GA-Sen: Six Point Race?

Mason-Dixon (10/22-23, likely voters, no trendlines):

Jim Martin (D): 39

Saxby Chambliss (R-inc): 45

Allen Buckley: 5

Undecided: 11

(MoE: 4%)

Sneaky, sneaky. NBC commissioned this poll from Mason-Dixon and announced the results on Meet the Press – but they apparently haven’t really pushed it out online (hence the link to Pollster above). This is the first poll in some time showing daylight between the two candidates, and it also has a relatively high number of undecideds. The good news here is that Chambliss is still under 50 and if he doesn’t get too lucky with the undecideds, we’ll be headed to a runoff.

GA-Sen: On Track for a Runoff

Insider Advantage (10/27, likely voters, 10/23 in parens):

Jim Martin (D): 44 (42)

Saxby Chambliss (R-inc): 46 (44)

Other: 2 (2)

(MoE: ±3.8%)

Say what you will about this race, it’s consistent. While nobody has shown an actual lead for Jim Martin, almost every poll in the last few weeks has shown him 2 points back, or thereabouts.

With such a close race, and with Libertarian Allen Buckley consistently gobbling up a few points, it’s starting to look likelier and likelier that Chambliss will fall slightly shy of the 50% mark. With Lunsford a few points short and Musgrove starting to dwindle, it’s looking like the question of whether or not we break 60 seats may well turn on a December runoff election in Georgia.

GA-Sen: Runoff If No One Clears 50%

Huh. So this pretty critical piece of information seems to have escaped a lot of people’s attention – including, I must admit, mine:

One possible scenario, which seems somewhat likely based on poll data, is that Chambliss wins a slight plurality, but not the 50% plus one required for a majority.

If Chambliss and Martin go into a run-off, the race will likely garner national attention and financial resources from national Democratic and Republican parties.

Andre in Atlanta explains the backstory:

After Wyche Fowler was defeated by Paul Coverdell in 1992, the Democratic-led Georgia General Assembly changed lowered the threshold for electoral victory to a plurality rather than a majority.  In 2005, the Republican-led General Assembly changed it back to a majority, 50% plus one, to win.

If necessary, a runoff would be held on Dec. 2nd, so props if you knew all this. Anyhow, with Libertarian candidate Allan Buckley in the race, a runoff is a definite possibility – Buckley’s been pulling about 5% according to the Pollster composites. What’s more, Georgia’s own Bob Barr at the, uh, top of the ticket on the Libertarian line, so that could draw in even more Lib votes.

The real question is whether a runoff would be a boon to us. On the one hand, you would no longer have Obama at the top of the ticket. On the other hand, you’d have the entire resources of what ought to be a pretty energized Democratic Party at the ready. Of course, the GOP thought the same thing in Louisiana in 2002 when they tried to eliminate Mary Landrieu. They had the hubris to call it “Operation Icing on the Cake” – but all they got was a pie in the face.

I’m very curious to hear what Swing Staters think about the likelihood of a runoff, and to whose benefit (if anyone’s) one would redound.

GA-Sen: The Libertarian is now getting on the air

Today, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that Allen Buckley, the Libertarian candidate for the Senate from Georgia, is going up on the air on cable in Metro Atlanta and Columbus.  This is good news.  The analysis for a Survey USA poll states that Buckley hurts Chambliss more.

The first ad is over the flip.

Allen Buckley Commercial #1 from Allen Buckley on Vimeo.

And while we’re here, give Jim Martin some love: a Act Blue.

GA-Sen: Jim Martin outraised Saxby Chambliss in Q3

According to the Politico, Jim Martin pulled in $1.3 million in the third quarter compared to Saxby Chambliss' total of $1.1 million. While this number is encouraging, Jim's spending leaves him with only $93,000 left in COH.

However, this number does not take into account the $100,000+ raised in the last week on ActBlue. Of which, Swing State donors have contributed over $5000! This race is close in the polls and the fundraising numbers are certainly a sign people are investing to send Saxby home in November.



GA-Sen: DSCC buys $500,000 worth of ad time on five stations

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution the DSCC has bought $514,950 worth of TV-ads in on five Atlanta TV stations.…


As of late Tuesday afternoon, Atlanta’s five network affiliates: WSB, WXIA, WAGA and WGCL and WATL had not received copies of the ad, which is slated to run Wednesday morning. The ad will run largely during news broadcasts and in prime time, during such popular programs as “Dancing with the Stars,” “House” and NFL Sunday pre-game show.

The size of DSCC order is substantial. At $514,950, it is much larger than any weekly TV ad buy made by Martin since of the start of his campaign. The ad is scheduled to run 369 times by next week.

$500,000 is not much, but at least they are finally in. There should be more where that came from.  

GA-Sen: Money Where Their Mouths Are?

Looks like the DSCC is finally dipping its toes in the water in the Peach State:

Last week, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairman U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer described Georgia and Kentucky as “even-steven races.” The committee hasn’t, however, officially added Georgia to its list of battleground states, and has been slow to pour money into the race. A spokesman said the committee did partially fund Martin’s latest television ad, which blames Chambliss for the economic turmoil.

“We think it’s a neck-and-neck race,” said DSCC spokesman Matthew Miller. “That’s why we sent money to the state party.”

The blogosphere has really stepped it up here in just the last few days. Daily Kos raised over $42K for Martin, and we’re just shy of $5,000 here at SSP. (Who wants to put us over the top?) I’m glad to see the DSCC get involved here, but with time running out, it’s time for them to seriously kick it up a notch. If we truly want to break the GOP’s spirit, this is the place to do it. It’s time to act now.

GA-Sen: You Did It!

I can’t believe my eyes! Look at this:

Goal Thermometer

Earlier in the day, DavidNYC challenged the SSP community to raise $500 for Georgia Senate candidate Jim Martin, who is currently locked in a tight race with the odious GOP Sen. Saxby Chambliss. Well, you guys answered that call to action (and then some), and the SSP Blogfather himself has laid down five Franklins as a matching gift just a few minutes ago.

Give yourselves a big pat on the back. You guys have truly went above and beyond to both help Jim Martin scrape together the resources he needs and to help us meet our goals. While we won’t be moving the goalposts again (at least, not right now), if anyone wants to help push us past $5,000, you are certainly welcome to.

Once again, thank you for your generosity!

GA-Sen: Money Where My Mouth Is

Enough talking the talk – time to walk the walk. Here’s the deal, folks: I am going to donate $500 to Jim Martin’s campaign today. The catch is that this is a match – if SSP readers pony up $500 of your own today, then you’ll get double your value, since I’ll come in on top of that with $500 from my own checkbook.

Because I have faith in you guys, we’re gonna up the goal one last time, to $4600 – the equivalent of a very generous patron giving a double-max donation to the Martin campaign. Martin undoubtedly didn’t get too many double-maxes, seeing as he didn’t get much buzz until very recently. But we can make up that gap.

Goal Thermometer

So please – give today. Your money will go twice as far, and Jim Martin needs every penny he can get.

GA-Sen: Have You Given to Jim Martin Yet?

Man, we’re getting close to our goal. Check it out:

Goal Thermometer

Who wants to put us over $2,000?

UPDATE (James): Wow! Your generosity has been staggering. Can we hit $2,100 by dawn?

UPDATE (David): Alright, Col. Sanders – proceed to LUDICROUS SPEED! Since we blew past $2,100 in little over a day, I now declare our new goal to be $3,000. Let’s go go go!