Kyle Foust a solid opponent against Rep. Phil English according to DCCC

Check out this release posted on the DCCC’s site on the Congressional race heating up in Pennsylvania’s 3rd.  U.S. Rep. Phil English, a relatively uncharismatic candidate, has managed to coast to election victories over the last twelve years as a result of dysfunction within Erie’s Democratic party (spoken as a former resident of Erie, not as an expert!). 

But when Kyle Foust, Chair of the Erie County Council, announced his interest in running against Rep. English, the waves started to work through English’s infrastructure.  Foust has a big family name in Erie (his father was a legend in Erie local politics), and the district has more registered dems than republicans. 

From the DCCC site:

Judging by the reaction of English and his staff, it’s clear they consider Foust a credible challenger. English expressed “surprise” that Foust would acknowledge interest in a congressional run, considering it’s a year away. And Brad Moore, the Erie County Republican Party chairman and a former English aide, wrote in a news release, “The ink isn’t even dry yet for Councilman Foust’s position on the November ballot to represent his County Council district for another term, and he is already declaring he intends to run for Congress.”

That’s not subtle. The political chase is on.