CO-Sen, CO-Gov: Ipsos Has Buck Up 9, Bennet Internal Disagrees

Ipsos/Reuters (8/20-22, likely voters, no trend lines):

Michael Bennet (D-inc): 40

Ken Buck (R): 49

Undecided: 10

(MoE: ±4.6%)

Ipsos is back with the rosiest poll yet for turd-caked boot fetishist Ken Buck. The poll also offers an unsurprising glimpse of the enthusiasm gap in Colorado: 76% of Republicans say they are “completely certain” that they’ll vote compared to 59% of Democrats who feel the same. That gap is reflected in the registered voter screen version of the poll, where Buck’s lead over Bennet drops to 44-40.

Bennet’s campaign responded this morning with details of a Harstad Stategic Research poll (8/16-20, likely voters) conducted for their campaign:

Michael Bennet (D-inc): 44

Ken Buck (R): 40

(MoE: ±?%)

Bennet’s also up with a one-minute broadcast ad tearing into Ken Buck, in his own words. Republican media buying company Smart Media Group says that Bennet now has $106K worth of broadcast ads currently on the airwaves.

Ipsos also has a set of numbers on the gubernatorial race:

John Hickenlooper (D): 45

Dan Maes (R): 45

Other: 1

Undecided: 9

John Hickenlooper (D): 41

Dan Maes (R): 33

Tom Tancredo (C): 16

Undecided: 9

(MoE: ±4.6%)

Yikes — if there was ever a reflection of how scary this environment is for Democrats, it’s the sight of John Hickenlooper being tied with broke-assed tinfoil-hatter Dan Maes in a direct head-to-head race. (Among registered voters, Hickenlooper leads by 48-38, and by 42-27-19 in a three-way.) Those numbers are a lot more optimistic for Dan Maes than the most recent most recent PPP poll, but keep in mind that PPP hadn’t shifted to a likely voter model when they last tested this race.

Still, Hickenlooper is still clearly favored — Tancredo is still in this game, and Maes is, not surprisingly, having serious money woes. Even if you have the generic ballot on your side, it’s a bit difficult to win an election with a shoestring ad campaign…

Full Ipsos crosstabs are available below the fold.


CO-Sen, CO-Gov: Poll Roundup (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Plagiarism)

SurveyUSA for the Denver Post/KUSA-TV (7/27-29, likely and actual voters for the primary, registered voters for the general, 6/15-17 in parens):

Michael Bennet (D-inc): 45 (53)

Andrew Romanoff (D): 48 (36)

Undecided: 8 (11)

(MoE: ±4.3%)

Ken Buck (R): 50 (53)

Jane Norton (R): 41 (37)

Undecided: 9 (10)

(MoE: ±4.1%)

Michael Bennet (D-inc): 43 (43)

Ken Buck (R): 43 (46)

“Third Party”: 7 (6)

Undecided: 7 (5)

Michael Bennet (D-inc): 46 (44)

Jane Norton (R): 43 (47)

“Third Party”: 7 (5)

Undecided: 5 (4)

Andrew Romanoff (D): 44 (40)

Ken Buck (R): 44 (49)

“Third Party”: 6 (6)

Undecided: 6 (5)

Andrew Romanoff (D): 40 (41)

Jane Norton (R): 45 (45)

“Third Party”: 8 (8)

Undecided: 7 (7)

(MoE: ±3.2%)

Yup, shit just got real for Michael Bennet. After dwarfing Andrew Romanoff in terms of both polls and fundraising for months, Bennet’s support has taken a major hit from the stream of negative ads that Romanoff has launched in recent days. I suppose it shouldn’t be surprising, considering that voters have no fealty to an incumbent appointed by an unpopular departing Governor who’s still struggling to project himself as more Senatorial than Some Dude, but it’s still remarkable, nonetheless.

Perhaps most disturbing for Michael Bennet is that his pushback against this poll, in the form of his own internal poll, was less than forceful. Bennet’s poll, conducted by Harstad Strategic Research from 7/28-29, has Romanoff trailing by only 41-37. Yikes!

Gubernatorial numbers:

Scott McInnis (R): 39 (57)

Dan Maes (R): 43 (29)

Undecided: 18 (14)

(MoE: ±4.1%)

John Hickenlooper (D): 48 (43)

Scott McInnis (R): 43 (47)

Undecided: 9 (4)

John Hickenlooper (D): 50 (44)

Dan Maes (R): 41 (45)

Undecided: 9 (6)

John Hickenlooper (D): 46

Dan Maes (R): 24

Tom Tancredo (ACP): 24

Undecided: 7

John Hickenlooper (D): 44

Scott McInnis (R): 25

Tom Tancredo (ACP): 26

Undecided: 6

(MoE: ±3.2%)

Is John Hickenlooper the luckiest candidate this cycle, or what? For what it’s worth, a Republican poll of otherwise unknown origin, flashed to Chris Cillizza, apparently has McInnis ahead of the unknown, poorly-funded Dan Maes by 15% — and Jane Norton ahead of Ken Buck by 45-40 in the Senate primary.