305 thoughts on “Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?”

  1. I’ll be in a layover in Las Vegas.  This is my first time there when I can legally gamble, although I’m not sure I’ll try out the slots a bit at the airport.

  2. I was reading an article about McConnell and they talked about Senator elect Mike Lee from Utah:

    …new-breed Republicans like Utah’s Mike Lee, a strict constitutionalist who won’t vote for anything James Madison would have rejected…

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/s

    I have a funny feeling he’s going to be on the lonely side of a lot of 1-99 votes for the next six years.  

  3. of the latest politico article I’ve been reading:

    Kamala Harris: Democrats’ Anti-Palin


    All I could say is if she does well in the Attorney General’s office I could see her running for the senate in 2016 if Boxer retires. Maybe she and Jim Webb should have a chat about reforming the criminal justice system one of these days. Though I don’t know how she could be considered the “Anti-Palin” since Palin’s only claim to fame was she was McCain’s VP in 2008 and quickly found out her oversized ego was too large for Alaska and Alaskans to stomach.

  4. Holidays all. I’m currently on the Mass border between Tsongas and Hode’s CD visiting family. I am having an AMAZING time. I may end up getting snowed in from the sounds of it. What is up with all the dunkin’ doughnuts here? I hope everyone else is having a great holiday as well. Anyone visiting other CD’s for the holidays? I know I was in Hinchey’s CD as I saw bumper stickers and I went through a bunch of CD’s in PA and OH.  I can’t name them all, not going to try. I’ll be going through Welch’s CD as well. I love Vermont.  

  5. but is anyone’s state preparing for some big, possibly revolutionary legislation?  somewhat like vermont attempting single payer and florida’s education reform.

  6. After Emmer won the GOP endorsement, him the other endorsees went on a tour of the state and Emmer did some other site visits.  He went to a restaurant and said that he supported cutting tipped earner wages and that some servers make up to $100k a year.

    This was first major introduction to the state as the candidate and he got torn to shreds.  Considering the 9000 vote margin, this gaffe most likely cost him the election.  After this, he got painted as extreme pretty quickly along with Dayton, as Dayton was always viewed as an extremist.

  7. But what do you think of it?

    Why the GOP’s redistricting advantage is overstated

    Here’s the conclusion of the article:

    So what does it all mean? It means that Republicans, if they are smart, will focus on shoring up what they’ve got, rather than expanding the map.

    They have a large majority now, and they’ve got lots of power over the redistricting process. If they use that power to make sure their current members are safe rather than expanding the map, they will have a much better shot at keeping their majority for election cycles to come.

    If they start getting greedy, as politicians have been known to do, they risk losing big if yet another wave sweeps the country.

    While the GOP’s ability to add seats may be overblown, its ability to shore up its current members is not. And if the party plays its cards right, it will reap the benefits for years to come.

    Just don’t bank on Republicans adding 10 to 20 new GOP seats in the coming round of redistricting.

  8. is old news but still news. Peter Buttigieg, who just lost a race for State Treasurer, is running for Mayor of South Bend. It’s great news for us if he wins, I think he’s the future of the IN  Dem party, said it months before the election on this blog even when I knew he would lose. He’s just 28 years old, a Harvard grad with a giant IQ who did decent in his first run. He really impressed me, very smart and very personable. If he can win this race, still tough, then I think he’ll have a great future statewide. The longtime incumbent Mayor is not seeking re-election. He’ll have to get past state rep Ryan Dvorak in the D primary and I’ve heard Dvorak is a very tough candidate to beat.


    I know it only lists him as a possible candidate but it says he’s definitely running on his Face Book. Couldn’t find another link.  

  9. Not at all a surprise, because Snyder had always made it clear that he didn’t support the dealth penalty, but here he is praising opposition to it:

    Gov.-elect Rick Snyder stepped in between his nominee to head the Michigan State Police and veteran Capitol reporter Tim Skubick at a press conference Wednesday, and in the process tipped his hand on his views relating to capital punishment.

    Skubick asked the incoming Michigan State Police Director, Lt. Col. Kristie Etue, if she supported capital punishment. The question resulted in guffaws from the gathered press and Snyder transition members, as well as Snyder, Lt. Gov.-elect Brian Calley and others.

    Snyder stepped up to the podium as Etue stepped back. He reminded Skubick it was “Christmas,” and Skubick pushed a little harder for the an answer.

    “I am proud to say Michigan was the first to abolish capital punishment in the civilized world,” Snyder said. At that point, Snyder communications direct Geralyn Lasher stepped in and informed the press the governor-elect would take one more question.

    Michigan banned capital punishment on May 18, 1846.

    This guy just keeps finding ways to piss of his insane base. lol

  10. Roll Call has a pretty good piece on what’s going on with the GOP in ND potentially targeting Conrad (although they inexplicably get his age wrong by 10 years – he’s 62 not 52)

    ND is one of only 5 states I’ve never been too and I honestly have NO idea what the political reality is on the ground – so I’ve love to hear from any other SSPers who know the state;

    Question is;

    1. How likely is Conrad to call it a career (62 is pretty young for a sentator and he chairs the Senate Budget Committee)

    2. They’ve gotten impressive vote totals down ballot in their recent elections, but are Stenehjem (AG), Wrigley (LG) & Kalk (PSC member) legitimately capable of putting together and running Senate campaigns to challenge Conrad?

  11. For all the far left loonies a right wing crazies dreaming of a Bernie Sanders presidential run you can forget it.


    One of the Senate’s liberal leaders said that, despite receiving pleas to challenge President Obama in 2012, he won’t take the bait.

    When asked last week about launching a potential campaign against the president, self-described democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said he “ain’t gonna do it.”

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