FL-GOV: Sink leads McCollum 38-34 in new Quinnipiac poll

In Florida, Democratic Gubernatorial candidate and current state CFO Alex Sink finds herself with a 38-34 lead in a new poll by Quinnipiac University (margin of error of +/- 2.8 percentage points). . This is the first poll to show Sink in the lead and in the analysis offered by Quinnipiac gives some basic reasoning as to why Sink is in the lead (hint she's a Democrat!):

“One reason may be that in the survey he is identified as a Republican and she a Democrat,” Brown added. “In Florida, as in much of the nation these days, the GOP label is not necessarily a plus, even though 50 percent of voters say the fact that Florida's governor has been Republican since 1998 has been good for the state, compared to 37 percent who say GOP rule has been bad for Florida.”

Sink indeed gets most of her strength due to a higher percentage of Democrats in Florida versus Republicans. Sink leads 72 – 11 percent among Democrats while McCollum is ahead 72 – 5 percent among Republicans and 32 – 27 percent among independent voters.

While a ton of voters are still undecided (25 percent), it is fortunate to see Sink with the early lead here as her candidancy points to great opportunity for Democrats to take back the Governor's manison, which has been held by Republicans since 1998


3 thoughts on “FL-GOV: Sink leads McCollum 38-34 in new Quinnipiac poll”

  1. I’m a big advocate of our party recruiting more dynamic women and minorities to run for office.  It makes sense in a nation that is so diverse, much less us being the diverse party in the two party system.  Sink’s victory is going to be one more crack in the glass ceiling and will open the doors for others to follow in her footsteps.

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