Murphy $3,007,531 $3,885,491
NC-11 Shuler $171,161 $1,541,197
VT-AL Welch $424,440 $719,963

Wave 2 – July 13, 2006:

District Candidate DCCC IEs NRCC IEs
NY-24 Arcuri $1,923,916 $2,251,040
IA-01 Braley $1,899,748 $2,443,149
PA-10 Carney $1,105,863 $1,512,989
IN-02 Donnelly $917,818 $383,327
FL-13 Jennings ? ?
VA-02 Kellam $1,157,266 $1,361,623
PA-08 Murphy $1,724,669 $3,616,675
CO-07 Perlmutter $2,014,273 $556,032
PA-07 Sestak $1,934,247 $3,683,379
OH-18 Space $2,480,933 $3,399,150
NJ-07 Stender $103,663 $47,868
KY-02 Weaver $330,664 $41,569
MN-06 Wetterling $1,123,022 $2,485,283
OH-06 Wilson $607,761 $666,741

Wave 3 – September 18, 2006:

District Candidate DCCC IEs NRCC IEs
AZ-08 Giffords $653,080 $347,727
IL-17 Hare $0 $0
NH-02 Hodes $1,120,207 $471,887
WI-08 Kagen $1,220,906 $1,116,080
NY-25 Maffei $445,685 $375,495
FL-16 Mahoney $428,725 $1,667,935
CO-04 Paccione $348,634 $1,806,613
OH-13 Sutton $0 $21,074
HI-02 Hirono $0 $0

Wave 4 – October 27, 2006:

District Candidate DCCC IEs NRCC IEs
AZ-01 Simon $0 $24,142
CA-04 Brown $0 $356,137
CA-11 McNerney $216,690 $1,431,944
CA-50 Busby $0 >$0
CO-05 Fawcett $0 $149,446
ID-01 Grant $0 $609,619
KY-03 Yarmuth $320,794 $247,524
MN-01 Walz $370,883 $408,565
NC-08 Kissell $0 $0
NY-03 Mejias $0 $0
NY-19 Hall $0 $19,297
NY-26 Davis $422,901 $1,026,526
NY-29 Massa $0 $223,516
OH-02 Wulsin $0 $322,984
PA-04 Altmire $398,804 $618,555
VA-10 Feder $0 $0
WA-05 Goldmark $320,861 $0

Now, it’s pretty clear that the addition of so many races to the R2B program a week and a half before election day was mostly a “pat on the back” exercise for many of these candidates rather than a legitimate showing of support, although it’s worth noting that we’re looking at five congressmen today who came out of that last-minute batch.

However, just about every candidate in the September 18th and earlier waves received a direct helping hand by the DCCC’s IE shop – with the exception of blue seaters who never really needed the help (Hirono, Hare and Sutton), and Phyllis Busansky, who never really stood much of a chance against a candidate named “Bilirakis”.

So with all that in mind, here are the five waves of Red to Blue that the DCCC has announced so far this year: Round one, two, three, four, and five.

Special note: I could not obtain figures for FL-13, but I do know that the DCCC funneled some considerable resources here.

Independent Expenditure Round-up: 9/1-7

It’s Sunday night, which means that it’s time for SSP round up all of the House race independent expenditures filed in the last seven days. Here’s the latest damage:

District Incumbent Group Last Week Total
AK-AL Young (?) DCCC $21,833.86 $94,251.82
AL-05 Open DCCC $50,621.79 $50,621.79
AZ-01 Open DCCC $131,273.11 $131,273.11
AZ-05 Mitchell DCCC $165,119.41 $165,119.41
CA-11 McNerney DCCC $30,138.00 $81,162.07
CT-04 Shays DCCC $29,047.62 $29,047.62
IL-11 Open DCCC $65,756.92 $391,470.12
NJ-03 Open DCCC $31,814.00 $96,848.31
NJ-07 Open DCCC $26,220.64 $119,326.98
NM-01 Open DCCC $30,990.16 $118,146.92
OH-02 Schmidt NRCC $11,000.00 $11,000.00
OH-15 Open DCCC $35,044.92 $215,677.60
OH-16 Open DCCC $48,569.48 $209,862.30
PA-03 English DCCC $40,959.35 $40,959.35
TX-22 Lampson DCCC $56,302.64 $341,821.40
VA-11 Open DCCC $23,119.64 $75,388.37

Most notably, the DCCC has entered AL-05, AZ-01, AZ-05, and PA-03 for the first time this year. It’s nice to see that Dave Schweikert is getting the warm general election welcome of a prompt bloody nose from the DCCC, and the committee’s targeting of the odious Phil English means that we can expect a hotly-contested race in PA-03.

The NRCC is still holding its fire, but Tom Cole has dipped into his kitty to fund a poll in OH-02. Will its findings ever see the light of day?

In case you missed it, last week’s round-up is available here.

For more specific details on these expenditures, please check out SSP’s daily Independent Expenditure Tracker.