UPDATE: Chris Norby, the Current Board of Supervisors member will run for the 72nd, instead of Clerk-Recorder. (H/tOCRegister)
UPDATE 2: Placentia Councilman Scott Nelson, Former Placentia Councilman and wife of Former Senate GOP Leader Dick Ackerman, Linda Ackerman are either planning on running or expressed interest.
I was planning on making this apart of the other diaries to come on Assembly races, but because of Mike DuVall’s latest resignation after it is known that he is another idiotic family values republican who pulled a Sanford. Even Lynn Daucher, the last assemblywoman from my home city, was moderate on Abortion (Hmm, always the women in the GOP, with the pro-choice sentiments?)
Now for the district:
Basically, it covers most of North OC, including Placentia, La Habra, Brea, part of Fullerton and Anaheim..and Yorba Linda. There is hope, we can win here if we try hard to get stand behind John MacMurray elected. The only obstacle is Yorba Linda, with its very slanted registration status makes it the sole decider on who becomes an Assemblyperson. It is also the least GOP district in Orange County, with only 43.2% Republican, 33.8% Democratic while just about 19% are Decline to State.
The issue, like President Obama’s campaign: The Independents. They can swing this district blue if we can get a strong message and alot of campaign donations. Fullerton is DEM-friendly, where McCain won by less than a 1,000 votes! Anaheim is, along with La Habra (Shout out to Councilwoman Rose Espinosa!). Brea and Placentia are GOP-favored, but are small to not make much difference. Then..Yorba Linda. Yes, the same Yorba Linda where Richard Nixon’s Presidential library is, where over 50% of voters are Republican, and Democrats narrowly beat the Independents. The issues must be on the Economy, Health Care and Education. Stick it to the voters, how rude the GOP is ( like a certain congressman shouting crap at tonight’s state of the union address, and Rahm gets the last laugh) But anti-reformers are also here, thanks to a recent townhall by Rep. Gary “Dirty” Miller (R-Diamond Bar). The idea is a simple one: Unite. Unite moderate Republicans (yes, they’re still alive here.) who are socially moderate, fiscally conservative and moderate Democrats who are hesitant about the Public Option. Better than a Zell Miller Democrat (if i can say that), but not necessarily a Blue Dog either. Maybe he can stylize himself as a “Bi-Partisan Democrat” or something. Only time will tell..
Current Challengers:
John MacMurray, a teacher from La Habra
Chris Norby, Current Member of the Board of Supervisors
Possibly Brea City Councilman Marty Simonoff, who lost to DuVall in the primary 61%-39%
Possibly Placentia Councilman Scott Nelson
Possibly Former Placentia Councilman Scott Brady
Possibly Linda Ackerman, wife of former GOP Senate Leader Dick Ackerman
Possibly City of Orange Councilman Jon Dumitru
I’ll expand on this a bit later, but for now let’s just stand behind John MacMurray.

was held to just 55% against MacMurray last year, and MacMurray got almost no support from the CDP IIRC. With MacMurray running again and the scandal fresh in people’s minds, then a takeover is not out of the question. MacMurray needs to do some inroads through Yorba Linda to have a shot at winning.