Important Answers to Important Questions

This is Basil Marceaux. Basil Marceaux is running for governor of Tennessee. But I’d rather let Basil Marceaux introduce himself in his own words:

On his informative website, Basil Marceaux makes a very serious campaign promise:


Now, I’m bringing this up because of another candidate you might recall, Lee Mercer. Lee Mercer ran for president in 2008, and point 49 of his stirring 70-point platform included this stirring pledge:

To Prove the United States Government killed my sex life, my wife sex life, my daughter-in -laws sex life both may sons and other of my family members sex life with Espionage Experimentation and Espionage Exploitation sex killing.

So the question is, if you vote for him, can Basil Marceaux IMMUNE YOU from Espionage Experimentation and Espionage Exploitation sex killing?

The answer, sadly, is no. Espionage Experimentation and Espionage Exploitation sex killing is clearly a federal crime. Sorry! Better luck next time.

Weekly Open Thread: Favorite Crackpot Candidate Websites

This is Leland Lehrman, an alternative media publisher from Sante Fe.  Mr. Lehrman is the other candidate in New Mexico’s Democratic Senate primary, where he’s running a hard-charging campaign against progressive Rep. Tom Udall and Albuquerque Mayor Marty Chavez.

Lehrman’s campaign site lays out what is perhaps the boldest platform of any Senate candidate this year.  It truly runs the gamut: the impeachment of Bush and Cheney, dismantling the Department of Homeland Security, “9/11 Truth”, decommissioning all foreign U.S. military bases, the declaration of a jubilee year with the cancellation of all foreign and domestic consumer debts, and the abolishment of all school vaccinations.

There has been no word yet on whether his campaign will reward donors with these complimentary pillows (made by the finest organic hemp and cotton, of course).  We will keep a close eye on this.

Of course, crackpots don’t just run for the House and Senate; there are many currently running for the White House, as well.  (And no, we don’t mean these guys.)  Our favorite of the cycle, and on the shortlist for the SSP Presidential endorsement?  Lee L. Mercer, Jr., whose site boasts a stirring, 70-point explanation for his candidacy.  My favorite:

49. To Prove the United States Government killed my sex life, my wife sex life, my daughter-in -laws sex life both may sons and other of my family members sex life with Espionage Experimentation and Espionage Exploitation sex killing.

Somebody please get this man an Actblue page!

What are your favorite crackpot candidate websites?  Feel free to post your favorite links in the comments.

PS: Say what you will about these nutters, but at least they have the sense not to host their official websites on Geocities.

Notable User Diaries

Quite a few good ones this week, including:

  • OH-05: Despite the deep red hue of this district, Robin Weirauch is getting some help from Democratic institutions.  Ohio anon explains, and OhioDailyBlog has more.
  • DemocraticLuntz tells us about the state of play in MD-01’s GOP primary, and how it just got even crazier.
  • This cycle, Marty Chavez is easily SSP’s least-favorite Democratic candidate. DGM wonders if Marty’s dirty campaign tactics are fueled as much by pique as by strategy.
  • plf515 gives us an interesting analysis of congressional districts, ethnicity, and presidential vote, complete with some eye-catching graphs.
  • Interested in effects of money, incumbency, political climate, and party in recent House elections?  Dreaminonempty is back with a pair of fascinating diaries on the subject.  Check them out here and here.
  • How badly is the GOP lagging in recruiting House candidates?  Benawu does the dirty work and finds that only 276 districts have confirmed Republican challengers — a far cry from the 354 districts with candidates who have stepped up for Team Blue.