Atlanta attorney Jim Martin had much to celebrate last night at Piedmont Park’s Park Tavern as he, his family, and campaign team savored a landslide victory rout over DeKalb County Executive Vernon Jones.
Atlanta’s WSB-TV is reporting this morning that Martin garnered 190000+ votes to win 60/40 over Jones with 99% of precints reporting. WSB election results data can be found here.
According to the Atlanta Journal Constitition:
.Turnout was light in the race for the Democratic Party nomination for the U.S. Senate seat held by incumbent Republican U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss.
Only 18 percent of registered voters cast ballots in the primary, and fewer than half of those were expected to return to the polls Tuesday for 12 hours of voting that began at 7 a.m.
The entire AJC article can be found here.
While many local and national pundits have viewed a Martin/Chambliss contest as a third tier race, recent polling data suggests otherwise Chambliss is vulnerable. Recent polling shows that fewer than 40% of Georgia voters are planning to vote to re-elect him this November. Here is recent polling data from the Mellman Group here.
This is a winnable race. An exceptionally strong African American turnout in Georgia this fall in support of Barack Obama, aided by substantial liberal voting blocs in Fulton and DeKalb counties, Athens, and Savannah, can propel Martin to victory in November.
Whether you live in Georgia or elsewhere, your help is needed. Saxby Chambliss begins this race with a substantial $4 million+ campaign war chest. Although Jim Martin has proven to be an adept fundraiser in previous campaigns, he cannot overcome this current Chambliss financial advantage without your help.
Saxby Chambliss’ despicable, vicious and dishonest attacks on war hero and former Senator Max Cleland in the 2002 election, plus his unyielding support of George W. Bush for the last six years underscore his lack of character and judgement. He’s in the same league as other Bushbots like Joe Lieberman, John Cornyn, and others. It’s time for us to GET EVEN and remove the stench of Saxby Chambliss from the US Senate.
Whether you live in Georgia or elsewhere, your help is needed. Saxby Chambliss begins this race with a substantial $4 million+ campaign warchest. Although Jim Martin has proven to be an adept fundraiser in previous campaigns, he cannot overcome this current Chambliss financial advantage without your help. Please consider a donation today to help Jim defeat Chambliss.
Donate to the Martin For Senate campaign here.
Be sure to put add a penny (.01) to your donation so it can be identified as netroots support.
An exceptionally strong network of volunteers in the Atlanta area were critical to Jim Martin’s primary and runoff successes, but much more help will be needed to successfully defeat Chambliss. Whether you are a Georgia resident or reside in surrounding states like Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, or SC, please take time to volunteer and help us remove the Stench of Saxby from public office. You can volunteer to help Jim Martin defeat Saxby Chambliss here.
Cross posted at Daily Kos.

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