As it turns out, Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) is seeing immediate, tangible consequences to his now-infamous heckle during President Obama’s address before congress last night.
Proof that one man’s loss is another man’s gain: in the hours following South Carolina’s GOP Rep. Joe Wilson’s “You lie!” outburst during President Barack Obama’s joint address to Congress Wednesday evening, his 2010 Democratic opponent has raised about $100,000 from 3,000 people, according to a spokeswoman for the House Democrats’ campaign operation.
Full article:…
This incident could have just turned Rob Miller into this cycle’s Elwyn Tinklenberg. However, while Michele Bachmann’s loony tune Hardball appearance occurred in the lead-up to Election Day, Wilson’s fall from grace is happening over a year out from November 2010, which seemingly would give him ample time to recover, particularly in a conservative state like South Carolina.
Even so, given his fairly narrow margin of victory last year, Wilson clearly – and totally unnecessarily – has offered up red meat for a campaign that may have otherwise floundered, and given Democrats a reason to be fired up in an otherwise uninspiring midterm election season.

Yesterday, as the speech from Obama began, I had no idea that this man even existed, let alone that he was in a pretty close race last year in South Carolina no less (I thought Henry Brown was the only one). Just goes to show you how in one nanosecond you can go from a nobody to the most infamous in a place like Congress.
Oh yeah, and he’s from South Carolina. Go figure.
Obama should send Wilson a thank you note for this outburst. After the fact-checkers determined that Obama was telling the truth, Wilson’s gaffe has once again hurt the Republican party. The last thing the GOP wanted was the networks telling the American public that he was not misleading them on the details. The GOP misinformation campaign has been temporarily disrailed.
BTW, I loved it when Obama indirectly took out Palin and her beloved death panels. The GOP should pay Palin off so she can just keep her mouth shut and allow her to help raise her family.
Rob Miller is clearly the one who should send the thank-you note. Take a look at these numbers:…
It’s fantastic that Wilson had a serious opponent like this, so that people’s outrage can turn into strategically useful action.
because it’s hard for a Democrat to win a Congressional seat in conservative parts of South Carolina, but I sure wish Miller the best of luck against this idiot.
Wilson’s outburst yesterday was not the first time he demonstrated visceral hatred towards a political opponent, and got himself filmed jabbing his finger in the air. Watch this jem from back in 2002 when he was debating with Bob Filner (D-CA), about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq:
Maybe Filner should have responded instead of blubbering incoherently, while then (and still) moron Joe Wilson called him UnAmerican.