NV-Sen: Angle Takes the Lead

Public Policy Polling for Patriot Majority (5/12-16, likely voters):

Sharron Angle (R): 29

Sue Lowden (R): 26

Danny Tarkanian (R): 24

Chad Christensen (R): 5

John Chachas (R): 5

(MoE: ±3.8%)

Heh. Patriot Majority, a liberal PAC with ties to Harry Reid, has plopped down some scrilla to check the pulse of Sue Lowden’s campaign. (Patriot Majority was last seen putting out TV ads against Lowden’s chickencare scheme.) The poll gives further credence to the narrative that Angle is surging at Lowden’s expense, especially on the heels of the Club For Growth’s announcement that they will put their financial muscle behind Angle. (Also recall that a recent Mason-Dixon poll only had Lowden ahead of Angle by 30-25.)

Angle, an ex-state Assemblywoman, is a true movement conservative — one that Democrats thought they could’ve beat had she won the GOP nomination against Dean Heller in Nevada’s 2nd CD back in 2006. I’m not sure which candidate Harry Reid would prefer to take on: the Chicken Lady or the Growther.